Chapter Twenty

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(A/N Sorry about not updating.. I, yeah, I have no excuse. Hope you can forgive me :3)

Pigment stared at Erratum, watching his every move like a hawk. Erratum sighed, "Do YoU NeED somEtHiNg pIgmEnt?" Erratum asked, putting down his knitting needles. Pigment sighed, "i don't know..." Pigment replied, frowning. Erratum gave him a confused expression, finding it strange that Pigment was showing any type of emotion, "DiD yOu sTEal A soUL Or sOMEthIng?" Erratum asked jokingly, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Pigment shook his head, "no, i.. i don't think so" Pigment responded, Erratum lifted his non-existent eyebrow,  "YoU 'tHiNk' So?" Erratum asked, picking up his knitting needles, Pigment stayed silent, the grinned cheerfully, "I'm going to see what Nightmare is doing! see you later!" Pigment practically shouted, leaving the room by teleporting. 

Pigment teleported over to Nightmare, who was typing away at the computer viciously, "geez, you workholic, it's a Saturday" Pigment said casually, Nightmare jumped in his seat, "w-who?! oh, of course it's you. Hello Pigment" Nightmare greeted, going back to his work. Pigment grinned, "so, what are you doing?" Pigment asked, looking over Nightmare's shoulder, Nightmare slapped him away, "work, now go and bother someone else" He ordered Pigment, not bothering to look over to him. Pigment forced a large sigh, "c'mon, why not hang out with someone? maybe your, i don't know, Brother?" Pigment suggested, still grinning. Nightmare scowled, "No way in hell am i going near him" Nightmare growled out, glaring at the computer screen. Pigment responded, "Really? what did he do? you can't just hate him for no reason?" Pigment told him, no really caring, Nightmare sighed, keeping an angry expression, "Of course i have my reasons, Reasons i am keeping to myself" Nightmare grumbled. going back to the computer. 

Pigment sighed, "what a downer!" Pigment exclaimed after exiting the school by teleporting. Pigment looked around to where he was and saw that he was back in the house. Pigment walked out the room he was in, which was Blue's bedroom, and headed of to he kitchen, where he knew Blue would be.

Once he entered the kitchen, He found Blue finishing up some Blueberry muffins, "you gonna eat those? isn't that cannibalism?" Pigment asked, making his presence known. Blue looked up to Pigment, smiling, "No it isn't! do you want some?" Blue asked, Pigment grinned cheerfully, "Sure! why not?" Pigment exclaimed, Blue frowned at him, "Stop smiling like that" Blue asked, Pigment's grin fell, then he replied, "okay, now c'mon, give me one" Pigment said, eyeing the muffins.

Nightmare sighed, he finally finished the last of the history assignments he had to mark, along with the plans for next weeks lessons. Nightmare yawned, stretching out his body, "heh, maybe i should of gotten more sleep yesterday" Nightmare muttered to himself, looking up to the clock, "uh? it's already six?" Nightmare asked himself, yawning. He sighed, looking back to the computer, which was now shut down. He rested his head against the wooden table, getting as comfortable as possible, "thirty minutes wont hurt" He muttered, before falling asleep.

A Smaller version of Nightmare was sitting high up in a large tree, reading a book. Nightmare sighed, and slowly closed the book, leaving it on his lap, "Huh, i wonder when Dream is getting back" He asked himself, looking over to the setting sun. Suddenly he heard heavy footsteps heading up the hill, coming in his direction, Nightmare quickly jumped out of the tree, "Dream! where were y...ou" Nightmare paused, looking up at the teenager who was obviously not Dream. Nightmare looked at him in fear, "where... where is Dream?" Nightmare asked, Looking up at the hefty teenager, The teenager smirked, "My names Jim, i'm one of Dream's friends. I told him i would get you since Dream felt a bit sick" The teenager, now introduced as Jim, said. Nightmare looked at Jim warily, Jim pouted, "what's with that look? i don't bite" Jim snorted out, Nightmare nodded slowly, still wary. Jim laughed, "Come with me, i know a shortcut" Jim said, walking away from the tree. Nightmare, who didn't have much of a choice, followed Jim, not wanting to get lost in the dark.

After a few minutes, which consisted of following Jim in silence, Jim eventually stopped, Nightmare bumped into Jim, but Jim didn't seem affected by it, "Huh? why did you stop?" Nightmare asked, looking up to Jim. Jim slowly turned around, smirking, "wow, you really are an idiot" Jim snickered out, Nightmare backed up, "what do you want?" Nightmare asked, surprised by the confidence in his own voice, "Oh? the midget has confidence? i'm sure that will change soon, get him boys" Jim barked out, smirking.

Nightmare woke up with a start, sighing, Nightmare rubbed his head. He looked up to the clock, "eh, It's eight already? that was definitely not thirty minutes" Nightmare said to himself. Nightmare sighed again and collected his stuff, which wasn't that much, and walked out the staff room. 

Once he reached his house, He was greeted by a worried Dream, "Brother! where were you?! I was so worried!" Dream exclaimed, Nightmare scowled at him, "Don't give me that, i was just doing work, now leave me alone" Nightmare said harshly, Ignoring the hurt look of his Twin, and then he left the room. Dream frowned, "what did i do to you...?" Dream asked himself, his frown deepening. 

A/N Again, sorry for the wait for this chapter. But! I do have something that I thought you should know, It was quite difficult to do everyone, especially Cross for some reason, but here you go;

Paperjam miscalculation,

Fresh miscalculation,

 Undyne Eterno (Italian for Eternal),

Dust execution,

Killer menace,

Cross Poseen (Spanish for Possess),

Horror carnage,

Nightmare Joku,

Dream Joku,

Science Saviesa (Catalan for Wisdom),

Sans Undertale,

Blue Bytte (Swedish for Swapped),

Ink Comyet,

Genocide miscalculation,

Reaper Surma (Estonian for Death),

Error miscalculation,

Lust amour (French for Love),

Gradient miscalculation,

Erratum (Error) ???,

Pigment (Ink) ???.

I gave everyone surnames! some of them are strange; I know, but I think it just makes it more Fun!  Anyway, sorry for the wait, and for how short this chapter is!

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