Chapter 1: Always And Forever

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Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever to whom we share blood, and while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength or our deepest regret

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Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever to whom we share blood, and while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength or our deepest regret.

This unfortunate truth has haunted me for a long as I can recall.

Mississippi River, 300 years ago

A ship was adrift outside of the city, one man looks at it then looks at his Commanding officer. What do you make of that, sir?" he asks him, "No banner, no flag, Floated in out of nowhere, a miracle ship." he answers as he looks at him, "Why is it still out there?" he asked him and the officer just smiles to himself "Suppose we ought to find out." he states and the walks towards the boat.


They open up the hatch to the lower deck, held up their lanterns, walks down the stairs and looks around, seeing what they could find. "Where the hell is everyone?" the man asks as they saw no one as they came aboard. "Deserted, which makes everything in the boat legally forfeit." his friend informs him, then he looks back at the others. "Take what suits you." he informs them and they looked around. "What you make of that?" he friend asks as he stops him and they look down at the two coffins, that were perfectly laying next to each other, "Open it up." he orders and the two walk over to the coffins, then a woman in a Viking attire with long black hair and blue eyes walks out from the shadows and looks at them. "I would warn them, but they can't hear me," she mutters as she crosses her arms and watched.

The men then step up to the coffins, one set his lantern down then lifts the lid to reveal a man, gray as death and a dagger impaled into his heart, one jumps a little in shock at this discovery. "What the hell?" he questions, the woman shook her head as she leans against the crates, "He had it coming. You don't abandon family, no matter what." she mutters then one of the men vanished as something in the shadows took him, the men jump, as they looked around. 

The woman wasn't surprised at all, "Oh, they're awake from their feast." she states then the one who opened the lid was pulled back into the shadows and the men jumped as they turn to him, then the one by the stairs was pulled into the darkness as well. The last man then ran to the stairs, going to escape, then looks back at the man he was going to abandon.

Then the woman appears next to the man, "Bye-bye." she states as she waves her fingers at him and he was pulled up from the deck. The last man standing gasp in fear as he was all alone, then jumps at the slightest sound as the wind gust around him. "Hello," Rebekah calls out, the man jumps again and turns to the woman that was standing in front of him. 

The other woman just sat on the stairs and leans against her hands. "Of course, she's the first one to greet the snack," she mutters, Rebekah Mikaelson smirks as the blood veins fade away from her eyes and she uses the napkin to wipe away the blood. "Lovely to see a handsome face after a long journey, can I eat him brother?" she calls out. "I'd rather you didn't." Elijah Mikaelson answers her, then the man quickly turns around and looks at him as Elijah had his infamous smile on his face. "There's no need to be afraid," he informs the man. The woman just scoffs to herself. "That's what you say to all your victims before you eat them," she informs him, but she knew he couldn't hear her.

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