Chapter 33

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Trunks sat in the spare room as instructed by his father. He wasn't sure what exactly he witnessed, but it did leave him with a lot of questions. His father casually walked in after cleaning himself and making himself decent he sat on the edge of the bed. He looked over at Trunks with serious expression.
"I'm assuming you have a few questions you want answered?" Vegeta folded his arms awaiting for Trunks to say something.
Trunks blushed a little looking away from his father, he couldn't even look him in the eye after what he had witnessed.
"Um...kinda..." trunks admitted staring at the bedroom floor.
"I will only answer the questions that you need to know, just so we are both clear on that." Vegeta felt himself blushing a little, he wasn't expecting this kind of conversation with his son not yet anyway, not till he hit his teens.
Trunks gulped looking over at his father he nodded slightly before looking away again.
"What...what were you doing?"
"We were...making love" vegeta felt himself blush more as he confessed.
Trunks raised a brow at his father not looking the least bit convinced by his fathers response.
"It didn't sound loving to me, you were swearing at each other for start and it looked...painful"
Vegeta could feel himself squirming, he was getting uncomfortable with this topic.
"Why must you make this uncomfortable for me?!" Vegeta hissed.
"What about me dad? I was the one walking in on you naked with goku's pen..." swiftly Vegeta jumped in before Trunks could finish what he was going to say.
"Don't even finish that sentence!" Vegeta pinched bridge of his nose staring at the ground. "When two people have feelings for each other, they get intimate and that's all you need to know!" Vegeta rose to his feet feeling himself blushing all sorts of red.
"Did you do that with mom?"
"Yes, that's how you are here..."
Trunks eyes widened, this opened up a whole load of more questions. Vegeta sighed as he started to head out.
"I've said what you've had to hear, I'll see you in the morning and we won't speak of this again!" He quickly walked out the bedroom not giving trunks a chance to throw in another question.

Stumbling back into his room muttering stuff under his breath, Goku sat on the bed smiling over.
"How'd it go?" He asked watching Vegeta climb into bed next to him.
"What do you think?!" He pulled the duvet over his head and he laid in fetal position.
"That's why I asked you as I don't know..." Goku tugged at the duvet, vegeta kept a hard grip not letting go. "Come on, I'm sure it wasn't that bad?"
Vegeta pulled the duvet away from his face as he turned to face Goku.
"How would you feel if that was your brat walking in on us?!"
"Oh uh, I'm not sure..." goku blushed a little scratching the back of his head "I guess I'd start by telling the truth?"
Vegeta raised his brow "you guess?"
"Well yeah, I mean it's just sex right?"
Vegeta facepalmed and turned away from Goku "I'm going to sleep now!"
Goku leaned over poking at Vegeta's crimson cheeks. "What's the matter?...Hey, do you want me to speak to Trunks for you?" Goku smiled
"No! Absolutely not! He's been told what he needed to hear, last thing he needs is your idiot way of explaining things to add to the works!" Vegeta scowled as he sunk his head into the duvet again. Goku giggled and lay next to Vegeta.

The following morning Trunks sat at the table eating breakfast, there was an awkward silence between him and his father. Goku walked in stretching he smiled at them both as they looked over.
"Morning Trunks, did you sleep well?"
Vegeta face palmed as trunks went red.
"Uhh... not since seeing you" trunks laughed nervously
"Oh right..." goku sat opposite him "want to talk about it?"
Vegeta smacked back of Gokus head "What are you doing you idiot?!"
"Well it's obviously still on back of his mind, I was just trying to help." Goku rubbed back of his head glaring at Vegeta "you didn't have to hit me that hard !"
"I'm good, thanks anyway..." trunks smiled awkwardly.
"You won't mention anything to your mother will you?!" Vegeta gave his son a stern look, the last thing he needed was Bulma giving him a lecture.
Trunks gulped and shook his head.
There was a knock at the door, Goku ran to answer letting Bulma and Kaka in. Trunks quickly got his stuff and headed out, Bulma looked back before looking over at Vegeta and Goku.
"What's up with him?"
Vegeta picked Kaka up and shrugged "it's nothing"
Goku looked at vegeta before looking at Bulma "trunks may of walked in on us..."
Bulma's face dropped, vegeta faced Goku glaring at him.
"Are you kidding me? Like can't you guys keep it in your pants for at least one day?!" She stormed off after trunks.
Goku looked back at Vegeta glaring at him "what?! She has rights to know" goku shrugged at him.
"You are a fucking idiot!" Vegeta stormed off with their son.

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