Mission accomplished (B.B.)

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Quick A/N: I've started to do prompts because I'm facing some writer's block so this is my first prompt. I'm going to try to make it the best I can but no promises, unfortunately.

Prompt: "Write a story about two unlikely people falling in love." (Yeah I know, basic, but we're going with it.)

Bucky was strange, to say the least. Not that strange is bad, but he surely was different.

Unlike most of the Avengers, he was very secluded. When he came out of his room, it was for food, training, and sometimes Avengers bonding time. No matter the situation, however, he was always silent, saying as little words as possible.

I've always found some sort of attraction to Bucky. The long hair, that jawline, and his sweet eyes. He looks like a sweet, and lost puppy. I genuinely wanted to help him find his way, but I didn't want to push him.

"Hey, Buck." I smiled and walked into the kitchen where he was pouring some coffee. He lightly smiled.

"Hey Y/N." He said softly. I went up to the cabinet to try and get a mug, which I, unfortunately, couldn't reach. I was the shortest on the team and Tony just had to put the mugs on the top shelf. "Need some help?" he lightly chuckled.

"Yes please." I sighed in defeat and moved out of the way. He easily reached his arm out and grabbed it. He then handed it to me, looking down as I was just under his shoulder. "Thank you." I smiled and walked over to grab myself some coffee. "So how'd you sleep."

"Alright." He said and took a sip of his. "You?"

"Alright." We both chuckled, "What're you plans for the day?" I was trying to start up a conversation.

"Training with Steve, then I don't know." He said, "You?"

"Training with Nat and Sam, then Nat's dragging me along shopping."

"Fun." He smiled, I sighed.

"It is until she finds like 16 extra things to get after she says she's done." He chuckled.

"Hey Buck," We heard Steve come in the kitchen. "Wait I'm not disturbing you two am I, I'm sorry guys-" He said and backed out.

"You're fine," I said and took a swig of my coffee.

"Oh well we're ready for training when you are but take your time-"

"It's fine." Bucky said and put his mug in the dishwasher.

"Have fun!" I called after Bucky. He looked back and smiled.

-3rd person POV-

Steve and Bucky walked next to each other, Steve smiling the whole time. "What is it Punk." Bucky asked him.

"You and Y/N."

"What?" he asked and Steve smirked.

"There's no use in hiding in Buck. I know you like her." He rolled his eyes.

"I don't like her," He stopped himself, "Well not in that way at least, I mean she's beautiful and friendly and all but I-"

"You've never been this nervous and timid about a dame before," Steve remarked as they entered the gym. "You can tell me."

"Fine," Bucky sighed, "Maybe I do like Y/N."

"You like Y/N?" Nat asked from her punching bag across the room. Bucky sighed, mentally slapping himself. Steve continued smirking.

"Just, please don't tell her." Nat rolled her eyes.

"You better tell her soon," Nat walked by the two, "She has at least two dozen men I know who are begging to have her."

"I bet," Bucky mumbled.

"C'mon Buck," Steve put his hand on his shoulders arm, "You can confess your arm for Y/N/N once we're done with training."

"Shut it Jerk." He mumbled.

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