(EDITED) - Chapter Two

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Dear past me,
What the fuckery have you wrote? I'm now having to edit parts because my god...speechless!

Anyways, here's the edited chapter no one asked for, I just did it. - also I only done lil edits to it so it's easier to read in a way, and I mean..the smut edited a lil bit. The way I write smut has changed dramatically compared to this book.

Goku rummaged through his rucksack that his wife had packed for him, he found his pyjama bottoms and swiftly got changed into them before diving into the soft double bed. He lay there with his eyes closed trying to fall back to sleep, he tossed and turned he felt wide awake now. Slowly he sat up and chose to sneak into the kitchen for some light snacks. As he opened the bedroom door Vegeta was stood right there Goku recoiled and let out a short yelp.

Vegeta grunted pressing his hand against Goku's mouth to silence him, "Shut up you idiot! You'll wake up the brats!" he reluctantly pulled his hand away.

Goku let out a small puff of air and tittered as Vegeta glared at him, "Sorry, but you...I ...didn't expect you to be stood there," he smiled nervously as he pointed his index fingers together.

"Wait...where were you going Kakarot? It best not to fly off somewhere to train?!" He balled his fist whilst trailing his eyes up and down Goku's body. He was wearing nothing but bottoms, of course he still wouldn't put it past the idiot to go out training like that.

"Uhh no, see I can't fall back to sleep so I thought maybe a light snack may help me sleep..."

Vegeta face palmed, of course he'd be thinking of food as per usual. He felt his heart beating faster again, his body trembling due to the heat he fell to his knees, sweat started to form above his brow and back of his neck. He growled as Goku tried to help him up, and pushed Goku out the way.
"Kakarot, are you feeling this too?" he raised a brow up at Goku's perplexed look.

Goku cocked his head to the side watching as Vegeta was starting to pant, his face looked flushed, sweat trickling down his face, "Feeling what?"

"So it's just me..." he furrowed his brows casting his eyes to his trembling hands. His body felt as though it was on fire.

Goku studied Vegeta's face, he could see the discomfort, and furrowed his brows in concern, "You don't look too well Vegeta."

Vegeta pulled himself up leaning against the door frame. He stared at Goku who had a curious yet lost expression on his face. He inhaled through his nose and exhaled slowly through his mouth, the heat was increasing the longer he was stood close to Goku.

"Here, I'll help you back to your room," Goku smiled and rested Vegeta's arm over his shoulders as he slowly guided Vegeta towards his room and onto the bed.

Vegeta could feel his temperature rising, he didn't know what was going on with his body as such,it was as if his emotions were starting to engulf him as he could feel himself wanting to claim Goku as his mate. He knew, he knew he was in heat he been told about it by his father. He never experienced it, but knew it would be intense the first time. He just didn't know what to expect exactly. He watched as Goku was about to leave, his heart drumming harder against his chest, his body soaked in the sweat, and his skin prickling in the heat.
"Wait!" Vegeta croaked

Goku turned to face Vegeta with a worried look on his face, he hadn't seen Vegeta like this before.

"I ...I have a favour I need you to help with, if you agree you must not mention it to our women...or I'll kill you," he warned drawing back his lip exposing his teeth at him.

Goku approached the bed with a grin on his face, "We going to train?" he chimed in excitement, dismissing the fact Vegeta did not look in fit state to train.

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