Chapter 28

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Yamcha was in the kitchen helping himself to another can, he was heading back to the lounge till he caught Goku and Vegeta making out with their arms wrapped round each other.
"Uh guys, do you really have to do that here?" Yamcha looked away.
Goku pulled back from the kiss looking over at Yamcha.
"Well we do have a bedroom, as you know..." goku grinned over at Yamcha who blushed continuing to look away. Goku chuckled as he walked past Yamcha "I'm going to get something to eat I'm starving"
Vegeta looked over at Yamcha, he could see Yamcha was looking slightly uncomfortable.
"What's wrong with you?" Vegeta raised a brow at Yamcha as he asked.
"Oh, uh...nothing.." Yamcha sat opposite Vegeta as he went back to watching tv.
"You have a problem with kakarot and I being a couple?!" Vegeta glared at Yamcha, Yamcha looked back at vegeta and shook his head. "Then what's with this behaviour you're displaying?!"
"I wonder when the women will be back?" Yamcha chuckled nervously whilst looking around the room.there was an awkward silence that filled the room, vegeta still glaring over at Yamcha who kept looking around the room to avoid eye contact. Goku walked into the room to see his mate glaring over at Yamcha.
"Oh did he tell you he saw us having sex earlier?" Goku asked laughing finishing a cinnemon bun.
Vegetas and Yamchas eyes widened both going crimson as they look back at Goku.
"He what?!" Vegeta snarled "you didn't think to tell me?!"
"Well I didn't want the sex to stop" goku shrugged causing Vegeta to face palm.
"How much did you see" vegeta directed at Yamcha as his face was buried in his hands.
Yamcha looked over "huh?"
"You heard me!" Vegeta pulled his hands away from his face and stood up still crimson from embarrassment "how much did you see?!"
Goku held Vegeta back as he was about to lunge toward Yamcha "easy Vegeta, is it really worth getting mad about?"
Vegeta shoved Goku off him "worth getting mad about? Worth getting mad about?!...the perv witnessed us in the act!" He gritted his teeth pointing at Yamcha who was sweating nervously.
Goku laughed scratching the back of his head.
"Oh I'm so glad you find this so funny kakarot! So glad this is entertaining you!" Vegeta snarled glaring at both men.
"I don't see it as a big deal, I mean you were enjoying it" goku grinned at Vegeta, Yamcha face palmed he could tell Goku was digging himself a deeper hole.
"Yes, because I wasn't aware I had an audience when we were fornicating" vegeta gripped bridge of his nose
"Forn-i What?" Goku looked perplexed, Yamcha glanced over to see Vegeta gritting his teeth close to hitting Goku.
"You're such an idiot!" Vegeta growled "we need to get a place of our own so we don't have to deal with people walking in on us!" Vegeta stormed out the room in rage.
"Vegeta wait! You still haven't told me what that word means?!" Goku called back, Vegeta ignored him slamming doors behind as he headed out the room. Goku sighed and looked over at Yamcha who laughed nervously "Hey, do you know what it means?"
"Sex, he meant sex" Yamcha facepalmed "I need another can" he got up and headed to the kitchen leaving goku looking perplexed again.
"Then why didn't he just say that?" Goku asked himself.

ChiChi, Bulma and the boys were sat on a picnic mat close to a park.
"So nice to get out with these little guys" Bulma smiled cradling Kaka whilst Trunks and Goten were stuffing their faces with food.
"Take your time boys or you won't be allowed back to play in the park!" ChiChi snapped, both boys gulped and started to take their time. Bulma laughed watching them, she looked down at Kaka who was gurgling to himself.
"Can't get over how cute he is" she smiled looking at him. "He's definitely Vegeta's double" she cooed.
"Uh...hello?!" Trunks looked over watching his mother cooing at his baby brother. He was getting fed up watching all the attention go on his brother now. Bulma looked back and giggled.
"Oh of course you are my handsome boy, here why don't you hold your brother?" She smiled handing him Kaka.
"I want to hold him too!" Goten chirped looking over Trunks shoulder.
Trunks looked down at his baby brother who was looking up at him smiling.
"Naw look he loves you!" Bulma and ChiChi cooed
"Pfft, he's just a dumb baby!" Trunks shrugged as he was about to hand kaka over to Goten. He felt a tight grip on his arm, he looked to see Kaka had wrapped his tail tightly round trunks arm. "Argh let me go!" He tried to shake him off.
"Here I'll help!" Goten tried to force the tail off Trunks, which caused Kaka to squeeze tighter.
"Oh dear!" Bulma sighed as she tried to help too
"Grrr off me you bastard!" Trunks growled as he felt a tighter grip leaving his arm starting to feel dead.
"Trunks watch your mouth!" Bulma snapped
ChiChi found Kakas favourite soft toy and began waving it in front of his face, he quickly released his grip yanking the toy off ChiChi. Bulma grabbed Kaka and handed him to ChiChi as she went to check on her sons arm.
"Not fair! I want a hug!" Goten pouted watching his mother cradle Kaka.
"Um, maybe later when he's settled down" ChiChi smiled nervously as she looked back at Bulma who had the same nervous smile.

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