Chapter Fourteen

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I thank God my parents didn't find out of what happened today at school. After school, I decide to chill in my room until am called downstairs by Marie.

"Carrie you have a visitor. Hurry the fuck up. "I groan as I head downstairs not caring to change since I was in my shorts and tank top . Surprised, I find Kane with Danielle there.

"Hey Danielle .What do you want asshole. "

"Carrie that's not how to talk to people. I am sorry for her rude words. "Mom tells them earning an eye roll from me.

"Princess we came to ask if you could come over for our project. "he says showing an innocent face to my family who happen to all be in the sitting area.

"Give me a minute to grab my phone. "I say running upstairs.

" And put on decent clothing. "Kate shouts after me.

I put on leggings and a black hoodie written CHILL and headed downstairs.

"I thought you were told to put on decent clothing young lady. "Mom says as she sees me.

"Let's go "I tell Kane already heading to the door ignoring moms words.

It turns out Kane wasn't actually into studying. We only discussed an hour before he begun complaining how hungry he was which leads to as to why we are the kitchen.

"Princess have some. "Kane said handing me nutella which I took willingly. Kane's mom invited me over dinner so I agreed. His mom is way cooler than mine. Looking at the time, it was already eight .

"I need to leave now. Thank you for the dinner Maam ."

"No need. You are welcome anytime and bring along your twin.Tyler be a gentleman and walk her to her door. "Kane's mom said smirking at him.

"Yes Ty be s gentleman. "I said to him teasing him.

"You know I can be a gentleman in many ways princess. "he said smirking at me. This made me roll my eyes at him.

"Goodnight Ty.

"Goodnight princess don't dream of me too much. Your prince is just a phone call away. "he said smirking.

With that I walk inside my house to find everyone eating.

"Finally you decided to join us. Little sis "Kim said smirking at me. What is it with all the smirking today.

"I'm already full. I will head  to my room now. "I said glancing around to find almost everyone staring at me except Reid.

"You know you are a bitch right. You can't fucking have dinner with your family but go around having dinner with other families. "Kate retorts .

"Kate . Stop. "Koll says

"I can freaking do what I want. This is not my family. A family which you yourselves cut me out three years ago. "with this am raging with furry. "A family where you only care about your other six kids leaving out one. News flash I don't give a damn of this so called family. You decided to show up when it's almost on my eighteenth birthday. I wonder when you will ever stop it I'm not a fucking robot nor a business deal. "

"Carrie stop with all this act. "Reid shouts from his position everyone turns attention to him once again. "Not everything is about you. "

"Finally you've found guts to speak. Let's be real who is acting here. Are not the fucker that went around school sharing my shit . I hate you Reid. "I say and turned around. "and don't forget to tell this fucking family my sweet morning drama. Since I see you are good at it. And don't forget where you picked a fight with Kane Alexander. " with that I run to my room locking myself there.

After about twenty minutes of me crying, I hear my mom shout from downstairs.

"Carrie we need to talk .No excuses now. "I groan as I head downstairs obeying her command. I sit on an empty seat next to Kim and Karina.

"What is it about the principal calling me now and telling me of your rude behavior since you joined the school. "this woman is unbelievable. She changes the subject as quickly as she can.

"Why do you care! "I ask with venom.

Shit I hear something hard connecting with my cheek only to realize my dad slapped me again. "Listen here, you shall not raise your voice at anyone in here. And  your rudeness is not tolerated and just listen here apologize now or I beat the shit out of you now. "He says slapping me again.

This time I don't hold my tears anymore I let them freely fall I notice everyone at the table seems tense all waiting for my response. I bring myself together wiping my tears.

"I'm not going to apologize for I've done nothing. Go on beat the shit out of me . I don't care. "I say standing up only this time I am hit back to a wall. My family are all watching doing nothing. I truly hate them now.

"Listen here bitch.You are just a mistake. I just wish Karina could be born alone. Not with such a fucking peace of shit."His words hit me hard enough. This makes me to cry more. I stumble my way upstairs. I cry till sleep overtakes me .I hate them.

I cried writing this chapter.

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