(Satzu) I love you but you love her

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No one's POV

Birds chirped on the treetop and the wind blew softly as Tzuyu let out a sigh. The night is sure is beautiful and Sana's beauty is indescribable.

"Sana," Tzuyu turned her head to the person beside her, "I love you."

Sana smiled so lovingly at Tzuyu, their hands clasped together. The younger returned the smile, it was bittersweet, but Sana didn't notice it.

After years of being together, Tzuyu already accepted the fact that Sana never really paid much attention to her, but it's fine.

As long as it's Sana, it's fine.

"I love you too, Tzuyu-ah." Sana giggled. The way she smile is so cute and warm, but her words stings a little too much in Tzuyu's heart.

Tzuyu knows Sana doesn't mean it with all of her heart, after all, she only owns a piece of it while the rest belongs to Dahyun

She's not stupid and oblivious at how Sana acts when she's with Dahyun. There's clearly more affection that roams in her eyes when she looks at Dahyun, and she's too obvious,  it's so easy to guess. Yet still, Tzuyu keeps holding on, because it's Sana.

And As long as it's Sana, it's fine.

Although it hurts so much that it always kills her inside, she doesn't care. She doesn't care if Sana doesn't mean what she says.

Because Tzuyu loves her so much that she would believe everything, even if all of it were lies.

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