Chapter 42

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Vegeta now five months into his pregnancy, his emotions all haywire. He hated how uncomfortable he was feeling, and would cry knowing he wasn't near the end yet. They had all went to visit Bulma with their son who was now at the stage of throwing tantrums, to the point of destroying stuff in the house. Whilst Goku sat outside with Bulma watching as his two year old was ripping legs off the chairs and throwing them over the balcony, he smiled nervously at Bulma who watched in astonishment.

"To think you guys are having another one," she gaped as the toddler smiled so innocently at her whilst ripping out plants from the pots.

"I know," he started to tidy up behind his toddler feeling rather guilty.

"How's Vegeta been with his pregnancy?" She raised a brow seeing how stressed out the pair seemed, of course she also found it hilarious watching the two men being owned by their two year old.

"Um, he's been a little more emotional at the moment, he cried as he had the last bowl of cereal."He sighed whilst picking up his son. "This pregnancy has been a nightmare," he confessed, as much as he loved his mate, the pregnancy was far different compared to his first and it was really difficult to judge just what mood Vegeta was going to be in.

"Well you're not the one carrying it so you should consider yourself lucky." She raised her brows at him whilst folding her arms.

"True,but if he isn't crying about something he's wanting uh....other stuff." He blushed with a nervous grin. Not that he had minded before, but it was getting too much and too often which is difficult when having to also deal with their busy toddler.

"Wow, too much info there,"  she pinched the bridge of her nose whilst letting out a sigh.

"Sorry," he smiled rubbing the back of his head.


Whilst Goku was outside talking to Bulma, Vegeta chose to sit inside staring blankly at the floor, whilst wrapping his arms around himself as he felt a slight chill. Trunks strolled inside seeing his father slightly shivering. He leaned on the arm of the chair and poked Vegeta on the arm

"Hey dad, you okay?" Trunks asked as he raise his brows watching as his father started to rock back and forth slightly.

"Just a little cold is all," he mumbled whilst rubbing his arms to try and warm himself up.

"It's pretty warm today," Trunks rubbed the back of his head glancing outside at the clear blue sky.

"Oh that's so good to know, I'm still cold!" he hissed with a subtle glare on his son.

"Want me to fetch you some blankets?" he saw the slight raised brow from his father. "Okay, give me a sec," he smiled before rushing out the room.

Whilst Trunks left to get some blankets, Goten walked in and stood in front of Vegeta staring at his small bump in awe

Vegeta grunted staring back at him in annoyance"What are you staring at?"

"How did the baby get in there in the first place?" he asked whilst cocking his head to the side to study the bump more.

Vegeta blinked in horror at what he was being asked, his cheeks started to turn red from such question from Goten. It was bad enough when he had to try explaining to Trunks what he had witnessed before, no way was he willing to explain it to a child again."Oh no, I'm not explaining that to you!"

"Because it doesn't make sense how a hug puts a baby in there?" he frowned scratching the side of his head in bewilderment.

"Just what are you babbling about?" he furrowed his brows at him.

"My mom said when two people love each other, they give a hug and make a baby."

"Your mom's a moron," he mumbled whilst gritting his teeth due to the bitter chill he was feeling.


"Never mind."

Trunks walked back in handing his father a handful of blankets, he noticed the awkward tension between his father and Goten who were giving each other an awkward glance."Hey dad, hope these will be okay for you?"

"Thanks son," he grabbed the blankets and wrapped them around him, he noticed Goten was still stood now staring at the bump again. "What is it now?!"

"So is the baby taking all your heat and that's why you're cold?" Goten scratched his head whilst raising a brow.

Vegeta huffed covering the bump and looked away from him."Go pester your father will you?"

Goten paused for a few seconds staring blankly before he smiled."Okay," he grinned whilst running out the room.

Trunks raised his brow watching Goten run off in the distance before looking back at his father "Was that a good idea?"

"Probably not," he shrugged.

Bulma walked in to hand Vegeta a drink, she frowned seeing him shivering whilst wrapped up in layers of blankets. "Vegeta, are you okay?"

"He said he's cold," Trunks blurted.

"Right, perhaps you need to get some rest, come on you can go to one of the spare rooms," she placed the drink down offering him her hand to help pick him up.

"I'm fine,"he frowned and glanced up her look of concern. "Okay," he rolled his eyes as he rose to his feet pushing her hand out the way and stumbled towards the bedroom.

Bulma shook her head watching him stumble to the room refusing her help, she sighed and headed outside seeing Goku with a sheepish look as his son was starting to question where babies came from. She giggled whilst grabbing Kaka from Goku's lap and ruffled Goten's hair.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I've had to send Vegeta to bed as he doesn't seem very well. I'll watch these two if you-" she sighed as Goku had already ran off before she could finish her sentence.

"Hey Bulma," Goten tugged at her top causing her to look down at him. "Will you tell me how the baby got inside Vegeta?"

Her eyes widened as she started to blush, "So that's why your father left in such a hurry, um.." she coughed looking around whilst laughing nervously. "Say, how about we see what is on tv?" she smiled and headed into the lounge area.


Goku walked into the room seeing his mate curled into a ball with blankets wrapped around him. He sat on the edge of the bed resting his hand lovingly on top of Vegeta. "How you feeling?"

"cold, and this child won't stop moving," he whined and glared as Goku chuckled lightly at him.

Goku slid his hand under the blankets resting it on the bump, he leaned in planting a delicate kiss on Vegeta's lips. "I love you," he smiled resting his other hand on the side of Vegeta's face.

Vegeta sighed placing his hand on top of Goku's that was resting on the bump, they smiled as they felt small movements, staring deeply into each other's eyes they slowly leaned in to a passionate kiss.

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