Chris had been gone for nearly two months, traveling around the country and even into Canada for his new project, A Starting Point. While I was proud of him for his idea and was going to support him regardless of what happened, it was really difficult with him being this busy.
We have a three-year-old and a three-month-old at home. I love them dearly, as a mother would, and they are my priority always. But without Chris, parenting is hard.
I appreciate the compliments when people tell me "You're truly an amazing mother" or ask how I do it. Sure, in public Telly (our oldest) is a darling little angel but she can be a nightmare at home. And there's not much to say about our youngest Jake who's usually quiet but at night is a real crier.
I was genuinely frustrated with Chris, but I didn't want to show it. I would feel too selfish if I were to tell him that I feel he was putting his work above family, a promise he made the day we decided to have children. But the 2 hours of sleep a night and lack of time for me was really taking a toll.
And yes, as a mother you rarely have time, but nowadays it felt like I couldn't get 5 seconds to breathe. There was always something going on.
He also rarely skyped now. It was maybe twice a week, and one of the times was at 11 pm, meaning the kids were definitely in bed. However, I was always still up on my beauty lifestyle blog, which was an international sensation, not to brag, trying to figure out what would be best for my fans and others who used my site for themselves.
"Hey, honey." Chris came in on the other end, I could see him through my computer screen smiling. I lightly smiled back.
"Hi." I said it was 11 pm after a tiring day and for the first time, Jake had not woken up in an hour.
"You doing alright?" He asked and began writing something down.
"Yeah fine," I answered, "You?"
"Pretty good. Everything's coming together pretty well.""That's good," I responded with a light smile. He had yet to look up from his work, and I was internally pissed. "So what else is going on?" I asked.
"Nothing much." He responded, still not looking up.
"Well, I should probably get back to work," I said. He actually looked up and lightly smiled and waved. "Love you." I said and smiled.
"I love you too." he said, smiling back. Then hung up.
I sighed and looked up at the ceiling as I began to feel tears brew. I let a few fall, but kept my head in its position to catch any. "Mommy?" I heard Telly lightly knocked.
"Yes baby?" I asked putting on my best regular voice. She slowly crept open the door.
"I had a nightmare." She said and looked down, her stuffed dog wrapped in her arms. I got out of bed and briefly wiped my tears in the dark so she wouldn't see them, before picking her up and putting her in our bed, well aware that's what she wanted. I gave her a light kiss on the head before she soon drifted off to sleep..
The next day, while the kids were at preschool/daycare Lisa (Chris' mom), came over to help me with a little housework. She could tell something was up. "You need to tell me Y/N." She insisted.
"Trust me it's no big deal."
"C'mon, even if it's not I want to hear it." I sighed."Fine," I began, "Chris hasn't been helping at all and it's very frustrating. He hasn't said thank you to me at all, hasn't FaceTimed with the kids in almost a month and it's all because of work." She stared at me for a few moments.
"I'm going to beat that boy's ass-"
"Lisa, I just need to talk to him. He just won't let me.".
It was at 9 p.m. that I got a call from Chris. It was the earliest one in a while, but the kids were already down to bed. "Hey." I answered and waved at him. He smiled, bigger than I had seen in a while, and waved back.
"Hi, doll." He said. "How're you?"
"Alright how are you."
"Better now that I get to see your face." I lightly blushed at his cheesy comment. His mood changed exponentially."What's up?" I asked.
"Well," He began, "I don't know what you three have going on tomorrow but I think you may need to change your plans for four."
"Well, Teddy wants to go to the zoo again, to see the polar bears. But why four, is your mom coming?" He chuckled."Although I wish she was, you're stuck with me." My mouth dropped.
"You're coming back?" I asked.
"Yeah, for a week." I smiled like a fool and he chuckled at my expression.
"I'm so excited!" I nearly squealed, him one again chuckling.
"Me too," he began, "I'll see you tomorrow baby."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.