Chapter Forty-Four

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Nightmare, Ink realized, had a lot more patience than Ink originally thought, when he wanted something at least. Instead of trying to kill him right there and then, Nightmare instead took his paintbrush with his long, slimy tentacles, and hid it somewhere. He gave him a new room, which was coloured red instead of the dark purple the other was. "hm, fancy" Ink said out loud.

It was obvious that the leader of this place wasn't usually so forgiving, as he gathered from the shocked looks he saw people give him, which only gave him more reasons to believe that Nightmare wanted something.

"enough of that" Ink said to himself, "Time to find a glitch" Ink grinned, liking the nickname. He went to grab his paintbrush from his back, out of habit, and frowned when he felt nothing, "oh, probably gonna need to get that back, haha" He joked to himself, finding something about it funny.

Ink walked out of the room, and was greeted by an empty hallway. "left, or right..." He muttered, "well, right is always right" He muttered, turning left. 

While walking, he was mildly surprised to see no one. He started to suspect that Nightmare had left him completely alone (something he hated) when he saw a slightly familiar skeleton. The skeleton saw him, and quickly rushed over to him. "wH47 4r3 y0U D0in9 0uT Of Y0uR r0oM?"  Error asked. Ink noted that his voice glitched much more than his own Error, but his overall appearance was much less so, and had barely any glitches at all.

 Error looked practically the same as his own Error, but there was some differences. The tears that fell down Error's face were darker, and much more symmetrical. There was less of them to, only two, compared of his own Error's four. His eyes, instead of the left one being white, was yellow.

The last difference, from what Ink could tell, was that he shorter, and quite a bit too. Of course, he still towered over Ink, but he was smaller. His clothes, of course, was in the same style as everyone else, which Ink could only describe as fancy, and was in the same dark palette as his own Error's clothes.

"Nightmare took my paintbrush, so I'm trying to find it" Ink told him, not bothering to make an excuse. Error seemed momentarily surprised, but he got over it, and gave a short laugh. "D4mN K1d, 1 d0N7 kN0w m4nY P3oPLe Wh0 4cT L1k3 Th47, M0s7 W0uLd ju5T 3XcEP7 tH4T tH3Y'lL N3vEr Se3 I7 4gAIn" Error told him, smirking. Ink nodded to himself, seeing that this Error was rather confident, or cocky. He had this vibe that shouted, 'I'm better than you', but that didn't matter, to Ink at least.

"Do you know where it is?" Ink asked, feeling rather bare without it. Error shook his head, "5oRry, N0" He told him, though it was rather obvious he wasn't really sorry. Hearing Error's answer, started to walk away, determined to find his Paintbrush.

"w4It!" Error shouted, and Ink paused.  Ink turned around, and dipped his head in a confused matter, "yes?" He asked. "Wh3N He h4S Any7hINg h3 dE3Ms imp0r7AnT, He ke3pS I7 1N A r0oM C0nN3c7Ed tO tH3 7hRoNE rO0M" Error told him. "1f h3 DIdn'7 5Nap 1T, I7'5 Pr0B4BlY In tH3re" Error added. Ink's eyes flashed red, at the thought of his dear Broomy getting snapped. Error rather didn't notice, or didn't care, as he made no physical reaction to it. 

In movies, this would probably be the part where he would ask 'why are you helping me?' and then they'd both go on some dangerous mission to get Broomy, and then fall in love. But of course, this wasn't a movie, and nothing of the sorts happened. 

"Thanks Error!" Ink exclaimed, quickly dashing off, to save his paintbrush (and find Error, but he wasn't thinking about that right now). Error stared at Ink's back, "h0W D1d H3..." Error trailed off, before sighing, "1 7hiNK I N3eD M0R3 5lE3p" Error muttered, teleporting away.

Ink, after realizing he had no idea where the throne room was, walked in a brisk pace, wandering around the tall halls of the castle. He hadn't bumped into anyone since he saw Error, which he wasn't sure if it was a good thing, or a bad one.

"What do you think of that skeleton?" He heard a voice say. He looked around and saw two skeletons, who he was able to identify as Cross and Horror. "Cross, his name is Vibrant" Horror chided. Ink quickly hid behind a pillar, and continued to listen.

"I don't care what his name is!" Cross hissed, making Horror chuckle. "You're jealous" Horror said bluntly. Cross said nothing, so Horror continued, in a softer tone. "I know you like him, Cross. Hell, Nightmare probably knows" Horror told him. "No! no he doesn't!" Cross argued. 

Horror sighed, "You should just let it go, liking him is only going to end badly" Horror reasoned, or tried to. Cross stayed quite, and Horror said, "We should probably go to the throne room, Nightmare wants us, remember?" Horror told him. 

Ink stayed quiet, until he heard the sound of retreating footsteps. Quickly leaving the pillar, Ink sneakily followed the two skeletons, until they both reached the throne room, which was obvious when Horror exclaimed, "here we are!".

After they entered, Ink watched three other skeletons enter the room. He never saw either Error or Nightmare enter the room, so he assumed they already got there before the others. 

He sat there for a long time. If Ink was to guess, He would assume it to be three to four hours, but he couldn't be sure. He had sat on the freezing cold floor, hidden behind a pillar, and was grateful that skeletons couldn't feel the cold.

He was disturbed from his doodling (which he was doing in the air) when the door opened, and six noisy skeletons left the room. Once they left, Ink sat up and stretched his bones, feeling rather sleepy.

"Okay- time to get Broomy" Ink whispered. He walked over to the door, and slowly opened it. He entered the room without hesitance, and looked around the room for a door. "What are you doing in here?" Nightmare asked.

Ink turned around and faced Nightmare. "You're here for this thing, aren't you?" Nightmare sighed, holding a rather large paintbrush. "Broomy!" Ink exclaimed, somehow snatching it from Nightmares tentacles. "You didn't snap it!" Ink said loudly. Nightmare shook his head, "I wouldn't, I could sense the magic out of that thing from a mile away" Nightmare explained. 

Nightmare straightened his back, and sat on a chair, "Sit, you're gonna answer some questions of mine" Nightmare ordered. "And after that?" Ink asked, taking a seat. "Well" Nightmare started, "You're going to do whatever you came here to do" He told him. 

"usually i'd just kill people who didn't have a mark on their face- or I would give them one" Nightmare told him, "But I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to do that to you, would I?" Nightmare asked. Ink laughed, "no. no you wouldn't" Ink agreed.

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