The End.

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Two months had flown since the couple married, unfortunately Vegeta had trouble with sickness afterwards so didn't get to have their honeymoon. Instead he spent the next few weeks mostly resting much to his displeasure.

After Goku had tucked the youngest two in bed he checked on Goten and Trunks who were sleeping over, the two were sprawled out in bed they were sharing together, Goten's foot was by Trunks face occasionally twitching and nudging him in his sleep. The two were in such a deep sleep, that Goku didn't want to disturb them and instead closed the door very quietly behind him. He made his way to his bedroom and smiled seeing his husband propped up with so many cushions behind him. It was the only way he was able to sleep as any other position he found uncomfortable and would keep awake. His smile widened as he watched Vegeta rub his bump while smiling a little.

"How you feelin'?" Goku asked as he carefully climbed onto the bed next to Vegeta.

"Fat," he grunted and gave him a side eyed glare.

Goku let out a small chuckle and leaned into him, "I love you Vegeta," he smiled and bruised his lips against Vegeta's.

The two held each other in a loving embrace during their open mouthed kiss, Vegeta parted his lips from Goku's as soon as he felt strong kicks and glanced down at his bump.

"They're moving," Vegeta grabbed onto Goku's hand and placed it on top of the bump. The two exchanged a smile before looking down at the bump feeling the twins moving inside.

Goku leaned his face towards the bump with a smile, "Hey you two, I can't wait to meet you both," his smile widened as he felt a couple of hard kicks before resting his ear against the bump to listen.

Three months passed and they were closer to the due date, after reading their children a bedtime story Vegeta chose to have a warm bath to soothe the slight back ache he was having. Goku managed to settle their son and daughter before checking up on Vegeta.

On entering the bathroom Goku smiled and knelt by the end of the bathtub and started to massage Vegeta's feet that he had propped up on the edge of the bath.

"Have you thought of names yet?" Goku asked while he continued to massage his husband's feet.

Vegeta cracked an eye open and raised a brow at him. "Judging by that question, I'm assuming you have some ideas yourself?"

"Not really," he replied with a nervous smile, he gulped when Vegeta pulled his feet away and sat up giving him a stern look.

"Don't lie to me, that small glint in your eye says otherwise."

Goku kept his smile as Vegeta leaned more towards him awaiting for his response, he let out a nervous titter pointing his index fingers together. "Okay, I may have a few.."

"Thought so," he then winced and glared at his bump as he felt one of them kick under his rib.

"Perhaps we can name one each?... since there's two in there..." he said while pointing at the bump.

Vegeta drew in a sharp breath as he felt one of the baby's feet wedge between his ribs, he glared at Goku who was smiling at the bump unaware of the discomfort he was experiencing. "Who's the one carrying them?" a low growl rumbled from his chest.

Goku blinked at him and leaned back, unsure if Vegeta was about to have an outburst again it was difficult for him to tell at times. "Uh... well..." he cleared his throat and smiled at him.

"And has to give birth to them?"

"Yeah... I see your point there... to be fair you didn't really say no when we -"

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