Chapter 6 - New feelings

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Back in the shower together, just as they were last night. This time it was more intimate, they couldn't get enough of each other as their tongues curled, twist round each other, holding each other close, not wanting the make out session to end. Water trickling down their bodies, panting in between their kisses and tongue dance. Vegeta had no clue what had gotten over him, how it ended up like this, well he knew sort of but how has he let himself be dominated over by someone who is always one step ahead of him.

An hour passed, and they finally were out the shower, dressed and sat at the table with their sons eating lunch. They didn't give each other eye contact, doing their best not to break out of character in hope their children don't catch on.

"Oh yeah, mom called earlier" trunks spoke up
Vegeta's eyes widened "when?!"
" was a while back, you guys were still in the woods" he shrugged
"What did you tell her?!"
"I said you were training"
"You said what?!" Vegeta stood up in rage
Goku placed his hand on Vegeta's shoulder "Hey, calm down vegeta"
"Get off me!" Vegeta pushed Gokus hand off him "the woman warned us about training!"
Trunks and Goten looked at each other baffled then looked back at their fathers.
"Well, what were you doing dad?" Trunks asked
Vegeta stood with his mouth opened, he didn't know what to say. Goku stepped in front.
"Ah you guys caught us, we were training" he smiled
"I knew it!" Trunks smirked
"You're just too clever, thought we'd get away with it too." Goku laughed nervously
"Oh boy, you are both in trouble Mom is not impressed" trunks said as he grabbed his drink
"Well of course she isn't! She thinks we been training!" Vegeta snarled
Goku pulled Vegeta to the side
"You need to calm it before we get caught out, you have to play along!"
"Gr! Fine!... but we aren't doing this any more! I mean it! It's too risky for starters, and I don't know why we are even doing it, it's disgusting"
Goku sighed and shook his head "still in denial huh?"
"Hey, what you two whispering about over there?" Trunks perked up.
"Oh uh, we were just uh...talking about what to have for dinner tonight"
"Pizza!" Goten chirped
"Pizza it is then." Vegeta pushed goku out the way and stormed off.
"What is up with my dad?" Trunks asked
"Ah don't worry, he's just not looking forward to facing your mother when she comes back home in couple of days. That's all." Goku smiled "anyway, who's up for some board games?"
Trunks and Goten shrugged
"Alright then"
They went off to pick their favourite board game.

Bulma noticed Vegeta calling her. She was on sun lounger by the pool, she looked at ChiChi and rolled her eyes pointing at the phone.
"Let's see what he has to say for himself, shall we?"

"Hello, want to tell me what's been going on?" She answered
"Cut the crap, I know the boy told you we"

"Uh, how rude speaking to me like that!"

"Sorry...I promise you it won't happen again"

"It  better not, not when you both are looking after the boys on your own!"

"Look, I know I've been distant and I'm sorry"

"Well, we will need to talk about it in person."


Both ended the call, Bulma smiled slightly ChiChi looked over.
"See, he'd apologise in the end" ChiChi smiled
"Yes, and now I'm needing to come clean with him when I return home" Bulma sighed

Time skip

The boys had their pizza and were ready for bed, after Goku tucked them into bed. He looked towards Vegeta's room, he hadn't left there since lunch time and didn't join them playing board games or dinner.
Goku tapped on the bedroom door, no answer.
"Look, you can't ignore me all night"
Vegeta unlocked the door glaring at Goku
"Are you going to let me in?" Goku asked with a small smile
Vegeta opens the door wider allowing Goku to walk in.
"So, are we going to talk about what's going on?" Goku asked whilst sat on the edge of the bed.
"I've been feeling things, that had left me confused" vegeta admitted "these feelings have been coming and going for a while now, whenever Bulma tries to get close I don't have those feelings for her"
Gokus eyes widened "What feelings?"
Vegeta gritted his teeth and looked away "I can't describe them, you've done something to me, to my body, I've experienced going on heat, the lust...I can't control it"
Goku stood up gently lifting Vegeta chin to have him face him.
"I feel it too"
Vegeta slapped gokus hand out the way
"We can't do this, it'll hurt our family!"
"That's why we are keeping it a secret" goku grinned
"But I'm not sure how long I can live in this lie, when trunks mentioned about Bulma calling him earlier I froze!"
"Hm" Goku thought to himself "then just let me do the talking"
Vegeta facepalmed "but you can't be here all the time idiot! There will be a time where I'll be caught off guard when you are not around or something!"
Goku seen the panic on Vegeta's face, he looked so flustered.
"Okay, we will stop whatever this is" goku smiled
"Well that's what you want isn't it? Besides I don't want you getting this stressed out about it"
"Thanks..." vegeta replied looking down
"Well I don't know about you" goku yawned "but I'm going to bed, night vegeta" goku left the room.

Vegeta found himself yawning "god damn idiots infectious yawn!" He chuckled to himself. Perhaps it was for the best that they don't mention it, they stopped whatever it was they were doing, it's just too risky. These feelings, clearly they are just those hormones...

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