Chapter 26

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Bulma helped give Kaka his first bath with the help from Trunks.
"Can't believe he's sleeping through his first bath" Bulma giggled as Trunks leaned over the bath watching.
"When will we be able to fight with him?" Trunks asked curiously
"Not till a few years, this lil one may be pretty strong too so we will all have to wait and see" she smiled as she wrapped Kaka up in a towel, she passed him to Trunks to hold. He looked down at his sleeping brother and smiled.
"Come on, lets go check on your father" Bulma directed Trunks back to the bedroom carrying his baby brother. Bulma followed behind, she looked over at Vegeta who was stood looking out the bedroom window.
"Hey grumps, your other son has been bathed with help from your eldest of course" she smiled ruffling Trunks hair, vegeta didn't stir he kept looking out the window "uh hello?! Did you hear what I just said?!"
"Whatever..." vegeta quickly replied still looking out the window.
"I'm sure Goku will be back once he's calmed down" Bulma had Trunks pass her Kaka, she gently changed him into his sleep suit doing her best not to stir him.
" I don't care about that clown!" Vegeta walked over looking down at Kaka as he was getting dressed, still in a deep sleep.
"You don't mean that!" Bulma said as she passed Kaka back to Trunks, trunks carefully carried his baby brother into his cot. He looked back at his parents, he could sense the tension from before they broke up. He looked back at his sleeping brother before leaving the room not wanting to get involved in the confrontation. Vegeta and Bulma saw the awkward expression on Trunks face, they looked back at each other.
"You know, you were pretty harsh to Goku, he's been very hands on throughout your pregnancy, you could at least acknowledge that and trust him more!" Bulma crosses her arms looking over at Vegeta.
"If you are here to lecture me woman, then I'd like you to leave!" He snapped pointing at the door.
"You know, I could of been a bitch, I could of thrown you out of this place! No I let you and Goku stay here! I even helped with your pregnancy and deliver your child! It's been hard watching you and my best friend fall in love and create a life. You could at least be a little more nice to me!" Bulma snapped with her hands placed on her hips, she was enraged, she was tired too from sorting out the food to bathing her ex's child.
"You were fucking your ex behind my back Bulma! So don't try and guilt me!"
"And how long were you and Goku at it before the pair of you decided to confess to me?!"
"Does it matter?!"
"You know what?! I'm not getting into this with you! You carry on being a jerk and push your family away, I'd be surprised if Goku even stays with you after the way you spoke to him!" She stormed off closing the door quietly to not disturb the sleeping baby.
"Tsk, bitch!" Vegeta growled under his breath.
He walked over to the cot, watching his son sleeping, he smiled and stroked his sons cheek, he couldn't believe he carried something so beautiful.
"You know you shouldn't really speak to Bulma like that"
Vegeta jumped back to see Goku stood behind him.
"How long have you been stood here?!" Vegeta asked
Goku smirked, he walked past Vegeta and looked over at their sleeping child, vegeta watched folding his arms glaring.
"How are you feeling now?" Goku asked as he looked at Vegeta from over his shoulder.
"I-I'm fine!"
"Of course you are" goku turned so his body was facing Vegetas "least you are up on your feet now"
"You try and birth a child!" Vegeta crosses his arms glaring at Goku.
"I didn't mean it like that, you had me worried earlier" Goku stood in front of Vegeta, he rubbed his thumb over Vegeta's lips, vegeta blushed slightly he looked away he still wasn't happy with him. Goku tilted Vegetas face up slightly by lifting his chin gently, he then kissed Vegeta passionately. Vegeta gave up trying to pull back and melted into the kiss wrapping his arms around Goku's waist. Goku broke from the kiss to lick and suck lightly down Vegetas neck, vegeta bit his lip he loved the feeling at the same time he was starting to hurt more. Sensing his mate in discomfort, Goku stopped he carried Vegeta bridal style and lay him onto the bed. Goku lay next to him pulling him into a cuddle.
"You're still an idiot" vegeta grinned staring into his mates eyes. Goku just chuckled and planted a kiss on his forehead.

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