Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(Warning! child abuse and more ahead!)

Horror watched as his mother and Father fought once more, Him and his younger brother; Blood, watching in fear a room away. Suddenly, a loud female scream was heard from the other room, Blood and Horror quickly, but hesitantly, ran into the living room, finding their father right above their seemingly unconscious mother. "Mum!" Blood shouted, running pass Horror over to his mother, "Blood! don't!" Horror quickly pleaded, but he was ignored. 

Horror's father smirked, and used His sons fear to his advantage, Picking up Blood by the shirt, His father slammed Blood's  head against the dinner table repeatedly, Causing Blood to scream in pain while pieces of his skull flew everywhere. Once he was done, The man lazily threw Blood to the other side of the room, making a loud 'thud' sound. And no scream could be heard. Horror looked over to his brother, then to the man, repeating the process multiple times due to shock. "...Honey, run.." Horror heard suddenly, Horror's eye-sockets landed on this mother instantly, and found her smiling sadly at him, her eyes dazed over. The man growled, "of course you aren't dead yet, you b*tch" The man growled out, He walked drunkenly over to Horror's mother, but before he could do anything, Horror ran over to the man and bit him harshly, effectively ripping off his finger, swallowing some skin in the process.

The man screeched, holding his finger to his body, Before growling out, "you b*tch!" The man screamed, throwing a good punch with his other hand at Horror. But, because of the pain in his other hand, along with his drunken state, the Man missed, stumbling over his feet instead. Horror, although he wasn't hit, ran a few feet back, his eyes going wider. The man made a sound similar to a cat hissing, and turned back to Horror's mother. 

His mother's Eyes widened In fear, "Horror! help me! Horror! Horror! Horror! 





hOrROr wAkE Up!

Horror jumped up from his seat, looking around the room in fear, "HoROr, aRe yOu oKay?" Erratum asked, looking at his student in worry, Horror locked eyes with Erratum, and seemed to finally realize he was at school. With a shaky breath, Horror nodded, "I'm... fine Mr. Erratum. I just had a nightmare.." Horror replied, looking around the room every so often. Erratum nodded hesitantly, but also empathetically, "OkaY hOrroR, YoU LooK TIreD, Do You WanNa GO HoME And REsT?" Erratum asked, Horror's eye-sockets widened slightly and he rapidly shook his head, "no! i mean, no.. thank you. Is it alright if i go to the toilet though?" Horror asked, Erratum nodded, "YeS yOu CAn HoRroR, Don't TaKe TO lONg tHoUgH, oKAY?" Erratum replied, Horror nodded and headed for the toilets, not planning to come out of them for the rest of the day.

Blue was sitting in his classroom, along with Pigment. He had finished his last set of students for the day, but still had to wait few hours for Ink and Erratum to finish. The two skeletons sat in silence, both stuck in thought while Blue tried  to finish marking a few late homework's. Both of them said nothing, it was so silent you would of heard a pin drop. Suddenly, the silence was interrupted by Blue, who had an almost pleading expression. 

"Pigment..." Blue spoke, Pigment looked over to Blue silently, and smiled, "yes Blue?" Pigment said, His voice containing some emotion, though, that only happened when Blue was around. Blue seemed hesitant, almost if he was deciding whether or not he should say it, "..uh, we, we are friends right?" Blue asked, locking eye-lights with Pigment, Pigment nodded, "of course, why wouldn't we be?" Pigment asked, Blue smiled slightly, and then he sighed, "Well... I was talking to Erratum, and he went into more depth on how your universe had a... melt down of sorts" Blue started, Pigment's small smile became more strained, it was obvious he didn't want to have this conversation, "and, well, he told me that you said that even though you know the truth now, you... wont stop creating" Blue said hesitantly, Pigment made no movement, no hint that he wanted to speak, so Blue carried on, "we... we are friends right?" Blue asked again, Pigment nodded, his throat suddenly dry, "And, friends do things for each other, right?" Blue asked, Pigment nodded again.

