(Mimo) Why

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Momo's POV


He's hurting you too much...

Everyday, new bruises mark up your skin. Every night I know you cry your self to sleep.. you're always hurt and it's killing me..

"I'm fine." That's always what you tell me, every single day. "Mina, you're not. Stop lying!" And with that, the two of us would start arguing. I don't want us to fight..

If you would only just listen..

"Leave him." It was always my suggestion.

Leave him and stay with me.. I can take care of you, give you love more than he could but...

"I love him." Those are the reason why you can't and won't leave him.

No matter how many time he beat you up, you won't leave because you love him.

No matter how much he hurt you, you won't leave because you love him.

"I'm fine." These two words of yours, are lies but these three words "I love him." Are not.

I love you too but you're too inlove with him to see my love for you...

"Goodbye." I hate it when you say those words.

I still want to see you...



Thank you for the 1k reads!

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