Chapter Eight

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I wake up feeling more grumpy with news all over the TV station about yesterday's events. I feel snappy to make matters worse I also begun my periods today it was a Friday. As I head outside the motel, I am hungry as always. I spot a certain nearby cafe and head in.

My grumpy self does not care to see where am going until I bump into someone. I feel a very hot liquid burning my hands. This makes me to snap.

"Can't you look where you are going asshole!? "

"You could do the same " a voice snaps back making me look up.

It's a guy, he's cute but arrogant and has a very sexy voice. That makes me snap at him.

"You have ruined my dress . Don't you see you are covering almost all my space. "I say moving back. Looking around I notice almost everyone is enjoying the show we are creating. This makes me to move back and head towards an empty booth not caring anymore.

After my heavy sweet breakfast I decide to head home to meet my now raging family as I guess. As I arrive home am thankful no one is home. I just stay in my room the whole day not caring to check my phone cause it's off.

Saturday goes by as a blur without any family around. On Sunday, things get messier as I hear my front door opening and voices talking. It was midday so I was just in my room trying to sleep. I head downstairs only to meet everyone in my living room. That is all my siblings. I head towards my kitchen not acknowledging anyone.

"Carrie, where were you? Why the hell are you not answering your phone? "out of all the people in this room I never expected her to talk.

"Why do you want to know Kate? Is it because you care too much about me sister" I spit stessing on the word sister.

"That's not how you talk to your older sister. Have some manners " dad says

"Whatever."  I say under my breath heading back to my room. I just wish my family will be normal once again like before. I let sleep take over my body. I wake up at almost eight at night. I am not hungry as always. I take my time reading a novel while playing soft music to avoid the voices downstairs.

I just think about how my eighteenth birthday is on Friday and how all this drama unveils. I hear a soft knock on my door and decide to ignore it.

"Carrie it's me Kim open up. "

"Just go away and be with your happy family leave me alone"

"Come on you know you are always family to all of us"

"Kim go away I don't need your pity. "I say raising the volume of music. I ignore his voice and continue reading.

My family deals with Fashion and modeling. They are known by Ans$sern . Lucky us we have the modelling bodies hence everyone is in modeling. Apart from it, they also own some business which involves cars.

What made me want not to join it is because I hate being a public image. Also I just hate fashion and trends. My family has been on the spotlight since I was little. I also liked my freedom and opinions.

Suddenly my mind went back to the guy from the cafe. His blue eyes and his sticking features. With him in mind, I drifted off to sleep..

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