A/N: Y/F/S= Your favorite snack
"So what are we doing today Ms. Y/N?" Sebastian asked and set his phone down as the Instagram live stream continued to run its course.
"We're making cupcakes," I said and got out the ingredients, "Because we don't have anything better to do in quarantine."
"That is right we don't," Sebastian said and came up to help me.
"Seb can't go and work out anymore," I grabbed the eggs mid-sentence, "So now I don't have a few hours alone and I have to put up with him all the time. It's exhausting."
"I'm basically 5," Sebastian admitted.
"He literally made me get up at 2 am last night because he wanted mac n cheese. So now I'm teaching him how to cook."
"Woo." Sebastian said sarcastically.
"Sebastian you put in too much! Again!" I told him and scooped some of the batter out. "You only fill it about 2/3 of the way up.""I'm not good at math." He complained.
"Sebastian you're making this so much harder than it has to be!"
"I'm sorry!" He huffed.
"You're a big baby." I said and looked right at him.
"Am not."
"Oh yes you are." He finally complied and helped me finish filling the cups before putting them in the oven. Then small talk began. "What if I get a Sebastian Stan phone case?" I asked.
"What?" He whipped around as a mix of concern and confusion spread across his face.
"Like a phone case, for my phone, but with your face on it."
"Why would you ever do that?"
"So I can be like, 'This phone belongs to me, but so does this man.'"
"I beg you not to do that."
"Actually I already did."
"Then why would you even ask me?"
"Just to see what you would say." He sighed and walked the other way grabbing some water for himself.
"And you say I'm the immature one."
"I'm just letting everyone know you're mine that's all, also I believe the cupcakes are done." I got up and checked on them before pulling them out. Sebastian immediatly came up behind me and tried to grab one, but I slapped his hand away. "They're too hot Sebastian. And we need to frost them first." He let out a whine and stumbled to the counter where he sat down."But I worked so hard on those!"
"You did?" I asked and put them on cooling racks."Mhm." He mumbled and crossed his arms.
"You're hilarious," I responded and kissed him on the cheek.
"Can we frost them now?" Sebastian whined."No Sebby, it's been 5 minutes. They need at least another 5."
"Fine." He mumbled and put his head down, as I began running my fingers through it."Let's just do a Q and A with all your followers."
"Okay." He rose his head up."First question..." I began and wandered through the overflowing amount of comments, "What do you two like the most physically about each other? That's a good start."
"Her smile," Sebastian lightly smiled himself and laid his head sideways on the counter facing where his phone was propped up, "And her eyes. They're so pretty.""That was sweet," I smiled, "I like his hair and his eyes. Because his hair is so fluffy and his eyes are just gorgeous. Alright, next one... what's one habit you don't like that the other has?"
"She chews really loudly." Sebastian said immediatly as I lightly slapped him, "I mean I know it's not on purpose and her whole family does it so it's probably some genetic thing.""He takes really long showers," I began, "Like he's in that shower for 45 minutes. I take 10-minute showers but diva over here needs the entire bathroom. Next, what's a snack that neither of you could live without?"
"Peanut butter anything," Sebastian said.
"I bought like 3 jars yesterday and he's already through one and a half." I added on, "For me, it would be Y/F/S. What's your favorite personality trait about each other?"
"I like her very dry and stupid sense of humor but I also love how after a really rough day I walk in and regardless if her day was shitty or not she'll have her big smile on. It cheers me up."
"I like his big heart. He's willing to do anything he can to help anyone out. Especially family, friends, and of course fans. How have you two been surviving quarantine?"
"Alright," Sebastian said, "It's not difficult to put up with her I can live with it."
"Well I don't know how much longer I can babysit him so if any of you have suggestions on how to tame 5-year-olds it would be appreciated. What's your favorite drink?"
"Non-alcholic, iced coffee. Alcoholic, some days it's beer others its scotch."
"It depends on how rough of a day it is. Non-alcoholic for me would be Y/F/D, alcoholic would be Y/F/A/D (if you're not 21 then just make one up). When you go out to eat, what's one thing you always order if it's on the menu?"
"You guys are asking good questions," Sebastian began, "For me, it's fish if I'm on a diet. If I'm not it's steak."
"For me, if I'm on a diet it's Y/F/D/F, if I'm not it's Y/F/F. What's your go-to outfit?"
"I like to stay in sweatpants, but due to not wanting to look like shit in public, it's jeans or joggers and a hoodie in winter, a t-shirt in summer."
"Mine is usually Y/G/T/O. I think it's time to frost the cupcakes too." I said and looked at Sebastian."Finally." He said, "That took forever." I rolled my eyes as we got up to begin.
"Do you know how to pipe them?" I asked.
"...No." He responded.
"Okay," I sighed, "This is how you do it." Then I went into a short and sweet explanation on how to pipe icing onto cupcakes.
"I think I got it." He said with confidence. I began starting on mine and he began starting on his. Once we both finished I glanced at his.
"At least you tried," I said as the mess and clumps of icing fell on the cake.
"Can we put sprinkles on them?" He got excited.
"Of course." I handed the bottle to him and he went to town on decorating.
"Are they done?" I asked and looked at his... creations. He nodded excitedly. "Now we can eat them." We sat down and took a bite of each of ours, which was surprisingly pretty good."They're delicious," Sebastian said in between bites.
"They are pretty good," I said and took another bite of mine.

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.