Chapter 4 - our secret.

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Goku joined Vegeta in the shower, both rinsing the soap off their bodies. Vegeta closed his eyes deep in thought, taking in what just happened, how could he let his hormones get in the way like that?
"Um...Vegeta" Goku interrupted
"What?!" He snapped as he walked out the shower wrapping a towel around his waist.
"Are we going to talk about what happened?"
"I told you Kakarot! We are not going to speak of this not even to our women!" He snarled as he threw a spare towel towards Goku, he then walked out towards his bed where bedding was all ruffled from their session.
Goku confused quickly jumped out the shower, wrapped towel around himself and walked towards vegeta.
"We can't just act as if nothing happened, I..." before goku could finish his sentence vegeta passed Goku his pyjama bottoms then pointed towards the door, not even making eye contact.
"I suggest you get some sleep Kakarot"
Goku sighed and started to head towards the door.
"That's fine Vegeta, but don't think for a second I'm going to drop this!" He slammed the door behind him.
Vegeta growled clinching his fists. "How could I be so stupid?!"
Goku headed into the spare room, he was in a mixture of feelings. He thought about the sex he just had and how it's never felt that good with chichi; his ass still hurting from the pounding he had...but it didn't bother him. Thinking of the sex caused his member to harden, biting his bottom lip and looking around the room. Goku decided to give into temptation and began stroking his member, still biting onto his lip to avoid his moans escaping through his mouth. As he started to stroke himself faster, he couldn't hold back anymore he moaned out Vegeta's name as he released. Goku kept still in shock, did he just moan out the stubborn Saiyan's name?

Vegeta was tossing and turning in bed, thoughts relaying in back of his mind. He was annoyed with himself, annoyed that his hormones took over his instincts, yet same time he secretly enjoyed it.

Morning arrived, Goten and trunks were the first to wake up. they sat playing video games unaware of their fathers late night antics.

Vegeta slowly got himself out of bed, and dressed. He took a deep breath before holding onto the door handle. "Just got to act normal, like nothing has happened" he said to himself as he slowly opened his door and headed towards the kitchen.

"Hey dad!" Trunks ran up tapping his father 
Vegeta paused and turned to his son "hm?"
"Goten and I are wondering if it's okay if...we could go out to the woods? We wanting to build a den and..."
"That's fine" vegeta responded and he then continued to walk towards the kitchen.
"Huh?" Trunks stood in confusion "he didn't even let me finish"
"Hey Trunks!" Goten ran over "so is your dad okay with us having a sleep over in the woods?"
"It looks that way! And we dont need to ask your dad cos I doubt he'll disagree with my dad" Trunks smirked
"This is going to be awesome!" Goten smiled

As Vegeta headed into the kitchen he seen Gohan and Goku stood by the front door. "He better keep his mouth shut!" Vegeta grunted to himself whilst glaring at the pair.
Gohan looked towards Vegeta and smiled waving nervously, Goku turned to face vegeta knowing that Vegeta didn't want Goku to say anything he had to act as if nothing happened between them. As Goku was about to open his mouth to say something Goten ran in towards Gohan giving him a hug.
"Guess what! Trunks and I are heading into the woods shortly to build a den and..."
"Ah that sounds like fun! Mind if I join?!" Goku chirped in
Vegeta rolled his eyes and crossed his arms heading into the kitchen.
Gohan looked at his father who seemed interested on den building with his little brother.
"So, everything alright?"
"Why...why wouldn't it be? Did someone say something?...everything's fine Gohan honestly!" Goku laughed nervously
Gohan raised an eyebrow "well, if you say so." Goku nodded and smiled.
Gohan shrugged it off as perhaps his father is eager to train but didn't want to break his mothers promise.

ChiChi and Bulma were enjoying their breakfast, looking forward to their afternoon spa treatment.
"We should do this more often" Bulma smiled feeling relaxed.
"I agree! Since our husbands like to train often we should do more breaks like this! We do far too much for them!"
Bulma nodded in agreement as she took a sip of her coffee.
"Let's hope the men clean up after themselves too!" ChiChi huffed
"Wow now, that's expecting too much from them two" Bulma laughed "I could of been nice and had the nanny take care of the boys since my parents are away travelling, but you know I had enough of the husband of mine not spending as much quality time with our son"
"Tell me about it" ChiChi laughed as she took sip of her coffee.

Half hour passed, Gohan looked at his watch and panicked as he was running late for a meeting. He left in a rush, after messaging Bulma letting her know that the boys were okay and house was still in one piece. As he left Vegeta stormed in with his arms folded.
"Bitch of a woman can't trust us with our kids" as he glared at the door Gohan left through.
Goku stood and looked over at Vegeta.
"What makes you think that?"
Vegeta glaring back at goku "of course you are too stupid to see, they sent your eldest brat to check up on us!"
Goku grinned "funny, you weren't calling me stupid last night when..." before he could finish vegeta pinned Goku against the wall
"Not another word!"
Goku pushed Vegeta off him and had him pinned to the floor, laying on top he leans down to Vegeta's ear as Vegeta gasps.
"I got it, it's our little secret. Like I said though, Don't think I'm doing to drop this! We need to talk about it, because I'm in mix emotions right now!"
Vegeta squirmed beneath him snarling, goku could feel Vegeta's member slightly harden beneath him leaving goku smirking.
"By the feel of things Vegeta, it seems like you are in mix emotions too"
Vegeta pushed Goku off him and got back onto his feet.
Goku folded his arms "or what Vegeta?"
"You are lucky we promised we wouldn't fight, because I'd happily rip your head off your shoulders!"
Goku grinned "you could try"
Vegeta felt himself getting flustered, he glared at Goku who had a smug look on his face, he was loving this.
Trunks and Goten walk into the lounge seeing their fathers glaring at one another they decided to just walk out but as they were about to reach the front door.
"Stop.right.there!" Vegeta yelled whilst still glaring at Goku.
Boys turned round.
"We going to play outside..." trunks replied
"And you thought it was okay to just sneak off without saying anything?" Vegeta turned to face them.
"Tsk, just go"
Trunks nodded in response and grabbed Gotens arm.
"Hey dad!" Goten looked over at his father "are you wanting to help us build a den?"
Vegeta looked back at Goku.
"I'll catch up with you both later, Okay?" Goku smiled
Trunks looked at both fathers "you two aren't going to do any fighting when we gone?"
Vegeta leaned against the wall
"No, I promised your mother"
Trunks shrugged "I don't really care anyway, come on Goten let's go"
Goten smiled waving and followed his friend out the door.
Goku stood up and looked at Vegeta who was still leaning against the wall looking down the floor.
"I don't know what you want me to say Kakarot, it was a mistake, a one off, something took over my body, and I regret every minute of it. Just the thought of you and I churns my stomach!"
"I find that very hard to believe"
"Well, believe it!"
Goku chuckled as he stepped in front of vegeta who's still looking at the floor.
"You know, we don't have to tell anyone we can still carry on like normal, whilst we can carry on what we done last night"
Vegeta scoffed and looked back at Goku.
"Because no doubt Vegeta, you'll feel that heat and you'll be needing me to help get rid"
Vegeta still speechless, he knew Goku was right, he couldn't keep denying the fact that he enjoyed it too.
"Kakarot, I..." Goku placed his finger on Vegeta's lips
"Say no more" goku leaned in closer Vegeta could smell him, and it was turning him on. Goku was aware of this as he whispered in his ear "so, what's it going to be?"

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