Chapter 54

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Sauntering into the bedroom, doing his best to not make any noise as he had their baby daughter cradled in his arms. After failed attempts to settle Eschalot in her crib, he accepted defeat allowing her to fall asleep in his arms.

"Why am I not surprised that you have allowed her to settle in your arms?" Vegeta shook his head with a smile as he had Kaka curled into him on the couples bed.

"Looks like you had the same amount of luck as me," Goku let out a low chuckle and gently climbed into bed holding Eschalot close to him.

Vegeta hummed and brushed his fingers along their son's hair, he smiled watching Kaka wrinkle his nose and turned over to his other side.

"They can sense some changes," Vegeta's attention moved onto Goku, who gave him a slight perplexed expression.

"Oh," Goku knitted his brows together as he glanced down at Eschalot then towards Kaka who was now snoring in his sleep. "Well to be honest you have kinda been stressed with this wedding, I mean you haven't let any of us help," he tittered avoiding Vegeta's glare.

It's been over a month and Vegeta had planned everything for their big day, the closer it got to the date of their big day Goku noticed the more stressed Vegeta became. Although, he learned to not offer to help or ask if he was okay as Vegeta would snap at him and would leave in a huff. Sometimes it was best to just agree with everything he said rather than question it. The other day Vegeta had made a hole through their wall from when he punched Yamcha for even suggesting a bachelor party. Bulma was not impressed to say the least as this was the tenth time she was called to help fix a hole in their house as Vegeta has punched someone through it or thrown a blast in rage. Goku heard the woman joke how Vegeta had practically turned into a bridezilla. Goku wanted to keep his balls intact and knew not to mention nor ask Vegeta what they meant, however Vegeta had overheard him asking Krillin and well... Krillin was punched through their wall.

Vegeta chewed on his inside lip, his glare softened and he gently brushed his fingers along Kaka's hair again. "There's a reason why I've chosen for us to marry next week instead of during spring like we had originally discussed before."

"You hate spring is that it?" Goku raised a brow with a pensive expression, he could feel Eschalot start to wriggle in her sleep and he started to gently rock her in his arms in hope it would keep her settled.

Watching Goku cradle their daughter protectively in his arms, made Vegeta's heart throb in admiration, he felt a nudge in his side from their son who was now spread across the centre of the bed between them. A low chuckle rumbled from Vegeta's throat, there were certain things their children would do that reminded him so much of his mate. He would have never thought he'd end up with a third class and produce beautiful children with them. Of course he was biased, but between the two of them they have beautiful children even with their ex's.

"Vegeta?" Goku whispered, not wanting to wake their children.


"Was that why you chose to have the wedding so soon?... because you don't like spring or something?"

Vegeta puffed out his cheeks and gestured for Goku to gently pass Eschalot over to him. Carefully Goku handed their sleeping daughter to him, he raised his brows curiously at Vegeta as he did so. He watched Vegeta gently place Eschalot down between them and her snoring brother. Gently he grabbed Goku's hand and held it against his lower abdomen, he smiled watching Goku's expression change to awe.

"I think I get it now," Goku said as he stared at his hand placed on Vegeta's stomach.

Vegeta's smile widened, believing Goku had got the hint.

"It's because you'd rather spend the next few months training and tone up some more right?"

Vegeta gaped at the seriousness imprinted on Goku's face. "No you idiot," a low growl erupted from his throat, he made a quick glance down at their sleeping children before he glared at Goku. "I'm pregnant," he whispered as Eschalot started to stir a little and cuddle into her brother.

"What?!" Goku exclaimed and quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

Vegeta rolled his eyes skyward as he drew in a sharp breath and folded his arms. "You heard."

"H-how... w-when... I... woah..."

"I think it is pretty much obvious how," Vegeta pinched the bridge of his nose as Goku let out a nervous titter, "it was when I was.. you know... in the kitchen..." his cheeks reddened as he glanced back at Goku.

Goku blinked and rubbed the back of his head, his cheeks started to redden also and he smiled nervously, "so uh... how far along are you?"

"Well... Bulma had done a scan and -"

"Wait she knows?!" Goku asked and quickly covered his mouth realising he hadn't exactly whispered that.

"Will you try to keep it down," Vegeta said through his teeth as he soothed their children.

"Sorry," Goku pressed his lips together and leaned forward, "so how far along?"

"Just under two months."

Goku smiled at Vegeta, his eyes started to water as he couldn't suppress his happiness. Granted it will be a nightmare dealing with Vegeta being pregnant again, but it was going to be worth it.

"That's not all..." Vegeta gulped and he cleared his throat as he smiled back at Goku nervously. "It's twins." He raised a brow at Goku's vacant expression, "Kakarot... did you listen to what I just s-" Vegeta was silenced by firm soft lips pressed against his. Slowly eyes started to close as their kiss deepened, his heart leapt and he felt warmth travel through his veins before their lips slowly parted.

"Man twins Huh?... think we can manage?" Goku smiled as the two glanced down at their sleeping children then back at each other.

"I'm sure we will," he smiled back and brushed his lips against Goku's, "we may need a bigger house though."

The two smiled and chuckled into their kiss before they both laid down and wrapped their arms around their children in bed.

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