I woke up the next morning at 8 a.m. to find a sleeping Chris, and just as she was left, a sleeping Katelyn curled up on his chest. It was really adorable seeing how every time his chest would lift up and down from his breathing and snoring her whole body would move too. I decided to grab my phone and get a quick photo because it was worthy of that.
I slowly arose and gently felt Kate's head. I cringed at the hot feeling I received. I got downstairs and made some pancake batter. As I was whisking a few last touches in, I heard small footsteps above and big ones after that. Now they were up.
I assumed Chris was helping Kate and taking her temperature, so I continued with my duties of making breakfast.
Soon enough I heard small footsteps coming down the stairs, and bigger ones following. "Mommy" I heard a little voice.
"Hi love, how're you feeling?"
"Not so good." She said and hugged my leg."I'm sorry." I said and rubbed her messy hair a little.
"Goodmorning doll." I heard Chris coming down.
"Morning," I responded as he kissed my forehead. "Did you take her temp?" I asked."Yup. She's at 102." He said reaching down to pick her up. I sighed.
"Well," I said turning around, "It looks like a little monkey may just be going to urgent care." I said as I looked at her hide her face in the crook of Chris' neck.
"I don't wanna go." I could hear her mumble.
"I know baby, but we have to." She huffed a little.
"It's okay baby girl," Chris reminded her, "We can bring Mr. Bear Bear too."
"Okay." I could see her nod. I ended up storing the batter in the fridge and quickly running upstairs to put on some wearable clothes. I ran back down and grabbed Katelyn before running to the car and strapping her in as Chris was upstairs changing. Then Katelyn started crying."What's wrong baby?" I asked her and moved some hair from out of her face.
"Mr.-Mr. Bear Bear." She mumbled out and continued to cry. I heard the front door close and looked back to see Chris, thankfully with a Mr. Bear Bear in hand. He locked the door before running out and handing the stuffed bear to her.
"It's okay Pooh, he's right here." Chris said and kissed her head. And yes, my husband does call our daughter Pooh. As in Winnie the Pooh. And no one (and I mean NO ONE) is allowed to call her Pooh other than her dad.
I shut the door before he got in the driver's seat and I got in the passenger's seat, and of the E.R. we went.
Once there we waited a shockingly short amount of 30 minutes before being taken back. All the nurses and the doctors were extremely cooperative and nice to Kate. Then we got the news we didn't want to hear: she has the flu.
The question many are asking now is probably, why didn't you vaccinate your child? Oh trust me, we did. But the flu shot isn't 100 percent effective. So this was just one of those few scenarios where your kid gets it anyways. They gave her some meds and told us she would be fine after about a week or so.
We packed up and headed home. We immediately gave the medication to Kate, and as one of the side effects was, she almost instantly fell asleep. Chris carried her upstairs and tucked her in as I began disinfecting every inch of the house.
"You're so adorable with her." I told Chris and I turned around and saw him in the doorway. He smiled.
"I try my hardest." He said before walking over and giving me a kiss that escalated very quickly. Soon I was moaning as he slid his tongue into my mouth and pushed me against the counter. I could feel the bulge growing in his sweatpants.
"Mommy?" I heard someone say from behind Chris and he immediatly stopped.
"Yes, love?" I asked quickly moving away from Chris. He had to stay in his position because, well, his pants were tented.
"I'm hungry." She said rubbing her eyes, still obviously tired.
"Alright love." I told her, "Let's grab some fruit." I quickly got her a bowl of blueberries before we went upstairs, she ate them for about 5 minutes, and she was out again. I then made my way back downstairs.
After putting the bowl in the dishwasher, Chris came up and kissed me again. "Damn cock-blocker." He mumbled.
"Hey!" I told him and slapped his chest, "Don't call our daughter a cock-blocker."
"Sorry." he said, "but she kinda did.""You're a dork Evans." I told him.
"Well so are you, Evans."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.