Blue sighed quietly, "so, will you stop creating when you get back to your multiverse?" Blue asked, Pigment made no sign of movement, other than the emotionless grin appearing on his face. Blue frowned, "For me?" He pleaded, Pigment looked over to Blue and instantly frowned, "... i'm sorry Blue" He finally spoke, "But please" He pleaded, getting up frown his seat and grabbing his paintbrush, "Please, let me be selfish once more" Pigment said, teleporting away.

Ink hummed a song out of tune, skipping down the empty hallways, every once in a while bumping into skiving students and Teachers who where heading off to do who knows what. After a minute or so, he slowed his pace as he reached the spare classrooms, the Art ones to be specific. He reached his favourite one (only because it was the cleanest, or was) and reached to open the door. 

Once he put his hand on the handle, he heard soft sobbing noises from inside, barely hearable unless you were paying close attention. Ink frowned, realizing he knew that voice, but he couldn't remember who's voice it was. Quietly, Ink opened the door, and he sobbing stopped, "hello? are you okay?" Ink asked, looking around in the dark room. After looking around for a second, he realized he could just turn the light on, and so he did. 

Ink turned the light on and found a pink blob in the corner, His eyes widened, knowing who it was eminently, "Lust? what's wrong?" Ink asked, quickly running over to him, Lust looked over his shoulder "M-mr. Ink-k"  Lust spoke, Before bursting into Tears again, Ink sat down next to Lust and Tried to calm him down.

"Why were you crying Lust?" Ink asked and now semi-calm Lust, Lust looked down, wiping his face again, "uh, Mutt and Razz were making fun of me.. again" Lust spoke quietly, Ink frowned, "this has happened before?" Ink asked in concern, Lust only nodded. Ink frowned, "what were they making fun of you for?" Ink questioned quietly, Lust responded hesitantly, "uh, well, a few things actually" Ink nodded, telling him to continue, "well, they were making fun of my n-name, and my clothes-s, and stuff..." Lust replied, Ink frowned, before smiling, "Well, I think Lust is a wonderful name, and Pink is an amazing colour! it's my favourite!" Ink exclaimed, Lust laughed, smiling at Ink's attempt to cheer him up, "you don't think that..." Lust replied, going Purple, Ink shook his head, a childish gasp coming from him, "of course I do! I find it very rude you would think that Lust!" Ink said, forcing a gasp. Lust laughed again,  "okay.. i'm sorry Mr. Ink" Lust replied jokingly, Ink laughed with him, "you better be!" He joked.

It was the end of the day, and Killer hadn't seen Horror all day after his 'nightmare' incident. Seeing as he walked home with Killer, he couldn't just leave him, and went to looked for him. Killer checked the Locker rooms, and found no one. He checked the cafeteria, and found no one. He checked the back of the school, and found no one, accept this really creepy cat man, but he ignored him and got out of their quickly. 

He checked all of Horror's favourite spots, all of the places they hanged out in, and even asked all the teachers left in the school. But found no Horror. Then, he pasted his least favourite place, a place he refused to go no matter how badly ne needs to go.

The toilets.

With a sigh, Killer entered the stinky bathroom, pushing every door until he found on that wouldn't open. After about fifteen seconds, Killer found the only door that wouldn't open. "Hello? is that you Horror?" Killer asked, But he got no reply. Sighing, Killer reluctantly went into the stall next to it, not before giving a final warning saying, 'Okay, i'm coming in!'. Pushing up his tiny body with much difficulty, he finally saw through the other side, where he could of laughed at what he saw.

Right there, was a sleeping Horror, his head leaning on the side of the cubical, Killer sighed, "how the hell did you fall asleep in this retched place" He asked himself, Killer shouted Horror's name multiple times, but he didn't wake up, Killer sighed again, "I guess I gotta do it that way, huh?" He asked himself. 

Trust me, you don't want to know what happened next.

A/N This is actually the first one of my chapters in a while to be longer then 1000 words, sorry I've been slacking on this :(

Anyway, I've been thinking about this, but I was wondering if you all would like a QnA with all the characters? just for one chapter where all the characters answer your questions. I wont do it if you all don't want me to, but if you do i'd be more then happy to do it, so, if you do want to do it, Just ask a question (or more if you like) addressing the character(s) your asking.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, bye!

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