Chapter 32

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Vegeta was sat at the table feeding Kaka his breakfast, his phone began to ring he placed the bowl of porridge down so he could have a free hand to answer.

"Good morning to you too Vegeta!" Bulma replied in an over the top voice mockingly.
"You should know by now woman I'm not a morning person... what do you want?" He continued to spoon feed kaka with his free hand keeping hold of the phone with the other.
"Well I was thinking about how nice it would be if you spent time with Trunks.."
"Trunks?..." he looked over as Kaka tried to grab the bowl "no!" He yanked the bowl off him.
"Oh wow, so you play happy families with Goku and your son forgetting we actually have a son as well?! You are an absolute Jerk I ..." as she started to shout profanities Vegeta pulled phone away from his ear waiting for her to calm down. As he no longer heard the muffled shouting he placed the phone back to his ear.
"Woman! I didn't say no to spending time with Trunks,  I'm currently feeding my other boy who tried to tip the bowl over his head!"
"Oh, so cute you are taking on the mother role"
"Shut up!"
"So anyway, I can have Kaka for the night if ya want? Give you more quality time with Trunks, I think it's important he gets to spend time with you and Goku together."
Vegeta looked over to see Kaka had managed to empty the bowl of porridge on top of his head. He pinched bridge of his nose as he sighed.
"Please take him"
"We can trade, I'll have trunks stay over."
"It's a deal!"
"Hn, bye"

Vegeta looked over at Kaka who was sat smug with porridge dripping down his face.
"You are so lucky you are cute boy!" Vegeta shook his head chuckling as he lifted Kaka out and headed to the bathroom. Goku woke up taking a long stretch he climbed out of bed, he heard Vegeta talking to their son in the bathroom. He walked into the bathroom to see Vegeta knelt down leaning over the tub washing their son down.
"Morning vegeta!"
Vegeta turned round seeing Goku stood half asleep in his boxers. He pulled Kaka out the tub to dry him.
"Bulma called, she suggested we have trunks over whilst she has Kaka" he placed Kaka down to get his clean clothing and started to dress Kaka.
"I see" goku scratched back of his head as he yawned "Well it makes sense, considering Trunks is starting to feel left out" vegeta carried Kaka into his bedroom to play with his toys.
"That's why Bulma suggested we have trunks over for the night" vegeta folded his arms watching Kaka playing with some blocks.
"Sounds good to me" goku wrapped his arms around Vegeta's waist and placed kisses down Vegeta's neck.

*~*~*~* Time skip to the evening*~*~*~*~*~*

Trunks had managed to coax Vegeta and Goku to take him to the fair, he went on all the rides, and had lot of sweat treats that Goku happily let him have which annoyed Vegeta. They went out for a meal before returning home, Vegeta and Goku both tucked trunks into bed. Trunks was liking the idea of having two dads as well as a mom and step dad, think of the extra presents he'd receive. Vegeta and Goku headed to their room as Trunks fell asleep. Just as Vegeta started to strip off Goku wrapped his arms around him from behind lightly suck on Vegeta's neck. Vegeta slapped his hands away glaring over at Goku.
"Trunks is sleeping in the bedroom opposite!" Vegeta snapped
"But I really wanna fuck you!" Goku whined looking at Vegeta with his puppy like eyes.
"Just go relief yourself in the bathroom!" Vegeta blushed looking to see the hardened bulge between Goku's legs.
"Oh come on, not even for a little bit? We can be quiet! Please!"
"whats gotten into you?" Vegeta folded his arms
"Mm. More like what will be going into you!" Goku pushed Vegeta onto the bed and planted kisses and licks down Vegeta's body.
"Kakarot you idiot! Get off...mmm ah!" Vegeta bucked his hips as he felt his member being sucked "you are such a sexual deviant!" Vegeta gasped as he felt Goku suck harder on his member. Goku released the member from his mouth grinning up at Vegeta.
"Don't act like you aren't wanting this, I know you are eager just as much as I am!" Goku grinned seeing Vegeta smirk as little.
Half hour spent foreplay leaded to Vegeta riding Goku, the bed squeaked beneath them, head board slamming against the wall. Vegeta threw his head back moaning out whilst he stroked his hardened member.
"Ah vegeta you are amazing!" Goku moaned holding onto Vegeta's hips.
Vegeta leaned himself back a bit to get a good angle for his prostate to be hit. Both a moaning mess, Goku slammed his hips in to meet the thrusts with vegeta.
"Fuck! ..ahh mmm I'm cumming!" Vegeta moaned out as his seed shot out covering them both.
"Um, dad?" Both Vegeta's eyes shot wide open, they turned to see trunks stood by the door looking pale. Vegeta quickly climbed off Goku and placed a blanket on the both to try and look more decent.
"Trunks! much of that did you see?!"
"Enough to give me nightmares...what...what were you doing?!"
Goku laughed nervously looking over at Vegeta, Vegeta cheeks went bright red there was an awakened silence as they all looked over at each other.

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