(Satzu) Mine

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No one's POV

Walking on the halls with her earphones in, not bothering to pay any attention to those fangirls and fanboys squealing over her nor to the short person who's walking beside her.

"Yah! Yoda! Are you even listening!?" Chaeyoung just sighed when Tzuyu ignored her once again and continued scrolling on her phone when an interesting picture caught her attention which she is sure that would get this tall yoda's attention too.

Chaeyoung tapped Tzuyu's shoulder showed her the picture, causing the tall girl to stop her tracks. "They look cute together right Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung teased.

Tzuyu took out her phone and went to their class's group chat where Saida shippers and Satzu shippers flooded the conversation.

"Saida for the win!"

"Wah~ Sana-unnie and Dahyunie look cute together!"

"Satzu is way better!"

"No Satzu No life!"

Those were the few messages that Tzuyu read by the time she entered the group chat. The yoda once again looked at the photo and observe the background just incase she might find out where the two are.

"Uhm..why are we at the library? You never liked this place and you're not that type of person who would study so...what are we doing here?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Just to get someone who belongs to me." Tzuyu stated nonchalantly, her eyes roaming around, looking for a certain squirrel and eagle together and when she finally found them, she didn't hesitate to walk towards them.

"What brings you two here?" Sana asked.

"To get you." Tzuyu said and then dragged Sana with her but stopped walking for a while and turn to Dahyun to tell her something. "Sorry, but I don't like sharing what's mine." Sana blushed at what Tzuyu told the pale girl.

Chaeyoung didn't follow Tzuyu and Sana on their way out for she doesn't want to be a third wheel on the couple and she doesn't want to cringe while witnessing them do some lovey-dovey stuffs that's why she sat beside Dahyun instead.

"Hey Dubs!" Chaeyoung smiled blushing lightly when Dahyun returned her smile. Here's a little secret, Chaeyoung have a hugee crush on the eagle...like for 3 years.


Tzuyu dragged Sana to her locker and by the time they stopped walking, Tzuyu looked at the older girl with a 'what?' look when she noticed the latter grinning at her like crazy.

"Tzuyu-ah~ were you jealous earlier?~" Sana cutely asked which caused the yoda to look away, afraid that the squirrel might notice her blush.

"A-ani." Tzuyu stuttered.

"Awe~ how cute!" Sana pinched the taller girl's cheeks " oh and speaking of cute, look at Dubu's picture" Sana showed Tzuyu the picture she took earlier and it made the yoda to puff her cheekswhile frowning at the older.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm still cuter than that tofu" Tzuyu mumbled the last sentence but unexpectedly, Sana have a good hearing sense that's why the older still heard her.

"Of course you're cuter!" Sana giggled.

Tzuyu took Sana's phone when she noticed the older kept staring at it. "I want your attention only to me when you're with me." Tzuyu stated turning her cute side into a serious one then back to her cute side when she started to be clingy to Sana.

"Wah~ Daebak! When did you start being a clingy yoda?" The Japanese teased.

"By the time I started dating a squirrel." Tzuyu retorted.

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