"Should I put on extra deodorant Nat? Maybe I smell." I asked as I looked at myself again in the mirror.
"Really? No you idiot! You smell fine." I sighed as her voice echoed through the speakers in my phone.
"Are you sure?"
"We talk for at least 15 minutes everyday, I wouldn't do that if you smelled bad."
"Fine." I said, "He'll be here in 5 and I've got to feed Sandy."
"Good luck."
"Thanks." I said and hung up. I grabbed Sandy her kibble bowl and put in the usual cup before refreshing her water bowl and getting her set to be alone for a few hours.
I heard the doorbell ring right at 8 like he'd promise. Sandy began erupting in her barking rituals as usual. "Sandy!" I scolded her, "Don't be rude!" She looked at me with her innocent eyes and continued on. I opened the door to find Steve, smiling and holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
"Hi Y/N." He said.
"Hi Steve." You responded and smiled. You used your leg to hold the dog back. "Would you like to come in."
"Sure," he responded and helped you get the door open, so you could occupy yourself with the stubborn dog. "Who's this?" He asked, smiling, looking down at her. She was wagging her tail back and both like a fool with a big smile on her face, looking up at him.
"That's Sandy," I said and he began to pet her, "She's a good girl, until someone comes to the door." I said and he chuckled.
"I saw." He smiled.
"Thank you for the flowers, by the way, they're beautiful." I said and put them on the counter.
"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl." I blushed (super hard). Was it cheesy? Yes, but it was adorable nonetheless. "Ready?" He asked.
"Yeah." I replied and grabbed my purse.
We went to this incredibly nice restaurant and talked for two hours about whatever we could think of. Honestly, Steve was an interesting good guy. He was really sweet too. "I know you love history," He began, "But if you could have any job other than you would have now, what would it be?" He asked and leaned back in his chair.
"Well," I began, leaning forward, "When I was younger I loved art and was really good at it. I was really into writing but as I got older I fell in love with photography. I won a few contests even but never pursued it as a career."
"Really?" He asked and I nodded, "I love art too?" I rose an eyebrow in disbelief.
"The Captain America?" I asked and he chuckled.
"I went to art school for college. I loved sketching. Still do." He said and smiled.
"You'll have to show me some soon." I said and smiled he nodded, "I wish I could sketch, but I can't. I could paint, take great photos and edit them, even edit videos, and write but never sketch."
"We all have our talents."
"Very true." I responded and we both smiled.
He walked me back to my door like a true gentleman to say goodnight. "I really enjoyed tonight." He said and smiled as we approached my apartment.
"I did too." I smiled back and looked up at him. As I opened my apartment door and turned back to say bye, he leaned down and kissed my cheek. My chest immediately exploded with a million butterflies.
"Goodnight Y/N."
"Night Steve."
The next Monday at work Nat and Wanda wanted me to tell them all the details which I did. "So I heard Steve actually went on a successful date?" Bucky came in and interrupted our conversation. I chuckled.
"Yes, a very successful one." I smiled at him.
"Hey guys-" Steve began as he came up to us and smiled when he saw me. I smiled back. "Hey Y/N."
"Hey Steve." I responded.
"Not even a 'Hey Bucky! My best friend for over 80 years!'?" Steve rolled his eyes.
"You're not important enough." Nat pointed out and looked at Bucky.
-2 years later-
"Stevie?" I asked him, playing with his hair as we snuggled in bed together.
"Yeah doll?" He asked and looked down at me.
"If anything happens tomorrow," I paused, "Will you leave me?" I asked quietly.
"What?" He asked and I looked up at him, "No of course I won't leave you."
"Are you sure?" He sighed. Then, he leaned down and kissed me for a few moments.
"I'm sure." I nodded and put my head on his shoulder.
The next day he and I walked in to my usual psychiatric appointment I had every other week. This was a yearly exam to test my progress, also known as the breaking point at every relationship I'd ever had.
"Miss Y/L/N?" The receptionist called back. I looked at Steve who gave me a good luck smile before I walked in the back. They sat me down and I took the usual test, answering as honestly as I could.
About an hour later, when I was done, I walked back out and sat down next to Steve as we both impatiently waited for my results. About half an hour later we were called back.
"So Y/N, how are you feeling?" My psychologist , Dr. Henk asked.
"Nervous." I admitted.
"Well," she began, "hopefully I can ease that a bit when I reveal your results." Steve squeezed my hand. "I've been seeing you for about 4 years now, and I can confidently say that you've not only made extreme progress, but your most recent results are outstanding." She said and smiled, "You seem to have been dealing with your depression and anxiety better than ever. We'll keep you on the same medication, as it's clearly working, and just keep doing what you're doing. I've also decided, as long as it's fine with you, to have monthly appointments. If it works, we'll keep it, if it doesn't we can move back to the every other week schedule. Sound okay?"
"Sounds great." I responded and nodded. I looked at Steve who was smiling at me and I smiled back. "Thank you so much." I told her.
"It's my pleasure." She responded.
"I'm really proud of you." Steve said in the car as he drove back to our apartment and squeezed my hand.
"Thanks." I replied and smiled. I was pretty proud of myself too, to be honest, something rare for me. "Can we get a tub of ice cream now?" I asked and he laughed.
"So after all that, all you ask for is a tub of ice cream?" I nodded, "Really?" I nodded again, "Fine." He said. "We'll get ice cream I guess."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.