(A/N: This is a request for RIV3RRR.)
It started out as a beautiful day in Manhatten. Sebastian and I had decided to take our two kids, Emma, who's six, and Sammy, who's four, to our local park.
We were lucky enough to live in Soho, one of the nicest areas in New York. The local park was only four blocks away, and extremely nice and well kept, which can be difficult to find in the city. But we managed to find a large luxury apartment in a great area.
Emma walked alongside me as Sammy walked with Sebastian. Since Sammy was so small, Seb would have to occasionally pick him up so he could ride on his shoulders, speeding up the process of walking.
Once we arrived, Sebastian and I sat down at a bench right across from the play area, letting the kids go. "Have fun kiddos." He smiled as the two ran off.
"And be safe!" I called after them. "Are we still going to your mom's house next Sunday?" I asked and he nodded. Georgeta lived in a suburb of New York, it was calmer for her.
"You know she has to see the kids at least once a month." I nodded as well. Just as we began furthering our conversation, clouds began forming above us. Neither of us thought much of it until it began drizzling.
"Uh oh," I said aloud.
"We'll give the kids a few minutes until it starts raining, then we'll go." Sebastian insisted.
"Fine," I said, "But once it starts raining hard, we'll go." He nodded. Within minutes, it began downpouring. "Kids!" I called out and they both looked over. Sammy was already covered in mud, he managed to find his way in a puddle, but Emma was just wet. "Let's go!" I called out. They both came running, however, Emma ended up tripping on a ledge and falling into a puddle of mud.
"Babes," Sebastian ran over to help her up. She had a small scrape on her chin, and some tears in her eyes, but he managed to help her over, and quickly reassure her everything was fine.
We rushed back through the four blocks and ran inside. We were all drenched, but the kids both had mud on top and a scraped chin for Emma. "Alright sweethearts, let's go up and get in the shower.
Emma took her own very quickly as Sebastian dried off in our room and changed. I had to bathe Sammy, he was still too young to do it on his own. I got him in his pajamas, and Seb came in with Emma. "Can you take them downstairs and start a movie? I'm gonna change." I requested and he nodded, hoisting Sammy onto his hip.I made it into our room, drying off, and quickly changed into yoga pants and a sweatshirt, getting comfy like everyone else, and wiping away my makeup. I quickly made my way back downstairs to where the kids were sitting on the floor in front of Sebastian on the couch. I quietly made my way around them and sat next to him.
He casually threw his arm around me in the dark room, the kid's eyes glued to the TV. "What did they choose to watch?" I asked Seb.
"Ratatouille," he said.
"We haven't seen that in a while."
"I know," he lightly smiled, "We finally don't have to watch The Littler Mermaid or Cars again."
"Shhh!" Emma turned around and snapped. Sebastian lightly snorted. "Mommy, Daddy?" She asked a few minutes later, we turned our attention to her. "Could we get some popcorn, please?" She asked."And hot chocolate?" Sammy added on.
"Of course babies," I said.
"I'll get them," Seb said and got up, climbing over them and going to the kitchen. A few minutes later he brought back two bowls, one for the kids and one for us, running back to get the hot chocolates, which he made two trips to give us. I had also placed a blanket over the two kids, as they requested because it was "too cold", so when Seb sat back down, I did the same thing. It was still downpouring, which had soon turned to thunder storming out, making it even more comfortable with us with each raindrop we could hear on the large windows.
Partway through the movie, Sebastian had once again placed his arm around me, my head on his shoulder. Since we were behind the kids, and quite a few feet behind them, nothing we did really minded them. That was until Sebastian decided to be an immature ass.
I felt his hand resting on my thigh, which I didn't mind. It was pretty typical for Sebastian to rest his hand on my thigh while we drove, during dinner, everywhere. Then his hand began to slowly creep towards the inside of my thigh, as well as up it. I lightly nudged him, knowing exactly where his mind was and that we were most definitely not doing anything in front of our children.
He stopped for a minute, making me think that he had gotten the memo and would stop. But of course, Seb deceived me and decided to continue. "Sebastian!" I whisper yelled, so the kids hopefully wouldn't hear me.
"What?" he whisper yelled back.
"Shhhh!" Emma said again, turning around and putting her finger to her mouth. Sebastian and I looked at her with wide eyes and paused. Once she turned away we looked at eat other and silently laughed, on the verge of cracking up.
After about another hour, the movie wrapped up, but both the kids were on the floor, asleep. They were both in pajamas, so it would be easy to get them in bed. It was just a matter of physically putting them in their bed.
Sebastian and I crept out from under the blanket and slowly lifted up the kids. Seb grabbed Emma, since she was the heavier one, and I grabbed Sammy. We slowly went up the stairs with them, going to their individual rooms. I tucked in Sammy, who was still passed out in my arms, mouth wide open. I gave him a quick kiss on the head, pulling his covers over him, and making sure his night light was on (he still had a fear of monsters under his bed).I slowly tiptoed out of his room, turning off the light, and silently shutting the door. At the end of the hall, I could see Sebastian walking down after doing the same thing with Emma. He lightly smiled when our eyes met, and we both walked back to our room, which was on the other side of the apartment.
We got in and he closed the door. I went into my closet to take off my pants and sweatshirt, to just have a t-shirt on. Sebastian was already in bed when I came back, casually scrolling through his phone. The storm outside still raged on, which wasn't so bad for sleep, considering I at least loved the sound of rain to sleep in. Once I got into bed with him, he put his phone down and turned himself to me. He smirked and looked at me up and down. "What's on your mind?" I asked in a partially accusatory tone, already knowing that he would want to finish what he started during the movie.
"Adult time," he smiled and leaned in to give me a few kisses on my neck and shoulder.
"Seb," I lightly whined, "I don't want to block you, but let's not do it tonight, okay babe? We'll do this on Friday when the kids stay at my sister's house. I really don't want to wake them up." He sighed and nodded, resorting to his side. "I love you. Thanks, bubs."
"It's alright," he lightly smiled, "But you better keep your promise."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.