Chapter 35

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A month passed since Trunks had walked in on his father. Goku planned a couple nights away with Vegeta to have some time together away from others.Bulma agreed to have Kaka stay with her, under Vegeta's strict orders he didn't want their son staying with Chichi. Vegeta was rather nervous leaving his son, he became very protective.

Stood outside Bulma's, she was handed a list with Kaka's routine. She looked at the list before raising her brow at Vegeta.
"Don't you think this is a bit, over the top Vegeta?" Bulma shook the list in front of his face "no toddler follows this kind of strict routine!"
"Are you seriously questioning my parenting skills woman?!" Vegeta glared at her folding his arms. Goku laughed nervously as he backed away holding their son.
"What if I am?!" Bulma rested her hands on her hips.
"Just who do you think you are?! I am trusting you with my son!"
"Who do I think I am? I am the mother of our eldest son or have you forgotten that?! I am more than capable looking after your youngest! But if you don't think so then I won't bother!"
Goku quickly stepped in front of Vegeta before Vegeta had a chance to open his mouth in response.
"No Bulma, we know you are more than capable!" He looked over his shoulder "right Vegeta?"
"Tsk, whatever" vegeta frowned looking away.
"See!" Goku smiled at Bulma handing her Kaka.
"You know, a little bit of attitude adjustment wouldn't hurt you!" Bulma glared over at Vegeta.
"Coming from you!" Vegeta glared back.
Goku shoved Vegeta back covering Vegeta's mouth.
"Stop! Before she decides not to have him, then our only option would have to be chichi" goku gave Vegeta a serious look knowing Vegeta's feelings on it.
Bulma grinned at Goku before looking over at Vegeta. Vegeta pushed Goku back.
"Yes, fine...sorry..." he huffed at them both.
"Sorry for what?" Bulma raised her brow holding Kaka, Kaka pulled same worrying expression as Goku.
"Don't push it!" Vegeta looked over at her smirking, she knew how to wind him up so easily. Trunks ran up behind her smiling over at his dad.
"Hey dad, Yamcha said you were going away for few days. He then told mom how you'd probably be sore for days guys training or something?"
Bulma stood nervously avoiding eye contact with Vegeta, she looked down at Trunks before passing Kaka to him.
"Hey sweetie, how about you take your brother inside?"
Trunks cocked his head to the side seeing his father gritting his teeth blushing, whilst Goku and Bulma fought back laughing.
"Adults are strange" trunks said as he walked in holding his brother.
"Just what do you two think is so funny?!" Vegeta glared at both Bulma and Goku who both started to snicker. "Well if that's how you are going to be, then I won't go anywhere!" He folded his arms.
"Aw, come on. Don't be like that" Goku wrapped his arms around Vegeta from behind. "I'm sure you won't be in that much pain afterwards" he smirked feeling Vegeta trying to break free from his grip.

Bulma shook her head and started to walk in leaving the two outside. Goku let go of his grip, he spun vegeta to face him embracing into a kiss. Grabbing hold of Vegeta's hand he used his instant transmission to take them to a small island, vegeta stood slack jawed at the scenery. Goku grinned watching Vegeta's reaction as he lightly nipped down Vegeta's neck. Vegeta tilted his neck allowing Goku further access to lick and kiss.

"Where have you taken us?!" Vegeta bit his lip enjoying the sensation of being kissed down his neck.
"Mm, somewhere I know we won't be disturbed" goku grinned as he had Vegeta follow him towards small woodland area, a cottage was in the centre of it with small lake opposite.
Vegeta paused taking in the scenery, before looking back at Goku. "This looks similar to when we..." he trailed his fingers on the area where they had marked each other. Vegeta took small steps backwards looking at the lake, flashbacks of the night came flooding in. Goku grabbed him from waist behind, nipping on Vegeta earlobe before trailing his fingers down to his crotch area.
"I love you Vegeta, and I thought bringing you back here will bring you back to that night." He smirked seeing Vegeta blush. "Shall we?..." goku raised a brow holding Vegetas hand slowly guiding him into the cottage. Vegeta grinned pushing Goku against the wall, pulling him in for a kiss.
"Perhaps we should re-enact the night." Vegeta deepened the kiss as Goku wrapped his arms around his waist.

and I'll end the chapter here. I shall spice things up for the next chapter.
YezdanYava  i know you requested for their love to grow deeper, for them to go on a vacation or something. So thank you for this idea. It's just the beginning, as promised more smut will follow. ;) haha

Oh yeah, if you aren't sure this is in reference to "clearing the mind" chapter of this book.

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