Chapter Twenty-Five

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Erratum looked down at the new phone that Ink had gotten him, "DAmN HoW doEs ThiS woRK aGaIN?" Error muttered to himself, fiddling with the phone. After a few minutes of confusion, Erratum finally managed to do what he wanted, "Hello Erratum, still having trouble with the phone?" Error asked through the phone, Erratum sighed loudly, groaning as Well, "YeS... bUt thAt doEsNT mAtTer, HoW iS pAPerJam by ThE WaY?" Erratum asked, concern in his voice, Error sighed, "He's... he hasn't be sleeping well, he hasn't talked to anyone but me ever since he left school.." Error replied quietly, Erratum frowned, "iT soUnDs wORse tHaN i tHoUgHt... iM sURe hE wIlL bE FiNE" Erratum responded, trying to make Error feel better, "I sure hope so, anyway, on a more cheerful topic, I was wondering if you wanted to... I dunno, go out some time tomorrow?" Error asked shyly, Erratum went a soft yellow, "ARe.. aRe yOu asKIng me On a DaTe?" Erratum questioned, his voice slightly higher than usual, Errors laugh could be heard through the phone, "yes silly, that's exactly what I was asking" Error chuckled, his voice happy and cheerful sounding.

Ink entered his home, and found Blue and pigment making a mess in the kitchen. "What are you two doing?" Ink asked, startling Blue. Blue grinned, "Me and Pigment are making Tacos! but! unlike what I usually do, we're making it a dessert!" Blue exclaimed, Pigment nodded, seemingly less enthused about making a dessert taco. Ink laughed at his friends enthusiasm, after a few words between them all, Blue went back to the tacos, showing it was the end of their discussion.

Ink walked back to his room, A certain skeleton on his mind. Frustrated, Ink slammed his door open, but immediately regretted it, seeing the scattered papers fly around the room from the gust of air. Ignoring the mess he just created, he went over to his canvas, and picked up his favourite brush; Broomie. Ink started with a vibrant blue, getting down to business.

After a few hours, and a few canvases, the painting was finished. It was a portrait of the one and only Blue. It was a detailed painting of him in a simple sitting position, smiling happily at the person looking at the portrait. He was wearing a fuzzy blue jumper, and was waving at the person looking at the painting.

Ink grinned.

Dream laughed, though, it sounded more like a giggle, "What- what are you doing?" Dream snorted out, putting his hands on his knees. Dance fell down from his position, Dream laughed again, "What? I was just practicin' some moves" Dance replied.

Dream calmed down, and gave him a confused look, "You were literally staying in the same place for who knows how long, upside down! doesn't your hand hurt?" Dream asked, looking at his Friend. Dance shrugged, "meh, it doesn't really..." Dance replied, looking down at his left hand, Dream frowned, but nodded. "okay, if you say so" Dream said, smiling.

Dream sighed, looking away from Dance, "I should be going now, I'll see you later okay?" Dream said, smiling slightly, Dance smiled back, his face tinted blue, "Okay Dream, see you later" Dream grinned, "Bye Dance!" Dream said, leaving the school building.

Reaper smirked, looking down at a sleeping Geno. "heh, sleeping on the job again I see.." he spoke, Geno moved around a bit, but didn't wake up. Reaper walked over to Geno and gently shook him, but he didn't wake up. Reaper sighed, and shook him harder, but he still didn't wake up.

Reaper sighed again, "Genooo, wake up, Errors trying to kill Fresh again" Reaper lied, Geno quickly sat up, "What! again? where are they?" Geno shouted, almost tripping, Reaper laughed, "no where in particular, though, school is over, time to go home" Reaper replied, smiling down at the short skeleton, Geno frowned, and glared at the other, "jerk, I was having a good dream" Geno said as he continued to glare at Reaper, Reaper laugh at Geno, "really? what was it about?" he asked, helping a still half-asleep Geno get to the door, Geno went slightly red, "none of your business" Geno growled out, Reaper laughed, "yeah, love you too".

Sci sighed, finishing off the preparations, while his two kids; Botany and Nostrum, were watching his youngest child, Elixir. Sci smiled happily, and looked at the clock, "twenty minutes until he gets here..  good" Sci muttered to himself, "daddy! daddy! somethings wrong with Elix!" Nostrum shouted, running over to her father. Sci quickly ran over to her crib, where he found a crying baby-skeleton, Sci picked Elixir up, and slowly rocked her around until she calmed down. "wow, how did you do that dad?" Botany asked, looking at his baby sister, Sci laughed, "She was just lonely, you don't need to worry..." Sci replied, Sci looked over to the clock, "come to the living room! your dad's is going to be here any minute!" Sci said, running into the living room, still holding Elixir.

Around five minutes later, Medic opened the front door to the house. "I'm home!" Medic shouted, after no reply, Medic frowned. "That's strange..." he said to himself. After putting his coat on the coat hanger, Medic walked into the living room, and was surprised.

"Happy birthday papa!" Nostrum and Botany shouted, running up to their father, Medic smiled happily, "aw, aren't you two sweet, thank you" Medic replied, patting the two children's heads, "can I have El?" Medic asked, looking at Sci, Sci nodded, "Really? no hello?" Sci asked jokingly, Medic Laughed, "I'm sorry, hello dear" Medic replied, smiling.

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