(A/N: Spoilers for Defending Jacob! If you don't want the ending to be ruined for you, please don't read. However if you want to or have seen it feel free to go on. Also, I finished it today and... WHAT WAS THAT ENDING? I really want a season two.)
Here you sat on the plush white couch in your small two bedroom townhouse, a shattered man crying and sobbing into your chest and into your wool knit sweater, which you had thrown on when you heard him knock.
You were upset with Andy to say the least, but right now he needed you more than ever. So you were there, right by his side when his life was crumbling into pieces. "I don't believe it," He softly whispered, his voice breaking half way through, "It was an accident right?" He asked and sobbed more. You could feel your sweater soak up his warm and salty tears. You just continued to run your fingers through his hair, shhing him in an attempt to get him to calm down. "Right?" He asked again, looking up at you. You sighed, not wanting to break his heart more than it was already. But you knew it was no accident.
"I don't know Andy," You said lightly, "I don't know." So he placed his head right back into your chest as more tears and light sobs escaped his body. You genuinely felt bad, and wanted nothing more than to comfort him now. But a part of you wanted to slap his face and yell at him for leaving you when you needed him most, because his life went back to normal.
"I love you," He sighed as his tears briefly subsided. Your fingers paused their bushing through his dark brown locks, which were out of control at the moment.
"What about Laurie?" You asked lightly, trying not to stir him further. He sighed and lightly sat up to face you, his eyes red and swollen.
"I don't know," he said, some frustration laced in his words, "I think that all depends." You nodded understanding what he meant.
"I think you need some sleep Andy." You told him, looking at his tired and fatigued face. He shook his head, "Andy." You said firmer, almost in a motherly tone, taking his hand in yours and lightly caressing it.
"Okay," he said barely above a whisper, dragging himself up from the couch, you right behind him and into your guest room. There you handed him a spare pair of sweatpants he kept at your house and a t-shirt.
"Try to get some sleep, okay?" You lightly smiled. He nodded, not looking up from his hands as he sat on the edge of the bed.
You went off to your own room, letting your hair fall out of your ponytail and lazily running your fingers through it, before taking off your shawl, throwing it on the floor, and your glasses, carefully placing them on the nightstand next to you.
You tried to go to sleep, but it just didn't work. All you had heard was Jacob and Laurie got into a crash on the highway. According to early reports and witnesses, it looked like Laurie did it on purpose. And that was when Andy came to your front door at 10 at night, big puffy eyes and a red face.
Despite him leaving you, you let him in. He told you the backstory as well, how Patz didn't kill himself, it was a staged suicide. How Laurie was sure Jacob did it. So of course, she tried to kill the both of them, but Andy was still in denial.
So you didn't tell him she did it, although it was pretty obvious she did. He hadn't slept in days, he was at the hospital with the two of them. So it was shocking when he arrived. "Y/N?" You heard Andy croak from outside the door.
"Yes?" You sat up.
"Could I, maybe, sleep with you?" He asked. Your common sense said no, you two had done it for eight months before he left you once his life became perfect again. But your emotion was too much.
"Yeah." You said, lightly moving over. There, was Andy Barber in your bed again. Usually, it was reversed. You were in his arms after what was first just a stress reliever, but turned into passionate love making. But tonight, he was under your arms as he was broken more than ever before.

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.