Chapter 9 - what is this?

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Vegeta had woken up laying on Gokus bare chest, he looked around to see they were still outside by a lake. "I wasn't dreaming then?" Vegeta muttered under his breath. Goku stretched his arms and kissed vegeta on the forehead. "How are you today?" He smiled.
Vegeta shot up and started looking around for his clothes, goku sat up watching as vegeta frantically picked up bits of his clothing.
"Vegeta? everything okay?"
"Urgh, how could I be so stupid! I've once again allowed this to happen! I'm suppose to sort stuff out with Bulma not frolicking around with some clown!" Vegeta snarled as he started to put his clothes on.
Goku got up and pulled Vegeta into him, kissing him passionately on the lips; vegeta dropped his clothes returning the passionate kiss. Goku broke the kiss smirking at Vegeta's disappointment the kiss had stopped.
"I know you're scared" goku said as he brushed Vegeta's cheek with his hand.
"Scared?! I'm not scared!" Vegeta scoffed
"You're worried what people will think, about us"
"There is no us idiot!"
Goku looked at Vegeta's mark on his shoulder that Goku left on him last night, then grinned. Vegeta looked at the mark that Goku was staring at...
" marked...we marked each other!" Vegeta threw himself onto his knees in realisation
"I guess it was a heat of a moment thing" goku grinned
"We've claimed each other"
Goku looking puzzled at Vegeta's words "is that a bad thing?"
Vegeta looked back at Goku, he's confused, he's having feelings that he never felt before, what is this? He stared at the ground, remembering last night and how good it felt. Goku handed vegeta his clothes.
"Looks like you have some thinking to do..." goku smiled as he started putting his own clothes on.
"Kakarot...I ...last night...well..."
Goku rolled his eyes "I get it...was a mistake, bla bla bla"
"No!" Vegeta stood up and grabbed Gokus arm "last night, I felt things I've never felt before."
Goku looked at Vegeta, he smiled and nodded he felt the exact same. Both got dressed, brushing of debris on them. Both silent as they processed their feelings, they stared deeply into each other's eyes.
"I meant what I said last night Vegeta, I love you"
Vegeta stood with his mouth open in shock. Goku smiled. "It's okay, you don't have to say it back" he kissed Vegeta and started held his hand.
"Think it's time we return" goku smiled
Vegeta nodded.

Bulma was sat outside with cup of coffee, she had no idea where Vegeta went. She sighed looking down at her coffee, she wasn't sure if she made the right decision or perhaps to work more on their marriage. She heads to her room, and hears the shower running.
"Vegeta? Is that you?" She asked as she opened the bathroom door.
Vegeta stepped out grabbing onto a towel he looked back at Bulma looking a little sheepish.
"Where have you been?" Bulma asked "I've been worried"
Vegeta wasn't sure how to answer, he looked at Bulma and thoughts kept running through his mind of last night. Goku told him he loved him, vegeta wasn't sure if he feels same way, perhaps he still has feelings for Bulma? With that he kissed Bulma, she kissed back fingers slowly caressing his body. He didn't feel anything, didn't feel aroused like he used to. Bulma stopped and looked at vegeta, she then noticed his Mark on his shoulder.
"Oh my gosh!...what happened?!" She questioned whilst pointing at the mark.
Vegeta ignored her as he walked past to get changed.
"So you are not going to say anything then?! You kiss me then continue to ignore me?!"
"I kissed you to see if I still have feelings for you woman! it turns out, I don't"
Bulmas fists started shaking in anger, tears streaming down her face.
" it's all my fault!" She sobbed
Vegeta looked back at his heart broken wife
"Bulma, I'm..."
Bulma cut him off "no, I'm sorry!...I'm going away for few days, I'm happy for us to still live under same roof for sake of our son."
Vegeta nodded "if that's what you wish"
Bulma wiped away her tears, she sighed and laughed a little. "Look at us being all mature about it, wasn't what I'd relayed in my mind I was prepared for a screaming match"
Vegeta crossed his arms looking away.
"Well anyway, I'm going to take trunks with me if that's alright?"
Vegeta looked back at Bulma "of course it's alright you are his mother"
Bulma smiled and hugged Vegeta.

Couple days past and Bulma headed off with Trunks leaving Vegeta alone.

"We'll see you soon, don't get into too much trouble alright?" Bulma smiled at Vegeta

Vegeta smirked with his arms folded looked at his son.
"You behave for your mother" vegeta smiled at Trunks.
"I will" trunks hugged his father.
Bulma smiled back at Vegeta.
They didn't speak to each other much, but they got on for sake of their son.

Vegeta walked back into his house, he felt relieved to have the place to himself. Time to think to himself, no distractions. He hasn't spoken to Goku since by the lake, Goku wanted to give Vegeta space to process what's been going on.

Time skip to night time

It was late at night, Vegeta was getting ready to head to bed. Before heading to bed he decided to call his son to see how he's doing.
"Hey dad!" Trunks answered
"Hey, you behaving for your mother I hope?"
"Yep! We been at the beach today and I been playing football with Yamcha as mom wants us to get to know eachother"
Vegeta growled "with who?!"
"Uhh...Mom thought you wouldn't mind?"
Vegeta could feel his temper building, it's only been a couple of days and she's already having time away with the person she cheated on him with, and tagging their son with her.
Not wanting to snap at his son he fought back his urge to shout and wished his son a lovely time away before hanging up.

"That bitch!" He shouted "well if she thinks she can just move on so quickly like that..." he grinned as he headed off to Goku's house.

He landed by the door step before he could knock the door, Goku quickly opened it and stepped out side whilst closing the door behind him.
"It's a bit late, don't want to wake up ChiChi and Goten" he smiled whilst scratching back of his head he looked back at Vegeta "I can sense some anger, is everything okay?"
Vegeta looked at Goku then looked away "I want you to spend the night with me, Bulma and Trunks have gone away with....that prick!" He snarled clinching his fist.
Goku looked back towards his front door and Vegeta "uh...I'd love to but ChiChi will go mad if she finds out I've left..."
"Shouldn't she be used to you disappearing now?" Vegeta questioned whilst raising a brow
Goku laughed nervously "you make a fair point there...okay, to your place"

They arrive back at Vegeta's, soon as they stepped foot inside Vegeta pulled Goku in for a Make out session. Goku grinned as he lifted Vegeta up around his waist still making out heading to the bedroom.

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