Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(A/N sorry it's so short! hope you can forgive me)

Erratum walked into the living room tiredly, and looked over to find a wide awake Ink, wrapping up a present. "HoW loNG hAvE yOU bEEn uP? aNd wHaTs thAt?" Erratum asked, startling Ink, "oh! I was just about to wake up you and Blue! this is Sci's Birthday present! it's his birthday today" Ink explained, Erratum nodded understandingly, "oH OkAy, yOu wANna huRrY uP though, wE goTta gO soOn" Erratum informed Ink, Confused, Ink looked over to the clock, "oh.. oh sH*T- "LAnGUaGe" I gotta hurry! Erratum, can you wake up Blue?!- "hE's beEn aWAke FoR aWhILe noW" ohhh nooo" Ink said while frantically running around, trying to get ready in time.

By the time Ink, Pigment, Erratum and Blue all got to school, they where thirty minutes late, just barely missing their classes; well, Ink, Blue and Erratum's classes. Nightmare growled, glaring at the three, "Your late! any later and you'd be late for your lessons! go now before your late, I'll have a talk with all of you later" Nightmare told them, Ink and Blue nodded stiffly, while Erratum replied, "oKaY NiGHtmaRe, SeE yoU lAtEr theN" Erratum spoke, walking over to the direction of his class, Nightmare looked over to the direction Erratum walked, before sharply turning to Blue and Ink, "Go. Now!" Nightmare barked, Ink and Blue nodded quickly, then ran to their classrooms, getting for away from a grumpy Nightmare.

Error looked over to his son, who was running on the track with the rest of the students, "..." Error stayed silent, watching his son with worry, Dance walked up to Error, seeing his distress, "Calm down, he's fine, its been over six weeks now" Dance spoke, Looking over to Paperjam, Error sighed, "..yeah, I know... I'm just worried" Error replied, Dance nodded, understanding. Dance then looked over to the benches, where a lonely skeleton sat, "talk about being worried... what happened to him?" Dance asked, Looking over to the red-eyed skeleton, Error sighed again, "apparently he broke his wrist, his left scapula (a upper arm bone) and his right patella (the kneecap)" Error replied, Dance winced loudly, eyeing the child, "how the hell did he do that?" Dance asked worryingly, Error shrugged, "dunno, all I have for info is this sketchy looking note from his father or mother" Error said, handing dance the note from his pocket, " 'My son has broken a few of his bones while In the summer holidays while playing outside, Some of them are fairly recent, so I'm afraid he can't do some of the activities at school, my deepest apologises' Damn, while playing outside? he must of been playing with a hammer outside" Dance said, after finishing reading the note. Error nodded, agreeing. It was silent for awhile, until Error spoke up, "I'm gonna check on the kid, he seems a bit lonely, keep an eye on the class" Error ordered, walking over to the benches.

Error sat down next to Horror, But kept some distance between them. After much silence, Error spoke up, "so, how did you break all your bones?" Error asked, exaggerating. Horror stayed silent, before muttering, "you have the note" Horror replied, keeping his stare at the other students, Error shrugged, "Yeah, but why don't you tell me?" He asked, Horror stayed silent. Error sighed, before coming up with an idea, "hey, how about we do 20 questions, we both have ten questions and we can ask whatever we want, you can ask me what ever you want" Error offered, Horror stayed silent, before nodding. Error smiled, "great! how about I go first?" He said.

"how did you break your bones?"
Error asked

"... I was being clumsy outside"
Horror lied through his teeth

"...what's Your most embarrassing moment?"
Horror asked

"huh, probably when I had to dress up as a women for work the while day as a dare"
Error admitted, his face going slightly yellow.

"Okay, who wrote that note?"
Error asked

"... a man.."
Horror replied.

"so, it was your father?"
Error asked

Horror glared, "That man is not my father" Horror seethed, " I don't have a father" He growled

Error's eyes widened a bit from shock, but he quickly calmed down, As soon as Horror was about to ask another question, Dance shouted across the small field, interuptting him, "Error! come over here! they won't listen to me!" Dance pleaded, Error laughed, and looked over to Horror, "I got to go Horror, I hope you get better soon" Error said, Horror nodded, "Thank you Mr. Error" Horror replied, watching Error run off to Dance.

Mr.  ErratumWhere stories live. Discover now