Chapter 14 - new life

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Vegeta sat up on the bed taking small sips of water, Goku walked in smiling at his mate.
"What do you want?!" Vegeta looked at his smiling mate in annoyance.
"Look I know you are scared at thought of having a child, I'm scared too!"
"Tsk, you won't be the one having to carry it! Anyway I don't plan to keep it."
"Vegeta! You don't mean that!"
"I do!"
"Well that's a shame, to think it would be another full blooded saiyan" he grinned looking back at Vegeta.
Vegeta smirked crossing his arms
"Nice try Kakarot, but that's not going to win me over!"
"Oh?" Goku leaned over the bed nose to nose with his Mate "just think our powers combined, how strong our child would be"
Vegeta looked away.
"Come on now, don't pretend you don't want that Geta" Goku pushed Vegeta back on the bed he started to caress Vegeta's neck "you don't have to be afraid, I'll be with you every step of the way"
"Ha! Like you were with ChiChi?!" vegeta scoffed as he squirmed beneath his mate
"Mm, good point but I promise this time I'm going to be there for our child" he started to rub his hardened member against Vegeta's
"Kakarot!" Vegeta started to pant as he started to rub his member in rhythm to Gokus.
Goku smirked feeling his mates member harden beneath him. He stripped them both and licked his lips seeing Vegeta's dick oozing with precum, he licked the Precum from the hardened excited member. Vegeta let out a moan as he felt highly sensitive to each touch. Goku started to tease Vegeta's member with his tongue, vegeta gripped onto Gokus hair as he thrusted his dick into Gokus mouth.
"Mmmm" goku licked and sucked taking in each thrust in his mouth.
"Ahh kaka..." He thrusted into Gokus mouth faster.

Goku pulled his head back grinning, vegeta looked back in frustration that he stopped.
"So what do you say Vegeta?" Goku placed his hand on Vegeta's lower abdomen.
"I-I'll think about it" vegeta muttered
Goku kissed Vegeta on the lips as he started to stroke Vegeta's hardened member. Vegeta moaned between their kiss, goku began to pump it faster enjoying listening to his mate moaning out his name.   Goku started to finger Vegeta's opening, vegeta gasped and broke from their kiss.
"Relax, or it'll hurt" goku winked at him as he shoved another finger in, rubbing the insides of the walls. Vegeta opened his legs wider allowing his mate more access. Goku kissed up and down the inner thighs still fingering the entrance. He then gently eased his member inside, allowing vegeta to adjust. He then leaned down to kiss vegeta before starting to thrust slowly, they began to kiss each other passionately as they moaning into each other's mouths. Vegeta thrusting his hips in rhythm as his mate, feeling a deeper intense pleasure that had them both moan out in ecstasy. Goku flipped position so that he was laid on his  back whilst still inside Vegeta, Vegeta rode him back and forth.
"Uhh... soo ...good" Goku moaned out with his eyes shut.
Vegeta could feel himself about to climax, he started to bounce on his mates dick so he too could reach his climax. Both panting as they felt their warm seeds leave their body. Vegeta collapsed on top of Goku breathing heavily, he then rolled off onto his side.
"Are you okay?" Goku asked lovingly
Vegeta got up covering his mouth as he rushed to the bathroom to throw up. Goku walked into the bathroom to rub his mates back as he was throwing up.
"What are you doing?!" Vegeta snapped as he still sat by the toilet.
"I told you, I'd be here every step of the way"
"I still haven't made my mind up!"
"I know" he continued to rub his mates back.

