He walked, immediatly swarmed by classmates for photos and some even requested autographs for their kids. He, of course, said yes, even though his frustration and anxiety towards these situations. He was just trying to find the people who he really wanted to see: his old group.
She walked in as she did in high school. Everyone said hi, regardless of their group or whom they associated with. She was popular by no means but was everyone's friend regardless of who you were or where you came from. She was excited to see all of her friends from back in the day, only she and her best friend had really kept in touch, and she rarely had time for her.
He glided his ways through the crowd to the gym where he was immediatly greeted by his best friend, Tara. "Did you hear, Y/N's going to be here tonight!" She said.
His heart began pounding harder. You were incredible then, and more incredible now. He never saw you as the threat most guys did, and no it wasn't because you were going to beat them up. It was because you were smart, hard-working, and better than the large majority of them. He saw you as a smart beautiful woman who should have everything she ever wanted, the same way he did in high school.
You strutted in, meeting with your best friend, Nicole, before going to meet some other friends. "Tara!" Nicole called over and Tara turned around. She began walking over to you guys, your friends and hers behind her.
"Y/N!" Tara exclaimed and engulfed you in a hug, you did the same back. "How's my favorite editor at Vogue doing?"
"Well," You stated and smiled at her. Then you looked up and saw your high school crush. And he was hotter than you thought.
Of course, you had seen photos, while you were a journalist you were one in entertainment. And with the release of the new and last Avenger's movie, his name and face were everywhere. You could see his eyes quickly scan you up and down before meeting yours, "Hi Y/N."
"Hi, Chris." You responded and hugged each other.
"You look amazing." He said as he let go of you.
"Thank you," you responded, "You don't look too bad yourself." he chuckled.
You had a major 'glow up' from high school to college. I mean you weren't ugly in high school. You were... cute? Just kind of young-looking. And you're sweet, compassionate personality and willingness to help others only helped your persona and looks shaped the way you acted.
But now... you were a woman. A gorgeous, fearless woman with no man, and almost no desire to have one. Except for the small want still lingering. But most men in your business were too big for their britches, resulting in an imbalance between their ego and your feminist self. So, for the past few years, you'd just given up on dating. You were a strong and independent woman (except you did rely on your golden retriever for quite a bit of emotional weight).
Throughout the night, you couldn't help but notice Chris continually look at you. It seemed like he was almost stalking you: he the hunter, you the prey. You continually stood your guard, and he could tell it was going to be hard to get you to even wobble.
The next morning you woke up in someone else's bed, with a usual amount of warmth around you. At first, it didn't bother you one bit, until every worry came into your mind. You quickly got up and noticed Chris was next to you. Shit, you thought, not again.
You slowly crept your way up and to your clothing, but within minutes Chris was up. "Why're you leaving so soon?" he mumbled.
"Oh-" you began, "I- um, I-"
"Stay." He said and patted the bed next to him. You complied, knowing he wasn't like any other guys.
All the memories crawled in from the night before: the conversation on his hotel room's couch about life, which led to a kiss, which led to a make out, which led to... this. "It's just like high school again." Chris admitted.
"Last night before we left for college?" You asked. He nodded and smiled.
You remembered it like it was yesterday: It was the night you lost your virginity. And a magical one too. You were in Chris' backyard, the rest of his family was staying with his aunt and uncle for the weekend. But you two wanted to stay with your friends.
It was only you two, and again you talked about life. All the ups and downs, in-betweens. And that led to a kiss. Your first kiss, crazy enough. Which led to a makeout, then an, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Then a night of insane compassions. It was true and genuine. Even at the age of 18.
"I'm going to miss you so fucking much." he admitted, still out of breath as you lay next to each other in his tiny bed, your head on his toned chest.
"Me too." You admitted, out of breath as well.
"You have no clue how long I've wanted to do that for." You looked at him with a half confused, half shocked expression.
"Me?" You asked again and he nodded, "Are you sure?" He chuckled.
"You're so beautiful." he said and pulled you back down onto him.
But you were pulled back into reality with a ring of your phone. You looked at it and noticed it was work. You sighed. Chris gave you a confused look, his arm wrapped around you. "Work," You responded and he nodded, "Those stupid interns can't figure out the difference between a sentence and a paragraph." He chuckled. Then it was silent for a few moments, "I-" you began and he put his full attention on you, "I don't want this to be a one-time thing." You said, nervously.
"Neither do I," he sighed, "We can figure it out." He said after a few moments and you looked up at him. You both smiled. "You're so beautiful."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanficThe title says it all my people.