(Saida) Night Time

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No one's POV

Snores circulated the maknae line's room. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were fast asleep the moment they landed on their beds except for a certain pale girl.

Dahyun keeps changing her sleeping position, from right to left but she just can't find a comfortable position that can make her fall asleep. She tried closing her eyes, counting numbers and counting sheep but it's still no use.

She decided to leave their room and just waste her energy watching the tv all night until she falls asleep.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" Someone asked not long after she sat in the sofa and turning on the television. Just by hearing her voice, Dahyun already knows who is it. Sana.

The japanese sat beside the pale girl and then she looked at the clock right above the tv. It's already in the middle of the night yet this young girl here seem to be pretty alive.

"I can't sleep.." Dahyun answered Sana's question. "Why are you still up, unnie?" She asked the older girl.

"Same reason as yours Dubu-ya" Sana pinched the younger's cheeks, giggling at her cuteness.

"Unnie~" The eagle whined. Sana did stop pinching her cheeks but the older just won't stop giggling at her, making her pout.

Sana eventually stopped teasing the younger girl. Later on, she found herself staring at Dahyun's mesmerizing face. "So beautiful~" Sana muttered but it was still audible to the girl beside her. The latter look at her and asked, "did you say something, unnie?"

"N-nothing.. nothing." Sana stuttered.

Dahyun nodded and diverted her attention back to the tv. Mouths were shut, only the ticking of the clock and the sound of the tv are the only sounds that can be heard.

Even though Dahyun is focused on the drama, she could still feel the stares Sana is giving her. "Staring is bad, unnie."

"Sorry~ you're just too beautiful not to look at you know~" Sana then rested her head on the latter's shoulder.

"Unnie, are you sleepy? Why don't you go back inside your room?" Dahyun softly asked.

"Ani~ I want to stay with you even just for a while, Dahyunie~"

"Okay unnie~" Dahyunie patted the older girl's head.

Few minutes later, Dahyun heard soft snores coming from the japanese and since Sana told her that she doesn't still want to go back, Dahyun placed Sana's head on her lap so that she could sleep comfortably.

Dahyun played with Sana's hair and caressed the latter's forehead using her thumb before planting a peck on top of it, then gave a peck on Sana's nose. She wanted to kiss her on the lips but she hesitated on doing that cause she doesn't really want to take advantage on the japanese while sleeping.

"Why did you stop?" Sana asked in her sleepy voice, eyes still close but when she heard no response from Dahyun, she peeked a little on the corner of her eyes only to see the younger hiding her face in her hands.

"Sorry~" Dahyun mumbled.

Sana giggled a little before sitting up  on the sofa. "Don't be Dahyunie~" The squirrel stated, trying to take the younger's hands away from her face. "Please don't hide that pretty face of yours~"

"I'm too embarrass to look at you.."

"Please~" Sana pleaded but Dahyun shook her head. "Dahyunie~" Sana tried again and this time Dahyun slowly remove her hands. Good thing it was easy to convince the pale girl, well it's because Dahyun just can't stand Sana everytime she beg.

Sana leaned in closer and gave Dahyun a quick peck on the lips before tackling her on the sofa. Dahyun snuggled her head in Sana's neck, wanting to hide her blushing face from the squirrel.

"You're such a cute baby when you're shy, my dubu Dahyunie"

"Unnie~ stop teasing me~"

"Alright, alright but can I have one last kiss before we go to sleep?" Sana asked wich Dahyun respond with a nod. "You're still not sleepy right? If you want we can kiss until—"

"Unnie!" Dahyun blushed furiously at her own imagination.

"Last kiss~" The squirrel giggled, closing her eyes with a pursed lips wich Dahyun planted a quick peck but Sana leaned in again, pressing their lips together, kissing each other passionately a little longer.

Dahyun was the one who broke the kiss, knowing what would happen if ever they continue. So the younger snuggled her head back to Sana's neck while the japanese pulled the latter closer to her, hugging each other until they fall asleep.

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