(Saida) Bored

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No one's POV

Rain drops from the sky, making the window foggy. Sana who sat beside the window, stared outside. She is so bored, so bored until she thought of something.

She immediately went to Dahyun who's busy munching down a chocolate while watching a movie on the tv with some of the members.

Sana happily sat beside the pale girl and poke her soft cheeks to get her attention. The younger hummed in response, eyes still focused on the movie.

"You know, sometimes I don't understand why people likes sunny day when it's rainy and likes rainy day when it's sunny." Sana continued poking the latter's cheeks. "Do you want to know wich of the two I like?"

"so wich one do you like Satang?" Dahyun finally looked at the squirrel.

"None." Sana giggled then cupped Dahyun's face. "Because I only like you"

The younger's face turned red after Sana planted short kiss on her lips.

"Aigoo Satang, you're being chessy again." Dahyun hid her face on her hands wich made the squirrel giggle even more.

"Awe~ but I did make your heart flutter right?" Sana teased forgetting about the other members on the floor.

"Aish, yah! You two! Just please get a room will ya? We're trying to watch a movie here just incase you've forgotten." Jihyo who claimed to be the only straight member of Twice complained.

"You don't have to yell though~" Sana pouted.

"Why do you have to be so cute?" Dahyun muttered while trying not to blush even more.

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