(Michaeng) Misunderstanding

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No one's POV

Chaeyoung instinctively made a step when Mina slowly approached her, and another step backwards made her back hit the wall. Her eyes trailed down to Mina's lip, it was so inviting, she could hardly restrain herself from smashing her own against Mina's.

And damn, why is it so hot when the air conditioner is on? Maybe it's because of how Mina stares at her or how Mina lick her lower lip before biting it, Chaeyoung doesn't really know, her mind is playing some wild stuffs in there.

Mina knows what's going on inside Chaeyoung's mind, it's so easy to read her. Well actually Mina thinking the exact same thing as Chaeyoung, and she's just as tempted as the latter to do such thing.

This is getting frustrating, Mina isn't doing anything except seduce Chaeyoung, and Chaeyoung can't just take it anymore so she wrapped her arms around Mina and leaned in for a kiss.

However, Mina moved her head back, avoiding Chaeyoung's kiss. "Minari.." Chaeyoung whined, causing a smirk to curl up in Mina's lips.

"You want me to kiss you that badly?" Their foreheads connected, eyes staring deeply at each other. Chaeyoung nods at the question. "Answer me with words, Chaeng."

"Yes. But you're not-"

"I know. I'm doing it in purpose."

"Meanie." Chaeyoung pouts. "Why tho?"

"Because I want you to learn your lesson, princess."

Chaeyoung think hard. What did she do wrong? She can't remember anything at all. She didn't possibly forgot Mina's birthday or Rey-chan's right? Wait..she actually finished all of Mina's ketchup that one time, so is that possibly the reason why? But she already bought a new one, so what could be the reason?

"Is it, uhm, because of your ketchup?" Chaeyoung asked hesitantly.

"Ketchup? No, it's not-wait, what happened to my ketchup-"

"Nothing." The younger quickly answered. Again, Chaeyoung drifted to her thoughts, thinking of any possible reason that made Mina upset, but she couldn't think of any.

"You really don't remember?" Chaeyoung shakes her head lightly. "Want me to give you a hint?"

Mina moved on the side of Chaeyoung's head, blowing her ear making Chaeyoung shiver. The younger has always been so sensitive when it comes to that area, and Mina likes how she bites her lip to prevent herself from making a sound. It's very amusing, "Who did you hug yesterday other than me?"

"No-no one." Chaeyoung mumbles, but she's not sure, she couldn't really think properly when Mina is already down on her neck, sucking and biting it, damn, it feels good.

"Wrong." A shiver runs down Chaeyoung's spine when Mina whispered into her ear and nibbled it, "Try again."

And Chaeyoung did. She tried thinking again although it's very distracting with Mina's hands roaming around inside her shirt and lips going lower to her collar bone-

"I'm waiting." Mina reminds her. So who was it? Just who was it that made Mina so intrigued about the hug? Mina doesn't usually care about it when Sana or Dahyun or Tzuyu hugs her so..

Wait. Now she remembers. Her brother who studied abroad paid her a visit in her apartment yesterday and she hugged him before he left. Mina never saw her younger brother in real life so maybe that's why Mina thought she's seeing someone else behind her back.

"Chaeyoung." Mina said sternly, her patience running thinner as as the clock tics. Chaeyoung had been quiet for a while now, she must be enjoying the pleasure she's feeling, especially now that Mina's thigh is in between her leg, pressing her-

"T-that was my brother," finally Chaeyoung answers, It cleared up all of Mina's assumptions. Mina stopped and buried her face into the younger's neck. She shouldn't have thought of Chaeyoung like that. "Are you still jealous?"

"No. Sorry, I shouldn't-"

"It's okay, being jealous is normal." Chaeyoung find it cute on how Mina change so quickly just like that. It never fails to surprise her.

Mina raised her head and placed a peck on Chaeyoung's lips, "I'll make it up to you." She crashed her lips against Chaeyoung, biting her lower lip as she leads her to their room.

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