Family Drama (S.R.)

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"Hey, Steve," I said to my husband of 16 years as he walked in.

"Hello, darling." He said walking over and kissing me. I was trying to organize the kitchen which had become a weekly chore. "How're the kids?"

"Sarah's in her room studying for midterms, Tommy's reading, and James is being James." He sighed.

"I love James but nothing seems to work with him." James was our middle child. He was 13 and thought he was extremely entitled. I had never wanted to raise a child like him, and Steve and I tried our hardest to steer him away from this ugly path he was going down but nothing seemed to work.

Our other two, however, were dream children. Sarah, our oldest, was 16. She was an extremely hard worker and was close as close can be with Steve. She was a lot like me, but Steve and her just clicked. She would forever and always be his little girl. Tommy was our youngest at 10. He was extremely smart, two grades ahead to be exact. I had to help him a little on reading, but that was my specialty.

James was another story though. Unlike our other two (who were never popular and had a good friend group) he got into the wrong group. The popular kids. They followed trends that included nicotine and drinking, two things we were NOT going to let our children into. His grades were poor, he was rude to teachers, and even to us. We had tried everything but nothing worked. We're planning on sending him to boarding school next year as the last result, as expensive as it may be.

The most relevant story from James was when he called me a bitch. We got into an argument with him, and yeah. He called me a bitch. I wasn't sure how to react, but Steve blew like I had never seen him before. He was about to strangle that child if it weren't for Sarah in the background to slow him down.

"I can't deal with him anymore," Steve said.

"Tell me about it," I responded.

"Hey, mom?" I heard Sarah.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I responded.

"Will you help me with Dickens?"

"Of course," I said before giving Steve a slight smile and heading up to Sarah's loft room. "Hey babe, what's up?" I asked her.

"I just... is this relevant?" She asked pointing to a page which I read. Then we went into one of our usual in-depth mother-daughter talks about classical books before I headed back downstairs to Steve, his head in his hands. I went up to him and rubbed his back as I heard Tommy call for help on his Algebra, so I was obligated again to go upstairs. As I was walking back, I saw James' door closed. I knocked once. No answer. So I opened the door. And there our middle child was, vaping or whatever kids call it nowadays. The worst fear had come true.

"JAMES ADAM ROGERS!" I nearly screamed. He immediatly looked up and stopped. "What in the hell do you think you're doing?" I said taking a step towards him. I heard Steve rushing up the stairs and Sarah running from down the hall as she was the mediator.

"Uhhhhh-" he responded with.

"What's going on?" Both Sarah and Steve said in unison.

"Well, I just caught someone vaping," I said glaring at James as he sat there still.

"What?" Steve said through clenched teeth. Although he was still slightly behind on the times, he did understand vaping and the issues it posed. Sarah just had a straight face.

"Dude, vaping is actually horrible for you." Sarah added, "it's pretty idiotic to do it."

"How would you know? You're just a nobody." James fired back.

"Excuse me? I am the president of the book club and Model United Nations I'll have you know!" She raised her voice.

"Okay let's settle down," I said stepping in between the two. "Sarah, please go back up to your room. I think your father and I need to have a conversation alone with James."

"Are you sur-" I didn't let her finish.

"Don't make me repeat myself, young lady." And with that, she was speed walking back to her end of the hallway. Steve shut the door after that and I lit up.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked in a firm tone, "Do you think it's okay to vape? I thought your father and I taught you better." He rolled his eyes. "Don't you roll your eyes at me, young man."

"I didn't roll my eyes." He said and huffed.

"Yes, you di-"

"No, I didn't."

"Don't interrupt your mother." Steve hopped in. Now he was in Captain America mode. James complied.

"James," I started. "Look up at me." He did. "Your father and I have given you many chances to redeem yourself," I started, "and we think it's time-" I stopped and looked at Steve who nodded before I looked back, "that you get sent off to boarding school," I said and crossed my arms. He gave me a fearful look.


"No buts," Steve added. "This decision has been finalized. You leave in a week."

"Any questions?" I asked, and cocked my head a little bit. He just shook his head. "Good," I said as Steve and I walked out.

We shut the door on our way out. My blood pressure was unmanageable and I just wanted to hit something.

Once we got back downstairs I poured a large glass of wine as Steve was on the phone with the school to see if we could get James in next week instead of at the beginning of next school year. "They said they can get him in next week." Steve came back removing my wine from the table to take a swig causing me to chuckle. He was well aware alcohol didn't have an effect on him but chose to drink anyways.

"At least 66% of our kids are good." He gave me a light smile. "I just hope this works."

"It has to." He responded. "I don't know what we're going to do if it doesn't." I nodded in response.

A/N: pt. 2 anyone? IDK, we'll see. Also, this is heavily based on modern-day popular high school kids just FYI.

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