(A/N: Sorry I'm not updating as much I'm having a lot of writer's block and just not a lot of motivation to write. I don't know if this happens to anyone else but writing just kind of comes in waves for me. Sometimes I can't stop, while other times I can't start. This is a request for RIV3RRR.)
"Now please welcome, The Downey, Hemsworth, Mackie, and Stan families!" Jimmy Fallon called out. Everyone in the crowd cheered as each of our families walked out through different doors. Sebastian and I walked out, each of us had one of our kid's hands in ours. We could tell they were overwhelmed, they were 7 and 5, so any way to calm them down was necessary.
We lined up in front of each of our tables which had some cake and decorating tools on them. They were all lined up in a row next to each other. "Alright, let's go one by one and introduce ourselves, shall we?" Jimmy asked. It started with Roberts and made our way down to our table the last one.
"I'm Sebastian," Seb started.
"I'm Lily." Our seven-year-old said and lightly waved as everyone awed.
"I'm Caleb!" Our youngest said and began jumping up and down as everyone laughed.
"And I'm Y/N," I said as everyone applauded for our family.
"So today we have for you all a competition," Everyone in the audience ooed, "We're having a family cake decorating competition, or as we like to call it: Frosting with the Fam!" Everyone cheered. "So each of you have a cake, Hemsworth you have two because you have a bigger family than everyone else."
"What?" Chris asked, "That's some B.S." He mumbled and everyone laughed."So each family will have one minute to fully decorate their cake. And the clock starts, NOW!"
Sebastian and I helped our two upon their stepping stools so they could reach the cake faster. Then we passed them their cake smoothers and we were ready to go.
Sebastian helped them place some pink frosting on but Caleb intervened. "I wanted blue!" He pouted so we split it half and half. Caleb would decorate one half, Lily would decorate the other.
"30 seconds left!" Jimmy called out.
"C'mon kiddos, we can do this!" Sebastian cheered them on as he assisted Caleb in putting sprinkles on his side. I began chuckling as I assisted Lily with her side.
"Caleb, some of your blue frostings got on my side!" She pouted.
"It's alright babes, we can cover it up," I told her and helped her put some more on some of the accidental blue areas.
"15 seconds!" Jimmy called out as we frantically helped the kids with sprinkles.
"C'mon guys!" Caleb huffed and the crowd laughed along with Sebastian and I.
"3... 2... 1! Frosting down!" We put everything down and our hands up.
"Hey!" Sebastian called out at Chris who continued with the frosting process, "Cheating!" Everyone began laughing.
"I was not!" He fired back and wiped his hands.
"Do we need to replay the tape?" Robert asked.
"No..." Chris mumbled in shame and turned away.
"Now we will rate the cakes!" Jimmy said.
They showed off each cake individually. First, it was the Hemsworth. They had a cake covered in blue frosting with some random piping decorations, and a white one with sprinkles. The Downey's did a yellow one with some impressive decorations actually, and the Mackies made a Falcon themed cake.
Finally, it came to ours, and the kids proudly showed off their creation, with Sebastian helping them of course.
"Now that all of the cakes have been presented, everyone vote for the one that is best!" Jimmy called out. Everyone got out their phones in the audience and began "voting".
We all knew what was going to happen is there would be a tie. So all the kids were winners because it would be just cruel to break their hearts like that on national television.
"And the results are in, drumroll please..." Jimmy said as everyone began making a fake drumroll. The screen displayed the four-way tie of course. "Look at that! You all won!" All the kids began cheering and clapping as the parents just smiled at their excitement.
Everyone cheered as we all went back to the dressing rooms, where we grabbed our bags and got in one of the cars that drove us back to our townhouse in New York. We also got to keep the cake, which was nice. "Mommy?" I heard Caleb ask.
"Yes, baby?" He had just gotten out of his bath and Lily was in her shower. Sebastian and I were in the kitchen."Can I have a piece of cake, please?" He asked.
"When your sister comes out we will, alright?" I asked.
"Mkay." He said and ran off to his room. Sebastian smiled and poured some wine for the two of us.
"Ya know they'll probably get on a sugar high right before bed, right?" He asked. I looked at the clock on the stove.
"It's only 7:30. Once we eat cake they'll be on a sugar high for about half an hour, run around some, and then be on their crash by 8:15."
"Good point," he sighed and took a sip of his glass.Soon enough both kids came running in wanting cake. Seb got them small pieces for them, and just like predicted, they were up and running around like crazy monkeys for about 45 minutes, before going on their sugar crash.
Sebastian ended up having to carry both of them up to bed and tucking them in before coming back downstairs. "Now I want cake." He said and began cutting us slices.
"What if the kids find out?"
"We're the adults," He said, "We can do what we want. When we want."
"Good point," I said and took the plate of cake he gave me, taking a bite. "It's a really good cake."
"It is." He stuffed his face with another bite.

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.