(Sanayeon) Hug

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No one's POV

Nayeon keeps looking at the clock while steering the hot chocolate she's currently making. She sat down on the sofa and looked at the clock again and then at the door hoping that this time, the person she was waiting for would finally arrive.

8pm turns 9, 9 turns 10 and just few minutes more 10pm will turn 11. Nayeon sighed as she sends another message to that person. "Where is she?" She muttered worriedly.

Nayeon stood up and went to the balcony, feeling the soft wind hit her face, making her hair fly back. Then the door suddenly clicked open wich made the bunny rush to the door.

Finally, after hours of waiting she's here. Without hesitation, Nayeon pulled Sana into a hug wich caused the younger to giggle. "Are you alright Nayeonie?"

"I am, but you're not." Nayeon stated, not breaking the hug but instead she wrapped her arms around Sana's waist tighter.

"W-what do you mean?" Sana's voice cracked just like how her heart is right now.

"I saw you laughing a lot earlier but I saw so much pain in your eyes, Satang."

And with what Nayeon said, Sana bursted out in tears. She doesn't want to cry but no matter how hard she try to stop herself, tears would just keep on falling.

"Don't stop yourself Satang, it's okay to cry. You don't have to hide anything from me and you know that so just let it all out. I'm here, I will always be here." Nayeon caressed the younger's back as she continued to sob.

"You can really see through me huh?" Sana said in between her sobs. "Out of everyone, you're the only one who saw the pain I've been hiding and you're the only one who knew what I needed right now..."

"A hug. Your hug." Sana added.

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