Request for @saibest2000
Steve has warned me he'd be gone for a few weeks. He wasn't sure the exact timing.
But of course, during the few weeks when he was gone everything in our lives went to hell. And he didn't even notice.
I wasn't allowed to go the signing of the Accords, I was pregnant and it was a high security event. They wanted to make sure if anything did happen I wouldn't be there. Regardless if I was there or not, everything crumbled.
"Shit." I mumbled as terrible cramps washed through my abdomen. I had had a few cramps from the baby in the past, but never this bad. I slowly made my way to the bathroom to see what was going on. Getting there was a challenge with a 35 week old baby in my stomach and shocks of pain.
I looked down and there was some blood. A lot of blood actually. I waddled my way out of the bathroom in hopes of finding Bruce. He had to be somewhere. I made it to the commons where Wanda was, and immediately she ran to my assistance. "FRIDAY?" She called out, "Can you tell Dr. Banner Y/N needs some assistance? It's an emergency."
"Of course Ms. Maximoff."
Within minutes Bruce came shooting from the elevator to see me in pain. The two of them gradually got me down to his lab.
He ran more than enough scans over the course of an hour or so. All of which determined the same thing: the baby had gotten an unexpected seizure. Bruce and Wanda were frantically trying to get ahold of Steve. No answer. Then Sam. No answer. Nat, no answer. Tony, no answer. We couldn't talk to anyone.
"I'm unfortunately going to have to remove the baby Y/N," Bruce said, "I know you want to wait for Steve but you could potentially get further damage to your own body if we don't remove him now." I nodded unsure of what else to do.
It wasn't a heard procedure. With all the technology Banner and Stark had, they soon transferred him to another lab only 50 miles away for a full autopsy.
I slept in the hospital wing that night, with Bruce checking on me every hour. Except I didn't really sleep, I more pondered.
The next morning we finally got a call from Nat. We had heard about the bombing, but regardless needed to tell Steve about this. This was his child we were talking about.
"Where's Steve?" I asked her.
"He left a few hours ago for Germany." She responded.
"Shit." I muttered.
"Why, is there a problem?"
"I just really need to talk to him. Like ASAP."
"I can see if I can reach him. I'll tell him to call you."
"Thanks Nat." We hung up.
I waited another few hours before I got a call from Steve. I hesitated answering, this could break everything we had.
"Y/N, is everything alright?" He asked. The moment I heard his voice I broke down in tears and he could tell. "Honey I need you to talk to me, okay?"
"Steve," I began, using my fingers to play with my wedding band and engagement ring, "The baby. He's gone." I spat out. It was dead silent for a few minutes.
"He's- he's gone?" Steve mumbled.
"Yes," I began, "He had an unexpired seizure. Bruce removed him." I cried some more.
"I'll see you in a few hours." He hung up.
Steve kept his promise. As always. I was sitting on the edge of our bed playing with my fingers, still trying to comprehend everything. "Doll?" He asked. I looked up showcasing my face with red swollen eyes. He came by my side and grabbed me, pulling me to him.
"I'm so so sorry." I sobbed into his chest as he rocked me back and forth. He shhed me over and over.
"It's not your fault." He kissed the top of my head, "It never will be." I felt one of his warm tears hit the top of my head and I looked up to see my lover trying to hold is pain in. I took my thumb and wiped his tear off his face. "We're going to get through this, ya know?" He told me. I nodded slowly.
"Steve," I began, "You should go back tomorrow." He paused for a moment and tensed behind me.
"I'm not going anywhere." He stated.
"You need to go back. For Bucky."
"Bucky has Sam," Steve stated, "And when I'm gone you have no one. So I'm staying right here." We took a few moments of silence to let everything soak in. "Everything's going to be alright. I promise."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.