Chapter Twenty four

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"Brrrrrrrrrr Brrrrrrrrrr Brrrrrrrrrr " I try to ignore that sound as I just love my sweet sleep. Then it goes again.

"Carrie shut that thing up am trying to sleep. "Karina shouts from her room. Five minutes later am awake.

Today I decide to put on a black dress with some black flats. I put my hair in a ponytail as I rush downstairs.

"See who the cat dragged .How are you ?"Melanie asks as she studies my outfit.

"I'm good. Karina hurry the fuck up. Get down here this moment "I shout at  Karina.

"Did you two decide to match. You are wearing the same dress and also your just like the other. "Koll says as he gets downstairs. That causes me to look at Karina and I smirk at her.

"Twin power. "We say at the same time.

"I'm free today so I'm driving with you guys today. I just need to explore your school. Mar are you coming "

"Ooh yea Lanie ,wait a minute. "She gets downstairs and we all stare at the twins again.

"Duuh it's twin power. "They both say. They are both dressed in some purple dresses.

"See you kids later. "Kate says as she shoos us out of the house.

We get into Kolls car . Of course he's the one driving. The rest of us race towards his car in order to get the shotgun. Finally I manage  to arrive before my other siblings and Nathan.

Karina sits on Nathan,Marie sits on Kim while Melanie gets her own sit.

"Are you guys alright back there.? "Koll asks.They only groan as a response to him. This causes me and Koll to smirk. My phone interrupts us .

"This is Carrie Amanda head of psychology in the Criminal department. How may I help you. "I say my usual first response without looking at the caller.

"Hello too princess. "

"Hey Tyty ,miss me already?"I ask him ignoring the stares I'm getting.

"As you wish princess.Where are you. You are ten minutes late than your usual late time. "

"Im on my way .Please don't flirt too much. Or with anyone. "I tell him in a serious voice.

"Is someone jelly jelly "He asks causing Kim to laugh who has been evesdroping .

"No am not. Are you with Danielle? "I ask him smirking at Kim.

"Nope. "

"Okay bye. See you later. "

"Someone is in love. "Melanie and Marie start saying.

"Young girls dare you open your mouths again I will kill you. "I tell them.

"Were here. "Koll says "Are we walking the two kittens to their lockers first before exploring the school.? "

They only nod. I'm the first one to get out followed by the twins. That's when all the whispers start again.

"Just ignore them let's head to our lockers. "

"It seems like lover boy is waiting for someone "Kim says looking at Kane .

I'm engulfed in a hug as I reach my locker.

"Amanda!!! "someone screeches from the hallway causing all of us to turn around.

"Rooob "I say running to him giving him one of my best hugs. "I missed you. You look healthier. "I tell him shuffling his hair.

"You look beautiful, I also missed you too. And I'm through with my medication and am now free. "He says as he looks at where my locker is.

"It seems like someone wants to murder me. Who is that guy? "He asks looking at Kane.

"He's my boyfriend. "I whisper.

"We have a lot to talk about,milady "

"Who is this? "Kim asks in a serious voice as he glares at Rob

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