Chapter 55

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Chapter written by the amazing Andrew_Micheal  I can't take credit for this chapter, so please give them a follow. Thank you so much for writing this for me.

The day of the wedding finally upon the two saiyans, Goku was trying his best to not just go and see his soon to be husband. The moments were slowly ticking away. Being early enough for the two and their little children to get ready and themselves, well Chichi and Bulma took the two little children and were trying to get them ready.
"Come on Kaka we need to get the suit on you."
"No," the little boy scowled a very vegeta scowl.
"It's for your daddies wedding," Chichi tried to convince the young boy.
"Please your papa is stressing out about this please just help us with this, I'll give you a chocolate bar."
Kaka's eyes widened. Bulma was the one to give him chocolate? Not his older brothers when they wanted something. He smirked back and started to let the women get him dressed.
The two women sighed in unison. The toddler had listened after being bribed. Go figure he was after the food much like his dad.
On the other hand Eschalot had been mostly sleeping as she got ready, a big easter esque dress with a big tulle bottom. A small touch from the women, trying to have the young baby be a bit of a beauty (which didn't take much to do).
"Good morning baby! Do you know what today is?"
The baby slowly blinked.
"Of course you don't. Well we got the kids ready. You check on Goku. I'll go see Vegeta."
And with that the two women grabbed a kid and walked to each of the men.

-With Goku-
Pacing back and forth nervous as the big day was finally here. Vegeta had been stressing which in turn stressed Goku out. He breathed out a large breath. Trying to get all of the buttons buttoned while pacing was harder than he thought.
"Ah god damn it."
"Well Goku maybe if you weren't moving you'd be having an easier time."
"Thanks chi,"Goku said as he stood still now being able to button his buttons.
"How are you feeling?" She looked at him with soft eyes. Kaka was holding on to her hand starting to get a little fidgity.
"I'm nervous but i'm ready. I love Vegeta and i'm ready to call him my husband. He's been so busy with planning this and trying to help with kaka and Eschalot. And on top of that being pregnant again."
"He's pregnant again?"
"Yeah, he had to move the date too. It's going to be crazy. In a few hours he's gonna be my Husband Chi. That's a weird idea."
She smiled softly at the saiyan. He was dressed and ready. He nervously scratched the back of his neck. His suit was black with a white button up. Adorned with a bright orange tie. Of course it was orange.
"Daddy up," Kaka reached up to his dad trying to have him pick him up.
"Are you ready bud? Today's a big day for our family."
Kaka smirked back. He saw how Vegeta had been stressing and knew something else had happened. But him being a small toddler he wouldn't know or understand much of what was happening around him but Vegeta was right he knew something was coming.
Goku smiled at his son, a little boy who had a mighty temper. Much like all the other saiyans. But kaka took a lot more than from vegeta then just that temperament. A spitting image of Vegeta as he smirked at his daddy.
"You look just like papa. You look so cute in this little suit of yours."
"Of course he does. Me and Bulma got him dressed."
Kaka rolled his eyes at Chichi and her big ass mouth. Couldn't she shut the fuck up even for a day. Well it appears she couldn't as she started to run her mouth again.
"Escholt is getting Vegeta ready or seeing how he is doing with Bulma."

-With Vegeta-
The Prince looked at his reflection in the mirror. If you looked hard enough you'd see the bump starting to grow. A sigh escaped his lips. The pants felt tight around his waist.
"Fucking Kakarot..."
"I bet you didn't say that when he did it," Bulma spoke with Eschalot cradled in her arms.
"Well it's his fucking fault im pregnant again. I don't feel right."
"You are on your guys third pregnancy. It's going to be hard, Chichi went through 2 with Goku and she hated her pregnancies too. They aren't fun and me and her both know that we had only half saiyans. You have full blooded saiyans."
He looked down as she spoke to him trying to remind him of the things he has and he's getting.
"You're getting more full blooded saiyans, your race won't die out with just you and goku. Kaka and Eschalot are loved by everyone here. So don't get all upset about these two new little guys."
He smiled softly. He was helping to create more saiyans and grow his family out.
"Thank you bulma. For everything it means alot."
"Just get ready for today alright."
He grabbed the white button up and started to button all the buttons. Then he walked back over the mirror and looked at his stomach once more.
"You two better be all worth it. If you're anything like Eschalot things won't be okay.
Two small kicks came from the twins. Vegeta smiled down at his stomach. He was going to have more little babies flying around with his mate.
"Well you two we need to get finished. Im getting married today," he looked in the mirror again. Tears forming in his eyes. Vegeta couldn't believe it, He was getting married to Goku.
Grabbing the tie and jacket added the finishing touches to his look. He looked at the mirror one last time smiling once more.