Whilst Yamcha was playing football with Trunks and Goten. Bulma was happily sat outside on her lounge chair, she enjoyed watch Yamcha spending time with her son and his friend. As she picked up her drink she heard footsteps behind her, she looked over her shoulder to see Gohan with ChiChi.
"Oh hi guys! How've you been?" Bulma smiled as she got up offering them a drink.
"How long did you know about Vegeta being pregnant?!" ChiChi snapped as Gohan kept hold of her arm.
Bulma froze, of course Goku wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut.
"Well?! I'm waiting for an answer Bulma!"
"Today...I found out earlier today. Keep your voice down as Trunks and Goten don't know yet. It's still early days."
"You're okay with this?!"
"ChiChi, they are a couple now and what they do is totally up to them."
"This isn't normal! Men shouldn't fall pregnant! Trust your ex to woo over my husband and manipulate him!"
"Excuse me?!"
"Oh you heard me! If you didn't go sleeping around behind his back and actually worked on your marriage this wouldn't of happened!"
Bulma slapped ChiChi across the face.
"If you weren't so bossy with your husband he wouldn't of left in the first place, he must of got real bored real quick considering he never really was home spending time with you" Bulma glared
"Okay, this isn't getting us anywhere. Mom you need to accept dad has moved on. And Bulma, do you know how it's even possible for Vegeta to fall pregnant?" Gohan asked
ChiChi slumped herself to the floor feeling defeated she looked up at Bulma to say sorry. Bulma offered her hand to help ChiChi up.
"All I know so far is, Vegeta has a womb with a fetus growing inside. I guess it's something to do with saiyan race? It's baffled us all."
"And you didn't notice he was capable to carry a child before?" ChiChi questioned
"Well Gee ChiChi, I don't have male reproductive organs to impregnate. Besides he's still male, other wise I wouldn't of had our son." Bulma smiled looking over at her son playing.
Vegeta and Goku walk outside seeing everyone else who quickly turned to face them. Vegeta noticed Gohans sheepish look and ChiChi's scowl, he looked over at Bulma.
"You told them, didn't you?!"
Bulma shook her head "you can thank your boyfriend for that"
Goku laughed nervously as vegeta turned to glare at him.
"What possessed you to tell them?!"
"Shouldn't we have the right to know anyway?" Gohan stepped forward looking at them both.
Vegeta clinched his fist, took a deep breath and turned to face everyone again.
"Who else knows?!"
"It's just us, including Yamcha. Goten and Trunks don't know anything yet" Bulma replied as she sat back on her lounger
"Very Well then. We will keep it quiet for now till I've come to my decision" vegeta folded his arms as he glared at Yamcha playing with his son.
"Goku.." ChiChi walked over to him holding onto his arm "I'm sorry about earlier"
Vegeta looked at corner of his eye listening to ChiChi and Goku talking.
"Don't worry ChiChi, I forgive you" he smiled as he gave her a hug.
Gohan smiled stepped behind his mum.
"I think it's time for us to go, Videl is cooking for us mom" ChiChi nodded as she headed off with her son "see you again" Gohan waved.
"Kakarot!" Vegeta called out as Goku waved goodbye to his son and ChiChi, he then faced vegeta who looked annoyed.
"What's up?"
"What was ChiChi on about?!"
Bulma looked over her shoulder seeing them both facing eachother with goku looking rather sheepish.
"Oh we saw each other earlier, we had a little row is all"
"And you felt need to tell her I'm pregnant?!"
"Yeah, that sort of slipped sorry about that"
"It wasn't your place to say anything!"
"Well to be honest she was calling you names and tried seducing me so I..."
"She what?!" Both Bulma and vegeta shouted out in sync vegeta glared back at Bulma, who then got up "I'll uh..go join Yamcha with the boys" she smiled slightly as she left.
"It's not a big deal" goku shrugged
"It kind of is specially as you then made out with me as if nothing happened!"
"Well we did more than make out" goku smirked
"Okay, she thought I was confused I pushed her off me I promise nothing else happened!"
"Hmph, trust you to allow that woman try seducing you to point you felt need to blurt out about the pregnancy...wait is that why you pushed her off, because you felt guilty?!"
"What?! ...I love you not her!"
Vegeta folded his arms and continued to glare at his mate, he then looked over watching Yamcha and Bulma playing football with the boys.
"You know, we could join them" goku smiled
Vegeta smiled a little back as he headed towards them to join in their game.

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