New love (A.B.)

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(A/N: This is the first Andy Barber one-shot/imagine from Defending Jacob, which I've been keeping up with. It's really good so far, actually. Warnings: Daddy kink, suggestive. No smut though.)

I was cooking dinner while Anna was in her room studying when I got a call and picked up. "Hello?"

"Y/N?" I could hear Andy ask, as if in a hurry, "This is sudden and rude, but Jacob and I need a place to stay and-" he sighed, "Could we go to your place." I stopped for a moment, a few consequences of staying yes flew by my mind, but still. Andy was an old friend.

"Sure." I huffed, "Have you guys eaten?"

"No," He admitted.

"Alright. We're having lasagna for dinner, so just come by."

"Thank you so much." I could hear him sigh again, this time out of relief. Then he hung up.

"Anna!" I called upstairs.

"Yes?" She called back.

"I need you to set the two guest bedrooms!" I called out again.

"Why?" She asked slightly annoyed.

"Mr. Barber and Jacob are staying with us." She paused. Most likely aimed towards the Jacob part.

"Okay." She huffed as I heard her footsteps get up and wander around the second floor, setting things up.

About 15 minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly wiped my hand with the blue dishrag, which complemented our black and white marble kitchen. I opened our oak wood door to be greeted by father and son, both looking stressed, tired and helpless, duffle bags around each of their shoulders. I quickly let them in, looking around once the two were in to see if anyone saw. Thankfully, it looked like no one.

I shut the door, quickly locking it, then turning around to face the two who were awkwardly standing in the hallway. "Thank you so much Y/N, you have no idea how much we appreciate this," Andy said and Jacob nodded his head, agreeing with his dad.

"No problem," I lightly smiled. "You can set your bags on the couch, Anna's upstairs working on our two guest bedrooms." I could see Jacob look down, and lightly blush at the mention of her name. Someone had a little crush, causing me to smirk to myself.

I wandered back to the kitchen where Andy and Jacob followed. Anna came down a moment later and greeted Jacob. "Anna, sweetheart, why don't you show Jacob to your room. You two can play on the Xbox until dinner's ready."

"You have an Xbox?" Jacob asked, slight shock laced in his voice. Probably from the idea that a girl playing video games, which she did. She nodded and hummed, the two soon off to her bedroom. "You better have one hell of an excuse for why you stormed in on my daughter and I Barber," I told him after placing the lasagna in the oven and turned to face where he sat on one of the barstools under the kitchen island, leaning against the counter. He smirked.

"Laurie left us." My eyes went wide.

"She what?" I asked firmly.

"She left us," he sighed and looked down, "Went to live with her father. Apparently he and I were too much to deal with."

"Andy I-" I wasn't sure how to respond. He must've been hurting so much. "I'm so sorry." He lightly nodded. "You want a drink."

"A drink would be great." He lightly smiled and looked up at me.

"Scotch?" He nodded. I poured him some and got myself some wine. He sipped some of his, and I sipped mine. Andy removed his lips from the glass before slowly looking me up and down. I knew where this was going. Granted, I wasn't against it. But I also knew his wife just left him, and he's probably craving affection. A one-time thing, which I vowed after I had Anna never to do. Let alone with my high school friend.

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now