Warning: Mentions of abuse and self-harm. I do not endorse self-harm or abuse at all, but for the sake of this one-shot, it's in here.
I sat on the couch curled, Josie next to me. I was curled up, my legs up against my chest, as I poured out all my emotions into tears. She rubbed my back with her hand on my third hour of crying. "I can't believe that this is happening. I'm 28 and going through a divorce." Just then we heard a knock on the door.
"I'll grab it." She smiled lightly and got up. She opened it and looked back at me, "It's Sebastian. Is it fine if he comes in?" I nodded. Sebastian walked in with a few bags and placed them down. He turned to me and concern flooded across his face.
"What's going on?" He asked and sat next to me where Josie was sitting.
"I um-" I began, and started playing with my necklace, "I filed for divorce with Tom." His expression went blank.
"You guys have been married 9 months-" He began and I nodded.
"9 months in which our dearest friend here was being abused." Josie snapped at him. He turned towards me again with more concern, but anger on his face.
"He did what?" he asked me.
"V-verbal abuse," I told him.
"What did he say, if you don't mind me asking."
"He would say I was the reason he was losing money when he went out gambling. I was the reason he cheated because he 'had to'. He would tell me he didn't love me anymore because I was too fat.""Did you listen to him?" I nodded.
"I lost 25 pounds in less than a year, amongst other things."
"Other things?" He asked.
"Um-" I began not sure whether I wanted to continue or not.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he began with a pause, "but just know you can trust me." I nodded as more tears began coming out. I slowly lifted my hoodie sleeves to show him the marks. He stared in awe yet disturbance with a severe expression on his face. "You've been-"
"Cutting myself." I let out and began crying again. Sebastian immediatly held me and 'shhed' into my hair.
"You're safe here, okay?" I nodded, "Have you taken your meds today?" I nodded. "Good." He sighed.
For another hour or so we talked about it before the two of them cheered me up with bad jokes and talk about anything but my divorce.
"Oh shit," Josie began and got up frantically.
"What?" I asked.
"My guest bedroom isn't set up."
"Don't worry," Sebastian stood up, "She can stay with me." He smiled."I don't want to be a bother I-"
"We've been friends for 5 years. You're anything but a bother."
"You sure?" I asked and he nodded..
Once we got to Seb's apartment he helped me put my stuff into his guest bedroom. "Thank you." I said again and smiled.
"Really, it's no problem." He smiled, "Anything to get you away from him." There were a few moments of silence before Sebastian spoke again, "I- I really care about you." He lightly smiled.
"It's good to know someone does." I smiled lightly back. We were within two inches of each other when I saw his eyes travel down to my lips then back up, mine following shortly after. Within seconds we were moving closer and our lips touched. They moved in tandem for a few seconds before we both released. "That was," I began and paused, "good." I smiled. He chuckled.
"Good," he repeated.
"I um- I should probably get to bed now."
"Yeah yeah, of course." he smiled and began walking to the door, "I'm just across the hall if you need anything, alright?"
"Alright." I smiled lightly..
I woke up the next day to the smell of breakfast. I stretch and slowly rolled out of the extremely comfortable guest bed Seb had. "Good morning," I said lightly.
"Morning." he smiled back and handed me a mug of coffee. "How did you sleep."
"Very well." He lightly chuckled. "Thanks for taking me in."
"It's what friends do." That was when it came flooding back, the kiss. I paused and he could tell I was thinking about it. "I'm really sorry if the kiss went too far." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously."That's the thing," I began and awkwardly looked at my coffee, "I don't think it went too far." He looked up at me for a moment with confusion.
"So, you enjoyed it as I did?" I nodded.
"I just, I don't want to make you wait but with everything going on with Tom I don't know if now is the best time."
"Yeah of course." He said."I made it really awkward didn't I." We both chuckled.
"It's fine." He said, "It's good to know at least the feelings are reciprocal."
"Yeah," I said and a few more moments of silence followed. What should I do? I want to kiss him but technically I'm still married. But we're separated, right? "Fuck it," I said and got up walking up to Sebastian who had more confusion on his face. I crashed my lips against him in a searing and needed kiss. it took him a few seconds before he leaned into it, and placed his hand on the small of my back. I wrapped mine behind his neck and stood on my tiptoes to reach him. We finally released and panted for our breaths. "I didn't know how much longer I could last."
"Neither did I." I chuckled."As long as it's fine with you-"
"Can we go on a date?" He asked even before I could."Of course." I smiled.

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.