-a little bit later-
Standing, fidgiting with his hands. Goku was breathing heavy he was nervous. It was time. He was to become a married man. He loved his mate with all his heart but now Vegeta was to be his husband.
While the cheesy music started Goku turned to look at the door way. Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Kaka and Eschalot walked in. They all wore the same suits with blue and orange ties. While Eschalots easter dress took the blue and orange from her brothers and created it into flowers flowing on the top.
"Wow, you guys all match that super cute!"
"Yeah dad that's the point," Gohan tried shifting his sister from one arm to the other.
"Whose touch was it?"
"Mom got all of this but dad told her what to get," Trunks replied with his arms crossed.
The music got louder and Vegeta came down the isle. He had his suit which matched the other saiyans. He smiled brightly at Goku who returned the smile.
"Well you look great Geta."
"You look amazing to Kakarot. Are you ready?"
A small nod came from Goku.
Bulma stood inbetween them. She smiled at the two. "Do you have vows to share?"
Of course to save everyone embassment Bulma was asked to be the one to officiate the wedding other than a real minister.
"Yes i do have some Bulma. Vegeta ever since we met i knew i loved you. That very first fight with you set a fire inside me i never knew i could have. The determination you have and how set you were in your goals was and is admirable."
Vegeta had tears starting to form in his eyes.
"And when i was in other world how hard you started to train and how much of a better father and person you became was amazing i was exicted to see you again. And im glad to have met you Vegeta. And im very happy to be getting married to my favorite person in the world. I love you vegeta."
Vegeta couldn't hold back the tears as they fell, a bright smile adorned his face. Next to him Trunks and Kaka stood smiling brigthly up at Goku.
"Kakarot, i love you. I love you so much. When coming to earth for the first time i never thought I'd met such a handsome saiyan in all my life. You were powerful and you always were trying to get stronger. I wanted to like you, you gave me hope. On Namek seeing you go after Roccome like he was nothing after we were getting destoryed. Then you destroyed both Buter and Jeice like they were nothing. You gave me hope. When I saw you as the Super Saiyan for the first time you looked absolutly goregus. A powerful saiyan. You won against Frieza. And i love you for that."
Now it was time for Goku to have the tears in his eyes. Gohan with Eschalot bouncing in his arms smiled brightly at Vegeta. While Goten next to him was crying.
"That was beautiful you two. Are you ready? Its time," Bulma smiled at the two saiyans as they nodded.
"Alright Vegeta do you take Goku as your husband? To love and to hold, through health and sickness, to death do you part."
"I do."
"Now Goku Do you take Vegeta as your husband? To love him and to hold him. Through his vicious pregnancies and his normal rude self. To death do you part."
"I do."
"You two may kiss!"
They were married, The two saiyan men finally got married. After months of planning and Vegeta stressing they ended up having a beautiful wedding.
Pulling back from their kiss they smiled back at each other. Walking to the festivities hand in hand.
"Dad does this mean Goku is now my dad too?"
"Well trunks, that is if you want him to be your step father. And lets make sure your mother would be fine with you seeing him that way."
A huge buffet with all of Goku's friends. Huge trays of meats and noodles on multiple tables. Of course something Bulma asked for specificly. The young kids went to the sweets table once more.
The two half saiyans were under the table while telling Kaka which sweet treats they wanted. Kaka tried to grab the multiple cupcakes and brownies but he kept trying to eat them.
"Kaka get down now!" Goku was the one to catch him this time. Grabbing his young son and smiling at him.
"Come on you two. Vegeta has something to tell you all."
Trying to find his new husband through the swarm of his friends was kind of hard. Vegeta was on the short side, which didn't help when Goku couldn't see the spiky head of hair.
"Dad he's by the cake. Waiting for you guys."
"Thanks gohan are you coming?"
Gohan nodded. As the walked to the cake Goku brightly smiled at his husband.
"You wanted to tell the kids something so i got all of them."
"Brats. Im pregnant again. With twins this time..."
"Theres gonna be more than one this time?" Trunks was the first to say something. Of course he whined as he asked.
"Ooo does that mean youll get even fatter than last time Vegeta?"
A groan and a face plant came from Vegeta."Listen you two brats. Trunks you are going to be a big brother again so suck it up. And Goten you made your mother fat when she had you. So shut up both of you understand?" an angry vegeta yelled at the two hybrids.
"Are you excited Kaka?"
A confused look appeared on kaka's face but he nodded quickly.
The relationship that started out during a sleepover of all things had started a new generation of full blooded saiyans from the Prince and the first Super Saiyan. The family they started was growing and growing.
"I love you Vegeta. I love you so much," Goku said then kissed his new husband.
"I love you too Kakarot."
They felt happy and content with each other. They finally had each other as husband and husband.

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