(Mimo) Stop avoiding me

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No one's POV

Twice were currently having a break from their dance practice. Jeongyeon sat on the floor beside Momo. "Hey pervert, how long are you going to stare at Minari?"

Momo blink few times before realizing she was staring at the penguin for a while now.

"Who are you calling pervert?" Tzuyu joined the conversation.

"This raccoon here our dear yoda" the short haired girl replied back.

"Stop it you guys, I'm not a pervert, Sana is." Momo defended and as soon as Sana heard her name got mentioned, she immediately went over to them.

"Huh? What about me?" The squirrel asked.

"Nothing, Satang.Tzuyu just wanted your help about the dance." Momo smirked when she saw the youngest blushed and laughed when the yoda gave her a death glare but the Tzuyu immediately softened by the time Sana grabbed her.

Momo knows Tzuyu have a big crush on the Sana but Sana is just too dense to know about it.

"Why don't you just talk to her instead of staring at her? It's creepy y'know."

Momo sighed in defense before answering Jeongyeon. "I can't, she'll just avoid me. I don't even have an idea on what I did wrong."

"Geez, you two used to be the closest but now? What happened to you two?"

"I told you I don't know." Momo let out a deep sogh while Jeongyeon patted her back.


"Alright girls, pack up your things. We will wait for you outside." Twice's manager said wich they immediately obeyed for they are aching to go back to their dorm and rest.

One by one exited the room except for the two Japanese girls, Momo and Mina.

Mina cursed under her breath as she look for her phone almost everywhere.

"Looking for this, Mitang?" Momo asked in a teasing tone. Mina turned and saw Momo holding her phone.

"What the...." how the heck did she get my phone? The penguin thought to herself not knowing that Momo intentionally took her phone.

"Give it to me Momo, the others are waiting" the penguin said and walked towards the older girl. She tried to reach for her phone but the latter held ot higher making it harder for the younger girl to get.

"I will but only in one condition" The older Japanese said as she leaned closer to Mina. This made the latter to step back a little.

"What is it?"

"Stop avoiding me."

"I wasn't avoiding-" the penguin was cutted off by the older's words.

"Stop. Avoiding. Me." Each word, Momo steps closer while Mina steps back.

Mina mentally cursed when her back hit the table."You can keep my phone instead. I'll go now." She pushed the latter lightly and was about to leave when Momo pulled her and trapped her with both arms on the edge of the table.

"I'm sorry but I'm not accepting your answer." The raccon said making Mina glare. "Just stop avoiding me."

"I can't-" Mina's eyes widened when Momo pressed her soft lips to her. The shocked latter blushed. Mina didn't hesitate to kiss back when Momo paused for a second.

This girl Infront of Mina, the girl she liked- no, she love for so long kissed her but this is wrong, very wrong. They shouldn't be doing this.

Momo broke the kiss and looked at the blushing penguin. A smirk was formed on her lips after seeing the reaction of the younger girl infront her.

"Now, will you stop avoiding me Mittang?"

"Ani-(no-)" Momo stopped her by giving her a short kiss. The older girl was planning to do this over and over again until the latter would agree.

"F-Fine! S-Stop kissing me." The blushing penguin said.

"Why? Don't you like it?" She smirk as she asked this question to the younger. "Just kidding." She giggled.

"Did you know how my heart broke into pieces everytime I see you so close to the others but not to me? We used to be the ones who's very close to each other and because of that I started to like you but then you suddenly started avoiding me. I didn't even know what I did wrong."

"I'm sorry." Mina apologize

"I used to like you a lot." Momo giggled remembering how she used to slap herself out just to stop thinking about Minari all the time.

"You used to like me" Mina murmured, emphasizing the word used. She's kind of hurt, knowing Momo liked her in the past but not in the present.

Momo held Mina's face and made her turn to her direction lightly so she could look at the latter's mesmerising eyes directly "Yes, I used to like you"

The younger's heart ached.

"But now I love you." Momo continued then hugged the latter tightly like she doesn't want to let her go.

"But...Momo, this is wrong. We're both girls plus we're idols. It could destroy our and Twice's image-" said Mina who broke the hug.

"Then we won't let the media know. We will be careful, very careful but that doesn't mean we can't do skinship and be affectionate to each other and besides there are Mimo stans out there." Momo said. "Tell me, is that the reason why you avoided me?"

Mina slowly nodded. "And I was scared to fall for you even more."

"Don't be." Momo caressed Mina's face. "Because I will always catch you, always"

They both looked into each others eyes lovingly when a person with a very loud voice suddenly yelled.."hey guys! What is taking you so- oops.."

The two got startle and blushed furiously when Jihyo smirked at them. They totally know what that smirk meant and probably what she's thinking.

"As much as I love seeing you gays being lovey dovey, the members are dying to go home now so let's go." Thomas the train- I mean Jihyo left after saying that and the two japanesee girls followed.

Momo, whose arm is wrapped around Mina's shoulder, leaned closer to the latter's ear and whispered something.

"Guess we'll be continuing it at home eh? Whose room are we going to use? Yours or mine?" Because of this, Momo received a smack on her arm from the flustered penguin. "Just kidding, just kidding" she said in between her laughs.

"So what are we now?" Mina asked wich Momo answered happily.

"I'm yours and you're mine, Mittang. You're my girlfriend now."

"You didn't even asked me yet..hmph" the penguin muttered under her breath and the racoon just giggled at her.

"Well, will you be my girlfriend, Mittang?" Momo looked at Mina.

"I'll think about it" now it's time for her to laugh at the older girl's reaction. "Ofcourse I will my moguri."

They finally exited the door of the building and they entered the van that is waiting for them half an hour ago.

"Geez, what took you gays so long? We've been waiting here for like forever." Sana exaggerated.

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