(Mihyun) Jelly

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No one's POV

Dahyun is not someone you often see with a frowning face, and everyone probably knows that. She always have this smile that just make her shine so brightly, and makes her a hundred times prettier.

But today is different.

She doesn't feel like smiling too much. And she also doesn't like this scenario happening on the corner of her eyes. It makes her sick.

All of this kissy acts of Mina and Nayeon towards each other is just somewhat annoying. But of course, Dahyun won't make a fuss about it.

Dahyun's not like that. And friendly flirting has become a thing to Twice so there's really no reason for her to be, you know..jealous.

But it's bothering her so much that it's just so hard to shrug it off easily. Especially with Nayeon glancing at her from time to time with that smug look on her face.

Dahyun secretly rolled her eyes when Nayeon looked away, and by the time Mina went to the kitchen, Dahyun made a pouty frown at Nayeon.

The older giggled and gave a questioning look, "What? You jealous? D'you want a kiss from me too?" She puckered her lips and started leaning to Dahyun making Dahyun fake a disgusted look.

"I don't want it from you! I want it from-..from.." Dahyun slowly went quiet.

Nayeon teased Dahyun into spilling the name, but the younger refused to say it. To be honest, Nayeon doesn't have to ask who it is. It's all written all over Dahyun's face, and it's way too obvious who.

Dahyun heaved a sigh of relief when Jeongyeon came out of her room because it made Nayeon stop teasing her even more. 

But poor Jeongyeon for having to suffer Nayeon's unending aegyo. And Sana's too.

Pushing herself up from the sofa, Dahyun made her way to the kitchen where Mina is washing her hands.

For some reason, the sight infront of Dahyun caused her cheeks to warm up suddenly, and a little troubled where to put her eyes on when Mina's short is incredibly short. Way too dangerously short.

Even Jihyo, who just walked in the kitchen, choked on her own saliva and quickly took her exit the moment she stepped foot there. Dahyun thinks she saw Jihyo blush a little. Maybe Jihyo really did.

Dahyun pressed her body against Mina and wrapped her arms around Mina's waist. Her heart was beating aggressively in her chest, and Mina probably could feel it too.

Mina shivered when Dahyun buried her face onto her neck and let out a breath. Mina is very sensitive there, but Dahyun seems to forget about it.

"What a-are you doing, Dahyun-ah?"

"Unnie.." Dahyun snuggled onto Mina, and it was unlikely for Mina  to be breathing this heavily when all she's doing is leave pecks on her neck and wander her hands on Mina's stomach. "Are you doing that on purpose?"

Mina bit her lip when Dahyun licked her under her ear. Dahyun didn't really plan doing this when she decided to follow Mina in the kitchen, especially knowing that the other members are around but Mina is making cute sounds that only Dahyun can hear at the moment.

And Dahyun thought, maybe it's not too bad to tease Mina the way she teases her. And maybe it also serves as a reminder that there's a line Nayeon shouldn't cross when it comes to Mina.

"Unnie, why are you teasing me so much?" Dahyun whispered, hand sneaking underneath Mina's shirt. "Was it fun?"

Mina gripped the edge of the sink, feeling wet kisses on the crook of her neck. She gulped, ears as warm as Dahyun's breath. It feels good, but she swears this isn't the right time and place for this.

And maybe Mina is on the corner of admitting that she did plan making Dahyun a bit jealous..and horny.

But it's not like you can blame her for liking the way Dahyun give her amusing expressions when Dahyun gets teased.

Now, tables got turned. This time, it's Dahyun who's having fun seeing Mina's reactions.

Dahyun swears Mina gets prettier with flushed cheeks and mouth agape. But also very dangerous. "Unnie, if you admit it, maybe..just maybe. Instead of getting you punished, I'll give you what you love."

Mina isn't really a master of denying, and Dahyun isn't really one for lying, so Mina had no reasons to keeping the secret to herself.

She turned herself around when Dahyun stopped giving her kisses. And yes, her heart fluttered a million beats after seeing Dahyun's face.

Mina placed both of her arms on Dahyun's nape, and leaning in to give the younger a kiss.

Her kiss always serves as a yes.

And this is one of the few reasons why Dahyun likes making Mina admit. Dahyun likes kisses. She loves Mina kisses.

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