Not really moving on (B.B.)

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You couldn't stand it anymore. You literally couldn't take it.

For the longest time, you had been deeply in love with one of your closest friends and colleagues, Bucky Barnes. Yet here you sat, once again, on one of those "we had a successful mission so now we're going to get tipsy in the living room" nights with the Avengers, Bucky and his skinny, blonde girlfriend sitting across from you. You sat comfortably next to Sam. "Y/N, you listening?" You heard Nat say out loud.

"Huh, what?" You were taken out of your trance as you focused on her.

"Of course you weren't, you're always thinking."

"Yeah, well she's also one of the smartest and by far most creative on the team." Sam defended you, "So I wouldn't judge." You lightly smiled at him.

"So what were you saying?" You took a brief swig of your beer, focusing back on the redhead.

"We need to find you a boyfriend." She smirked.

"I don't know." You sighed.

"C'mon it'll be fun!" She countered.

"Any guy would be lucky to have you," Steve added.

"Thank you," You changed your gaze to Steve then back to Nat, "And like I said, I don't know about it. Or if I'll have time for that ya know."

"Trust me, you'll be fine." She responded. You rolled your eyes.

"Why're you so reluctant?" Tony chimed in.

"Dating's just not really my thing," You said, "It's hard to find decent guys, and even harder to find ones that are willing to accommodate to the idea that I work for the Avengers."

"Well for starters," Tony began, "I think plenty of us here know not even decent guys, but great guys. And second, I wouldn't phrase it as working for us, you work with us." You rose an eyebrow.

"Last time I checked I technically work for you, I'm not an Avenger."

"Yeah, but you get us out of emergency shit on missions." Rhodey continued, "You're the creatively smart one." You sighed but nodded. Looking back down at your drink and taking another swig, the conversation continued about who knows what. But as long as you and your love life were not the centers of the discussion, you were fine.

After another hour, everyone wrapped up. Bucky and Lorrie, you recalled her name was, went back to his room. You went to your own, like everyone else. There you checked your phone to find a missing call from a number that wasn't programmed in your contacts, but you managed to be familiar with. So you called them right back.

And that was what led to the day you left for L.A. You had gotten your dream job and was ready to move one with the next stage of life. But you couldn't lie to yourself: Most of this was because you could no longer stand Bucky being with someone else. You needed to put that behind you.

Little did you know that Bucky was absolutely distraught after you left. He didn't leave his room for a few days, claiming he was sick. When he finally went out, he solely went for training and food. Lorrie was fed up with his "attitude" which was enough for Bucky to break up with her. He lost you, and that put him into a deep depression.

"Call her Buck," Steve attempted to get him to do something, "I'm sure she loved to hear from you."

"Yeah but Steve," He sighed, "I just- she has more important things to worry about."

"She'll make time for you Buck," He responded, "You and she were really close."

"I know, but that's what hurts." He said, "I don't know what to do."

"I don't know what to tell you," Steve sighed, "She's already been out there for a few weeks. She might be homesick. And you can't stay like this forever."

"I'll get over it." Bucky finally concluded. But of course, he never did.

-1 year later-

So after a full year, you had finally decided to visit New York again. It was primarily Wanda, Nat, and Tony persuading you to visit, which you knew was just going to be them trying to get you to take your job with them back. Which you weren't sure. As much as you loved your job, you had figured out that your job with the team was much more enjoyable. Despite how stressful it could be, you had made great relationships and had a great time with everyone around you on the Avengers, something you couldn't say for your current job.

"Hey Tony," You walked into the main floor, after checking into your hotel.

"Y/N!" He smiled, giving you a hug, "How's the California life?"

"It's really great, thanks." You smiled back.

"Y/N!" Nat squealed and ran to you, engulfed you.

"Hey Nat," You hugged her back, "How're you?"

"Great now that you're here."

"Hi Y/N." You heard Steve. You turned around and saw the large super-soldier, giving him a hug.

"Hi, Stevie."

"You look great." He commented, looking you up and down briefly.

"Thanks, so do you." Gradually all of the team came in, greeting you with hugs and warm welcomes. Sam couldn't stop commenting on the shorter hair you had and how much better it suited you. That was when Bucky walked in. Everyone including you looked up, the room falling silent. He gave you a smile, and you smiled back.

"Now I think it's time the rest of us go," Tony said and everyone else nodded in agreement, dispersing elsewhere.

"Hi, Bucky." You went up to him, he immediately grabbed you into a hug.

"Hey Y/N," He placed his face into your hair as you placed your own in the crook of his neck. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." You finally released. "So, what've you been doing? How's Lorrie?"

"Oh um," Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, obviously feeling a bit awkward, "I've been fine. Lorrie and I actually broke up."

"Oh, I'm sorry," You cringed, "When?"

"Right after you left." He admitted.

"Oh, alright." You stuck your hands into your jean pockets. "So," You said.

"So." He finished and you both chuckled. "This may be too soon, but we would all love to have you back. It's been pretty dull around here since you left."

"Dull?" You inquired out of shock, one of your eyebrows raising, "You guys are the Avengers. Is anything ever dull."

"Eh," He said, "Sometimes." There were a few additional moments of awkward silence, "Have you been dating at all." You scoffed.

"No," You said, "California guys don't tend to want girls like me, or of my form."

"Then they're missing out on a lot." Bucky smiled and you lightly laughed.

"Oh sure, Barnes."

"Seriously though, I think you're a pretty lucky catch."

"Thanks, Buck." You lightly blushed, "I could easily say the same for you."

"Will you two shut up and kiss already?" Tony called from the kitchen. You rolled your eyes as Bucky eyed him from around the corner.

"The sexual tension is way too much," Sam added on.

"Would you guys-" You began trying to confront them but you were interrupted by Bucky smashing his lips onto yours. For a few moments, you weren't sure what had happened, being taken aback by the scenario, but your brain eventually figured out what was going on, and kissed him back.

It was everything you had dreamed of and more. Soft and yet so powerful, gentle, and breathtaking (literally and verbally). You two eventually let go due to lack of air. "Would you guys what?" Sam said from the end of the hallway where you and Bucky were standing. "I don't think you finished." You weren't even sure if you saw it, but within a few seconds, a knife was plunged into the wall, within an inch of Sam's head.

"I would watch yourself, Wilson," Bucky warned from behind you. His face dropped, looking stunned and scared as if he were a deer in the headlights.

"Alright, message received."

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