Chapter 3 - Closer.

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A few minutes had passed, and the two saiyans were making out holding each other close to their naked bodies;panting in between their kiss fingers caressing greedily on each other. Vegeta broke from the kiss, he was in a mixture of emotions he could still feel the heat off his body, he wasn't fully satisfied. Goku looked up placing his hand on Vegeta's cheek.
"What's wrong?"
With that vegeta looked back at Goku with a smirk, he placed two fingers into Goku's mouth. Goku licked and sucked his fingers, unsure what exactly was going on but proceeded to play along. His tongue twirling around the fingers, saliva drooling sides of his mouth. Vegeta quickly pulled his fingers out of Goku's mouth, letting out an annoying groan from him.
Vegeta leaned closer to Goku "now it's my turn" he shoved his fingers into Goku's opening. Goku let out a gasp, vegeta grinned as he twist and turned his fingers inside Goku. Goku squirmed at the discomfort, and tried to pull Vegeta out. Vegeta chuckled as he held Goku down with his other hand. "Quit fighting, relax or it'll hurt!" Goku felt Vegeta rubbing against an area inside that sent an intensive sensation throughout his body, he buckled in reaction.
"Found it" vegeta smirked
"Found what?"
Before Goku had a chance to adjust with what's going on, he felt a sharp pain hit inside him. Vegeta had rammed his member deep inside and began to slowly thrust in.
" hurts...I..."
vegeta leaned over kissing goku on the lips, goku started to relax and as vegeta kept same rhythm with his thrusts, The pain started to subside. Goku wrapped his legs around Vegeta's waist allowing him to thrust in deeper, vegeta started to thrust in against Goku's G-spot that had Goku moaning in ecstasy.
"H-harder! ..."
Vegeta smirked as he thrusted in harder, Goku moaning at each thrust. Goku started to slam himself into vegeta moaning out as he done so. Vegeta smirked and began to slam in hitting the G-spot every time.
"Uhh...Vegetaaaa!" Goku moaned out and began to pump his hardened member.
Vegeta could feel himself close to climax, he began to pump in faster, harder, deeper inside and moaned out in great pleasure.
"Fuck....this feels so good!" Vegeta moaned out as he slammed even harder inside Goku.
Goku screamed out in pleasure he pumped himself faster till he spilled his warm seed all over himself and Vegeta. Vegeta threw his head back as he felt himself filling Goku with his warm seed.
Pair of them froze for few seconds, panting, sweating and covered in their own juices. They were slowly coming back into reality.
"Mmm, that was amazing" Goku smiled with his eyes shut.
Vegeta pulled himself out and headed to the bathroom. Goku sat up "vegeta?"
"We need to wash ourselves, we can't go to sleep in this mess...idiot"
Goku looked down to see his abdomen and thighs covered in mixture of both their seed.
"Yeah, I guess you're right..."

*~* Meanwhile*~*
Bulma and ChiChi walk into their apartment after spending few hours in the spa.
"This is just what I needed" Bulma smiled as she was opened up complimentary bottle of wine.
"Yeah, it's been so stressful so nice to relax for once"
Bulma nodded in agreement as she poured ChiChi a glass.
"I hope them two are behaving at least" Bulma sighed "to be truthful, vegeta and I been going through a rough patch"
ChiChi looked over at Bulma who was downing her glass of wine and pouring herself another glass.
"Let me guess, he wants to train?" ChiChi sighed as she downed her glass.
"Well it's not that, he's been out of character and been pushing me away. I'm hoping this short break away will help bring us closer"
ChiChi grabbed Bulma's glass before she could get chance to fill it with wine again.
"Lesson hun, we are not going to spend our relaxation break dwelling on those two pig headed men! They need us more than we need them, I'm sure he'll be crawling back to you in no time Bulma and realise what an arrogant git he's been!"
Bulma shrugged and smiled slightly.
" I sure hope you are right."

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