"Are you ready Ellie?" I asked our 8-month-old as we rode the elevator up to the top of Avengers Tower. She excitedly clapped her hands as I bounced her up and down in my arms, causing Steve and me to both smile. As the elevator doors opened, Nat was already there.
"Where is she?" She asked and immediatly grabbed our child out of my hands.
"It's nice to see you too Nat!" I sarcastically said. She bounced Ellie up and down for a few minutes before the rest of the team came wandering in and she was passed around.
I'm not one of those picky moms that insist on sanitizing or washing hands before touching my child. Because A. I trusted these people with my own life and B. Ellie needs to build up some natural immunity to certain germs before it's too late.
The last one to handle her was Bucky. He was obviously her uncle on Steve's side, but he was tedious around her. He had this neverending cycle of anxiety about potentially going all Winter Soldier mode around her, and hurting her. But Steve and I both trusted him. We both knew how hard he worked to achieve a stable mental state. "Now Mommy needs her Mommy Juice," I said and turned to Nat who immediatly led me to the kitchen to pour some wine.
Ellie stopped breastfeeding around 2 months ago, which is when I could start drinking again. And with her cranky and sassy personality, it was needed. I mean, Steve was a huge relief because he could easily handle her, but the drink helped for sure.
We all sat and drank for about an hour while supposedly people were cycling through time with Ellie. Then we noticed, everyone was here. Drinking. Except for Ellie. "Shit," I muttered.
"What is it, doll?" Steve asked.
"Where's Ellie?" His eyes shot wide too as everyone frantically looked around. Obviously my mother bear tendencies kicked in and I began freaking out.
"Honey, we're going to find her, okay? She couldn't have traveled far."
"I know Steve but-" Just as I was about to start crying, Bucky came in with Ellie in his arms as she tugged on his hair. I sighed in relief as I looked at the two, both of them smiling."She was down the hall in the training room." He smiled, "Trying to get to one of the boxing bags."
"Just like her father," I said and nudged him a bit. He smiled.-16 years later-
"Just like that Ells," I walked into Steve and Ellie training. Again. "A little bit sharper on your right- perfect!" he said and gave her a high five with their boxing gloves. "You get better every time sweetie." He said and they both smiled.
"Thanks, dad." She said as they began unwrapping their hands, "Do you think I'll be ready for the boys round?"
"Woah, woah, woah," I said and stepped in, "Let's make sure you're safe, okay?" She sighed."Mom, I'll be fine." Steve smiled.
"I just don't want you getting hurt baby," I admitted and used my hand to rub her cheek, "But you are doing incredible."
"Thanks, Mom," She smiled, "Now can I drive home?" Steve sighed."Yes," he said reluctantly.
"Hey, I'm a good driver!" She said as if offended.
"You're better than most 16-year-olds, I'll give you that," I said and smiled. "C'mon now, let's go," I said. Steve wrapped his arm around her as we walked out, being his protective father self of course.
"I want a milkshake." She said halfway home. Steve sighed in the back, "Dad it's been two whole days since I've had something after training."
"Fine." He said, "We'll stop and get some." So we did. She got vanilla and so did I, and Steve got strawberry."I think I deserved that," She said, "I think I did well."
"Good," Steve responded, "Because you did."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.