Steve and I began looking for a dog. We wanted to rescue one, to save another life, and provide a home for a dog that maybe never had one. "What about this one?" I asked Steve and showed him my laptop.
She was a rescue Bernese mountain dog named Polly, around four years old. Apparently she had been abused in her past. "She looks cute." He told me and grabbed the computer to get a closer look. "We can drive to the rescue tomorrow, get a closer look." I smiled and nodded, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"This is so exciting," I admitted, "Finally getting a dog.""I know," He kissed the top of my head.
I'm not sure how fond Steve was of the idea of getting a dog. I think a large part of him agreeing was sympathy for me, and he knew the dog would push me to walk more than I even did today. So he would put up and accept a dog if it meant it would help me, physically and emotionally.
"We could get her a bed, and toys, and bows Stevie! What if we get her bows for her ears?" He lightly chuckled as I laid my head on his chest, him playing with my hair as we cuddled in bed.
"I don't know about that doll," He sighed, "We'll have to see if she likes that."
"But she'll look so cute!"
"Just have patience doll," He lightly smiled, "We'll take it step by step."
"Was that an intended pun?"
"No," he mildly scoffed, "but you can consider it one if you'd like." I lightly smiled."I just can't wait!" I almost squealed.
"I know," He lightly smiled, "But once again, like with everything doll, we must have patience."
-1 day later-
"Steve this is so exciting!" I squealed in the passenger seat of his truck as we were on our way to go to the shelter.
"I know doll," He chuckled, "I'm excited too."
"We're basically going to get our first child."
"First child?" Steve asked, "Y/N, it's a dog.""Same thing, different words." I insisted. He rolled his eyes.
"You remember the responsibilities you will have if we get a dog, right?" He lectured me like a child.
"Yes Stevie," You sighed and grabbed his hand, "I know."
"Good," He said, focusing on the road, "Let's just make sure it's the right dog."
After pulling in and hopping out of the car with the slight assistance of Steve, we headed into the modern building filled with dogs and cats galore. "Hello!" The cheery young girl at the front desk greeted us. "How can I help you two?"
"We're here to look at a dog. Polly? She's a Bernese Mountain Dog mix." Steve spoke up."Right, of course." The girl said and typed a few things onto her computer. "If you two would like to wait in the reception area, it shouldn't be more than 10 minutes before someone comes out to help you."
"Thank you." I lightly smiled. The two of us did just what she suggested, sitting there and lightly talking for a few minutes before we were called up for Polly. We were taken through quite a few hallways and corridors, into a large concrete room with two chairs as we waited for the four-legged to join us.We only sat there for about two or three minutes before we heard the large metal door squeak open, and a huge dog with an even large smile rush in and towards the two of us. She first tackled Steve. He of course couldn't prepare for the impact, and let out a small "umf" as he slightly fell back, catching himself. "Hi, baby!" I almost squealed, kneeling down to her level and sticking my hand out.
She sniffed it for a few seconds before looking back at me and charging within the three feet of space we had between us, immediately attacking me with licks on my face. I laughed and fell back onto the floor, letting her attack me with slobbery and pants. "I think she likes you." The young volunteer told us from where she stood in the doorway, smiling. Steve nodded. "I'm going to give you guys about 15 minutes alone with her. We have some security cameras that we'll be watching so if anything happens, we'll come in. Although Polly is a sweet girl, and she gets along really well with everyone, so I doubt you'll have problems." Then she shut the door, leaving Steve and me in the room with the gentle giant.
Steve now bent down, putting his own hand out for her to sniff, which she did. She then pressed her side to his hand, moving back and forth to imitate petting, so Steve took it upon himself to do just that. And within five seconds, she was on the ground rolling around, laying directly on her back while Steve gave her a belly rub. "I love her." I blurted out, "She's the one. I need this dog." Steve lightly chuckled.
"We still have some time with her, so why don't we play, then we can get her okay?" You nodded like an excited child before getting a toy rope and playing tug of rope with her. You let her win a few times, so she would have some fun too.
"Good girl!" You praised her every time she won. She would of course do a victory lap with her prize in her mouth before trotting right back to you wanting to play again.
"She's the one?" Steve asked, right before your time was up. You excitedly nodded, knowing this was the only dog for you.
The worker came back in, leashed her up, and took her back to her kennel. Meanwhile, you and Steve were filling out application forms for the adoption. Thankfully, no one else was interested, so you and Steve were basically guaranteed to get her.
After a brief background check of you two, you paid the adoption fee and happily walked out of the shelter with Polly, her toys, and a small bag of food. "Are you ready girl?" You asked her from the front seat of Steve's truck, she laying in the back row. She seemed quite nervous, which was understandable considering she was being removed from her usual element. So you gave her a small scratch on the head. "You're all good babes, you're going home with us." Steve smiled at how you talked to her, your voice changing some pitches.
Back at the compound, she had a field day. She ran around the corridors at new speeds, sometimes slipping and sliding around corners when she went to fast due to the fur between her paw pads. She had also bumped into Bucky three times.
She had also become extremely comfortable on the main couch, taking up two whole cushions, despite Tony's protests. Which was alright, because every other Avenger outnumbered Tony's votes by falling head over heels for the dog, but not more than you and Steve had.
"Are you satisfied?" Steve asked beside you, arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the newest addition to the family-run around like a mad man, bumping into every other piece of furniture she crossed.
"Yes," You smiled, giving him a peck on the lips, "She's absolutely perfect."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.