Steve and I had only been going out for a few weeks. But I had invited him over to my apartment, he had just seemed stressed lately. And I at least wanted to talk. He came after work, and I grabbed him some water so we could chat. "You like to read, I take it?" he asked looking at the pile of four books I was attempting to plow through. I chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah," I said, "When I have time. Which is a rarity." He nodded and smiled.
"What's your favorite genre?" he asked.
"History." I said and he looked up, "I'm a sucker for European history specifically. It's all drama that doesn't involve me." He chuckled again. "Here, follow me." I smiled and put my hand out for him which he grabbed.
I led him to my little library. Basically a storage closet with bins and bins of books. He looked in awe as he began sorting through some of the bins. "When I get a substantial raise, which is hopefully sooner rather than later, I want to rent a larger apartment with a whole room just for books." I smiled. He picked up a few on recent history including Barak Obama, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Nixon, JFK, you name it he was sorting through. "If you want to take a few be my guest." I said. He looked up at me.
"Really?" he asked and I smiled.
"Of course, I always need more room for more books," I began, "But if you're looking for those people in specific I would suggest these instead." I looked through a few of the bins to find other books on the same people. "This one has quotes from Obama, he's a source in it, so it'll provide you the best most accurate information," I handed it to him, "This is the only book I've read on H.W. Bush that isn't fabricated one way or the other, this one on W. Bush has flawless writing and will have you absorbed in it for hours, this one tells the Watergate scandal almost like a novel while still providing straight facts about his Nixon's history, and this one is a great book about JFK and how he was a great person but had a little bit of a shady side to him." He looked down at the books with disbelief.
"T-thanks." he stuttered and smiled.
"Also, this one is my favorite on anyone." I grabbed a book on Joe Biden, "Joe Biden, vice president to Barak Obama. Their whole relationship is a true friendship, something America had never really seen in office." He smiled again and stacked the books in his hands. "And I should have a spare reusable bag for you to put those in." We both laughed.
Once back to the living room, he looked around a saw my record player. "You have a record player?" he asked in astonishment.
"Yeah," I said and smiled, "Why?"
"It just seems that no one in this day and age uses one."
"It's kind of the last thing I have from my dad." I looked down as he looked up at me, "My fondest memories of him was dancing to music that he would play on vinyl. I was 8 when he passed, and my mother wanted to sell everything he had. Basically erase him from our lives." I looked up at him, "I grabbed that while I could. And a few records we used to dance together to. Just to make me feel a little bit closer to him." I lightly smiled."Oh," Steve began, "I'm really sorry."
"It's alright." I said, "It's been years but at least I still have dad's record player and vinyl." I smiled brighter.
As our conversation continued, my dog (Georgia) waddled her way out of my room. "There you are!" I said as she began fast walking towards me. Her chocolate lab personality soon kicked in when she saw Steve, a stranger. "I hope you don't mind dogs." I told him."I don't mind at all." He said, "Besides on our first date you talked about her for 20 minutes." I laughed.
"That sad part is, I've probably done that with everyone." he smiled and began to pet her. She soon hopped up on the couch next to him and plopped in his lap. "You've made a friend pretty quick."
"Indeed I have." He smiled again and continued to pet her. We talked and laughed until 7 when we realized it had been 2 hours."I can always order dinner?" I told him.
"I don't want to be a burden." he told me.
"Trust me Steve, you are anything but a burden."
"Are you sure?" He asked again."Yes, I'm sure." I smiled.
After the great night Steve and I had, I hadn't heard from in a week. Which to be honest, hurt a little. I had told him a lot, he had told me at least a decent amount, and then he just doesn't answer my calls.
I had also been laid off from SHIELD. In fact, the entire department. After I packed up my stuff I went home and cried. For a really, really long time.
That night I heard a knock on my door. I looked through the peephole to see Steve and Nat, and of course, answered. "Hey what's going on-"
"We need a place to stay." He whispered talked. I gave them a confused look. "Everyone's trying to kill us." I looked between the two of them before letting them in. "Sorry, my place is kinda a mess." I said and locked all 4 locks on my door (yes there were 4 locks)."I heard those assholes laid you off." Nat said and gave me a sympathetic smile.
"They did what?" Steve spun around. "They laid you off?"
"Yeah, the whole department actually." I began, "And like 3 other ones too." He frowned."What're you doing now?" She asked.
"I really don't know." I told her, "I get some benefits from being a former marine." Steve looked at me shocked again.
"You're a marine?" I lightly smiled and nodded.
"I could always go out there again I mean-"
"No," Steve interrupted. Nat and I both looked at him, "Just because it's dangerous, ya know?" Nat rolled her eyes."Bullshit Rogers."
"I um, I have a guest room and a pullout couch. I'll take the couch and you guys can have the rooms-"
"I'll take the couch." Steve interrupted."You're a guest, please have the bedroom I-"
"I insist," he said. I nodded and went to my closet to find a spare duvet and pillows.We all went to bed around 10, but I stayed up later to read a book and ponder about everything. Did Steve actually like me? Would he be willing to start a relationship? I soon fell asleep with all these ideas flying through my mind.
The next morning we all woke up bright and early. Steve was in a tank top and let me tell you, I wouldn't mind seeing him in those more. We had to come up with a game plan, apparently, there was a good chance SHIELD (aka HYDRA) could know where they were. "I know a place." I spoke up and they both looked at me, "As long as you don't mind a road trip and a small cabin."
We arrived at my small cabin in upstate New York about 3 hours later. Nat had to sit in the back with Georgia (of course she came) while I drove and Steve sat in the passenger seat. Once there, we unloaded and quickly got inside, once again locking the doors. I put my car in the garage area so no one could tell we were here.
"Y/N?" Steve called out as we were all departing for bed."Yeah, Steve?" I looked back to face him.
"Could I talk to you for a moment."
"Yeah of course." Nat quickly made her way to the guest room."I really wanted to thank you for all of this," he began, "putting yourself and-" He glanced at the dog, "Georgia on the line for Nat and I. I really appreciate it."
"It's really no problem." I said and smiled. We looked at each other in the eyes for a few more moments before his blue orbs moved down to my lips and back up. Slowly, he and I leaned in until we softly kissed for a few moments."I should've done that a long time ago." Steve whispered as our foreheads laid together, me on my tippy toes to reach up to him, and his neck arching down to reach mine. I chuckled.
"It's better now than never."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it all my people.